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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Cowboys should just run wildcat here the entire game. I don’t think DiNucci is adding anything.
  2. I don’t understand how refs refuse to call this all the time. QBs clearly in the pocket under pressure and just chucks the ball out of bounds? Happens in almost every game every week.
  3. Oh man— wentz is pretty dreadful in the pocket. He seems to be a beat slow.
  4. I have got to think any shortcomings re defensive personnel are shared by McDermott and Beane. Seems like McDermott probably has a huge say on how they get on D.
  5. I am not sure about the clock issue, but I feel like you are right about that. seems like it should have stopped at the moment the Steelers player couldn’t get up. But that pass defense by Fitzpatrick On the last play was a thing of beauty. Timed perfectly— going for the ball. It would have been an insanely bad call to call anything there. Snead had no chance.
  6. I agree completely. Same with the D, honestly. They have nothing to lose. Just go all out and play with a ton of aggression, as opposed to bend don’t break.
  7. we almost have to have this outcome. There may be no room for error to drop a game we should win. So far this year, this team has won every game it “should” have won— which is a great testament to the entire team and especially the coaches. we just need to keep doing this.
  8. Agreed. There are a lot bad Edmunds plays, but he had two guys block him. Would be nice if someone would also tie up the blockers so the LBs can make tackles.
  9. I didn’t see the game. But there is no way you can judge a Rookie QB after his first game. We play them in week 17. I suspect he will be a much different player then.
  10. Actually, I am right there with you. I just think there are a few teams that seem to be in a totally different league this year. The Steelers, Ravens, and chiefs are just complete teams— all across every unit, along with their coaches. but I agree— if the offense is clicking on all cylinders, they can play with these teams. But that’s also a big If. They obviously couldn’t do it against KC.
  11. the irony...and hypocrisy. Patriots fans truly have no self-awareness.
  12. there are 3-4 elite teams in the AFC and then a whole bunch at the next tier. That next tier (where the Bills are) are like a full 14 to 21-points behind the elite teams. Just look at when the 5-3 Browns try to play the Steelers or ravens, or the 6-2 Bills try to play the chiefs.
  13. Bills were outcoached except when bellichick made the biggest coaching blunder of the entire game by kicking a failed onsides kick after his team had regained all the momentum.
  14. I can’t believe there are still pats fans around. I figured they would have left as suddenly as they appeared in 2002. OP must be the real deal!
  15. Dud. Gabe Davis. Have to make that catch.
  16. I have already forgotten about this game. Just another scrub opponent we ran over. Who’s next?
  17. His main problem is an inability to tackle. Not ideal for a LB.
  18. We need a miracle. Like a tipped ball that goes straight up into the air.
  19. honestly, it was 3-6 inches off of right in the middle of his chest. It was pretty great. I do wonder if it had too much heat on it though.
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