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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Nice catch!! I like how Josh made that ten times harder. Haha
  2. I’d rather see Kroft out there at this point over Knox. Knox produces too many negative plays.
  3. NFL may need to start thinking about a bubble for the Rest of the season, or at least for the playoffs.
  4. Daboll’s too Old. The next teams are going to want to go even younger than Kliff— Maybe an 18-year old coach!
  5. Maybe giving Syracuse the benefit of the doubt, UVA and Pitt were both upset in their openers by weak non-conference opponents. Maybe the lack of any meaningful practice is “evening out” these games by disproportionately hurting the teams with younger or new players, or that rely more heavily on “coached-up schemes” (like UVA’s man defense or SU’s zone defense).
  6. I always play this game with friends: if you had a lot of money and you could hire either a full-time housekeeper, full-time landscaper/handyman, or full-time personal chef, what would you choose? I always pick the chef. Being able to get super delicious and healthy meals at a precise calorie count would be amazing!
  7. Great article! would have loved to here more of the specifics on the food though, including whether he takes into account certain calorie limits or nutritional considerations.
  8. haha— love it! My favorite movie is the original Karate Kid, so I am Eating up the re-boot! You watching it?
  9. he definitely though turned the corner that last season in San Diego, but then got injured. It was silly for SD to let him Walk, in hindsight. The injury obviously had zero effect.
  10. It was like they were sleep walking. That wasn’t a good team they were playing too. Bryant then at the end a Wide open 3 and a wide open 5-footer to win it and just missed. Syracuse deserved to lose.
  11. yup. 1st round LT, and 2nd round Brees. the Bills actually had a pretty good draft that year, but maybe taking Brees in the 2nd over Schoebel would have been better! 😀
  12. “Awesome win today against a tough Bryant squad,” said no one ever. Give me a break. What a sloppy piece of hot trash that looked like today.
  13. Not winning a super bowl probably has to other problems they have had with their team. It’s just tough to hit on franchise QBs and they haven’t had to worry about it (not will have to) now for like 30 years in a row probably.
  14. I am Bitter at the Chargers. They hit an obvious home run with Hebert. This basically has provided them with a continuous franchise QB since 2001 (Brees, Rivers, Hebert). A lot of luck involved there in hitting on a QB. They could have easily Been like most of the rest of us, striking out on 1st round QBs for 5-10 years.
  15. haha. That’s actually a pretty good comparison. Or Maybe more like totalitarianism? Totalitarianism works if you surround yourself with people who “buy in,” there are no dissenters, and you produce successful results.
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