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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. This is really fascinating. I actually have no doubt that the “patriot way” works in theory. It’s just impossible to implement in practice. I suspect that Bellichick lucking into it by having Tom Brady and early success and then having a few other key players who bought in— and that was just the right recipe to establish his culture. You’re not going to get any buy in, unless you are winning.
  2. i don’t think the browns are that good; but I agree that we don’t match up with them well at all. I do not want to play them At all.
  3. i think they basically used the titans as a warning to teams that if they violate protocol going forward, there may be forfeits. So if they are serious about what they said, this is precisely the situation where you forfeit. “Protocol violations that result in virus spread requiring adjustments to the schedule or otherwise impacting other teams will result in additional financial and competitive discipline, including the adjustment or loss of draft choices or even the forfeit of a game,” Goodell wrote in the memo obtained by the Associated Press. https://www.latimes.com/sports/story/2020-10-05/roger-goodell-nfl-coronavirus-protocol-violations-forfeits
  4. I know Goodell declined to do this with the Titans (a clear mistake, in hindsight), but the NFL really needs to call this a Ravens forfeit. This is the only real Deterrent to violating the rules in such a way as to cause a widespread outbreak and endanger the safety of many players and staff. if they don’t bring down the hammer, I guarantee we will continue to see other instances of non-compliance across the league. You can’t have a staffer who doesn’t wear his mask, and doesn’t report symptoms. There’s no excuse.
  5. thankfully, the problem we have (not checking down enough) is a good one to have and an easy one to fix!
  6. It’s amazing how quickly Alex Smith checks down. It’s like 1 second look up field and then down to his RB. Glad we don’t have to live with a captain checkdown anymore.
  7. I wish I still had this or a picture of it. I had possibly the lamest Bills’ t-shirt. It featured Antoine Smith, Jonathon Linton, And Quinn Early. Boy, those were some lean years!!
  8. On a side note, I went down a serious Mike Tyson internet rabbit hole yesterday. I was commenting to my buddies that for our generation, Tyson is like Michael Jordan. Everyone remembers where they were when Buster knocked him out.
  9. I just came back here to post about the Ravens coach— just saw it on ESPN. You are right. Kind of ridiculous, especially with how much rides on all these teams following the protocols. I am pretty sure too this wouldn’t have happened if the NFL laid the hammer on the titans earlier this year— suspensions, loss of picks, massive fines.
  10. good point. Just seems to be unfair To a lot of teams, and I suspect we will see these big outbreaks happen a lot over the next 4-6 weeks.
  11. well, it’s going to be a “great game” with the Ravens missing like 8 guys, including their two best RBs and several key other players. Unless the Ravens brought this on themselves (and there’s no evidence of that), I think they ought to push this out and juggle the entire NFL schedule. it seems like other teams have been accommodated a lot more than the Ravens here. For example, Titans had 5 positives of players and got their game with the Steelers moved. (And of course the titans got two additional games moved too).
  12. What is the point of moving this game from Thursday to Sunday? All the same Ravens won’t be able to play. If they move it, move it to later in the year.
  13. i don’t know how you can not watch baseball and still play fantasy. I remember when I stopped watching baseball and then decided to play fantasy baseball after a few-year hiatus. It was like a generation of players passed me by. Had no idea who anyone was— there are so many teams, players, and changes from a fantasy value perspective in baseball!
  14. oh man— I have never seen someone use the term “snow game” so many times in a post. You must really love them! 😀
  15. thankfully, the 80s still reign supreme in my old man pickup games. I just feast from 15 feet all day!
  16. i was the same as you until Maybe 3-4 years ago. Then I sort of embraced the NBA. I understand now why the kids like it— you have these really big and awesome skill guys that are impossible to stop. The games are fluid and fast and Fun to watch. the “problem,” of course, is you have a bunch of 12-year olds that specialize in step back 3’s, flailing out their legs.
  17. i think they mostly play only organized sports (baseball, basketball, soccer, football). If they play any pickup, it would be a little Bball. I get what you are saying. When I was a kid, we had this “back yard baseball” league in our neighborhood. Played with tennis balls and a bunch of other rules— but it was awesome. We had three different “stadiums” (yards), each with its own challenges. One was like Fenway— short with a super high wall (ie, deck), and then a really long narrow yard, etc. We’d keep stats and everything. I was terrible at regular little League and didn’t play it a lot (few years)— but that back yard baseball league got me passionate about the sport!
  18. “Klein in coverage” sounds like one of those depressing 10-minute black and white “short movies” that are nominated for Oscars.
  19. I think baseball is especially going to suffer. the idea of any Gen Zer liking baseball is comical. The game is now so utterly boring, slow, and consolidated in the same 3-4 teams. My friend’s teenage boys and my teenage nephews all Play baseball, and Hate watching it.
  20. i know this guy. His nickname was “Beignet,” similar to how our Bennett was nicknamed “Biscuit.”
  21. I am going to go out on a limb and say that Wade makes the active roster next year. With his Rugby background and speed, the guy strikes me as pretty much the ideal ST player. My hope would be he would fill that Taiwan Jones roster spot/role (which Jones hasn't really been able to fill anyway this year due to injuries).
  22. I think the Steelers are great at picking guys that fit their schemes. on defense, they draft guys that fit their schemes perfectly, especially linebackers. When those guys leave in FA, they are mostly meh. And re WRs, my sense is that Ben R makes a lot of those receivers look a lot better than they are. Not knocking the Steelers’ picks, but it helps having well-defined and successful schemes to then hit on specific players that fit those.
  23. Well, I forgot all about him! This is like finding that last Christmas present buried way behind the tree. I hope he can stick and get in some games.
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