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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Congrats for making it to the championship! I made it one league, but in the league where I went all in and was the 1 seed, I lost last week. My opponent had breece hall, who miraculously netted him 45 points and I ended up losing by like 10 points. in the league where I am in the final, my roster has been decimated by injuries. Lost Burrow. My backup is Russell Wilson, who is getting benched by the broncos. Looks like I may have to start minshew or Flacco—haha.
  2. Glorious game!! Maybe the best Bills game ever.
  3. what did you end up doing with swift vs DM? Looks like they both had pretty good games.
  4. Yeah, the topic title needs some quotes: Dolphins “fans”?
  5. This is one of those games where if we take care of the ball, and get some good field position and make some kicks, we easily win like 23-10, and it won’t be close at any time. just have to play smart.
  6. Given the media narrative on Allen, he won’t win it this year. He probably will need an almost perfect year in terms of interceptions to ever win it, since he is now painted as this crazy turnover machine. Just absurd.
  7. My theory has always been that Niners can’t come from behind. Not built that way. Sort of curious to see if I am right here.
  8. Sorry, guys. Chiefs are winning this 21-20. We all know.
  9. the problem is these officials now don’t abide by the “clear evidence” standard. They just make the decision based on the film, even if it isn’t super clear.
  10. If he isn’t in the blue tent getting checked out for a concussion, then the NFL is a joke. Kicked in the head by a lineman!
  11. It’s actually amazing how little separation he gets when he runs routes. Quentin Morris at like 260 pounds gets more.
  12. I made that same comment in the GDT. He seems off, and I suspect it is his shoulder— maybe changing his mechanics to overcompensate.
  13. All the fumbles yesterday were just sloppy. It’s not like someone put a huge stick or hit on the ball. the only play the chargers made all game was that one guy making a great interception on the underthrown ball. Otherwise, we just drop balls.
  14. I think he is on IR, and there was chatter that he was thinking of retiring after that injury. Huge scare, and guy just had his first child. So I can see why he is worried.
  15. Lucky or fortunate, I just disagree. They committed unforced errors against an inferior opponent. But they also put together a GW drive when it mattered. In the end, they didn’t play their best, but still found a way to win. The patriots used to call that the “patriot way.” the good thing about this team is, if they make the playoffs, they always play up to their opponent.
  16. To your point, the idea that the Bills are “lucky” is about as absurd of a point I have ever heard. This is not probably the unluckiest sports team in the history of the world.
  17. That pass to Shakir at the end was nuts. Avoided a total jail break.
  18. I think the stats were misleading a little. The penalties and execution errors derailed a lot of the drives today.
  19. In hindsight, maybe the defensive TO worked (although it let the chargers set up that play too).
  20. I actually disagree with this strategy. I would prefer to score a TD when you are facing a kicker that has never missed.
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