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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. I am wondering if Duke can be converted to play RB. Can I get a like here?
  2. I don’t know. There was a gaping hole today for Moss (and then another for Singletary) that I recall. Both guys hit those holes, were slow through them, and got mauled for minimal gain. I feel like there have been more holes and lanes there than we think (maybe not a ton— because, I agree, the oline hasn’t been great), but our RBs need to run with more power and decisiveness too.
  3. I have never really considered Lockett to be a tier 1 receiver.... until tonight. His two insane TD catches were just that— insane. On the deep ball, how did he get and keep that body position with Peterson like 1 inch from him the entire time— and then concentrate and haul in that ball.
  4. I actually think Moss is a slightly better version of Singletary. But I still think we need a Better back (someone bigger, stronger, faster to the hole). I was never a fournette fan, but watching him a little today, that’s sort of the guy we need. The guys we have aren’t featured backs.
  5. yup— same. Can’t shake it, even being removed from WNY for over 20 years.
  6. agreed— though I am not sure anyone can replicate Wilson’s deep ball accuracy. Holy cow.
  7. Yeah, but not from 41 yards. That’s not a gimme!
  8. Seahawks were selling out too to stop the run. I actually thought the cards would do a little boot leg pass there. Could have seriously walked into the end zone.
  9. I have no idea why you try a 41-yard FG!! They had multiple chances to get closer. Could have made it a chip shot. I would love to see the analytics there.
  10. Wilson to Lockett— both those guys just make insane pin-point plays. The execution is phenomenal.
  11. I agree in theory, but we don’t have anyone who will be able to run successfully against them. Our RBs are not strong and fast enough to the hole. I think we are better on those swing passes out to the RBs in space.
  12. How can a QB throw a ball so perfectly? Unreal.
  13. He actually made the highest pressure kick today— the last one, which put us up 8. That was a little over 40 yards. To me, that was the most reassuring kick— shows me he can handle those pressure situations. I would love to see him though be automatic from 40 in though— those are tough misses to handle.
  14. Exactly how I feel. There were several holes today where both guys were on their way through and just got slammed down or caught or pushed around. we need a Fred Jackson. One cut and downhill through the hole. The scar backs are nice for a change of pace.
  15. It was one of those where I think helmet contact was almost incidental— came after the shoulder to chest shot, and seemed like more of a glancing blow.
  16. I am not sure this deserves a thread or not. But has there ever been a game when a FG kicker has 8 attempts!!!!??? I also don’t know what to think of 6/8 from Bass. He made a few really hard ones.
  17. serious question, but has anyone held another team ever to 4 yards in one half. I believe I read that is what happened today. Gotta admit— that is impressive.
  18. maybe this is my rose-colored Bills glasses, but that looked like a clean hit. I thought he went shoulder to chest and the head contact was incidental.
  19. I agree!! Doesn’t matter that the jets aren’t great on O. I felt like the defense finally found its identity in the second half and played with the aggression it needs. They’ve been playing scared all year. D won this game today.
  20. 7/120 and 2 TD’s probably would be more but I suspect we will rest the starters Beginning in the 3rd. #thelegendcontinues
  21. All I saw with that tweet was “blah blah blah Duke is active blah blah blah.”
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