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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Best wishes, Haush $!! I hope he is staying in kicking shape. Due to covid, you never know if the Bills might need an emergency kicker, and he would make the most sense.
  2. I was watching the Green Bay/Niners extended highlights today. That’s the game when GB walloped San Fran a few weeks back. A few observations: 1) Green Bay got a lot of easy gains on outs and quick throws to the sidelines. That makes sense because the San Fran Cover 3 leaves the edges exposed. 2) San Fran brought a lot more pressure on blitzes than I thought they would. Rodgers countered that with a lot of easy dump offs to the RB and screens to the RBs. But, it also left their WR’s one on one in man coverage, and he just lobbed up a bunch of deep balls. Because he has amazing accuracy, they were all caught for big gains. But other than 3 deep balls, everything Rodgers got was through quick and short passes. 3) San Fran loves to run right and does well on these pitches to the outside. 4) Mullens will hand off and run play action and then look for easy dump offs over the middle of the field. I think we really need to pressure him and go hard after him. It would be great if we could jump out to a lead and force him to throw. That said, San Fran runs a mean WR screen, so we need to be on the watch for that.
  3. I think what we are seeing now is basically two types of defense: 1) ultra aggressive, cover zero, all out blitzes. 2) Soft zone, giving us all the short underneath stuff. Re the latter, if we can run the ball well, we will eat up the other side with easy runs and 7-yard curls and dump offs. That’s basically what we did against the Chargers. I just think it is painful for Josh to check down and take those little Gains.
  4. Good point. We absolutely crushed the dolphins with crossers. I do wonder though why they have gone away from that. Not sure if it’s because we are seeing more zone than man lately?
  5. Interesting comment re the slant. I find it weird that we rarely, if ever, run quick slants.
  6. It is amazing how Many die-hard female Pittsburgh sports fans they are. I don’t think it is Controversial to say that there are more NFL fans who are men (I think the stats are 60/40 men to Women), and to Compliment the number of and knowledge of female Steelers fans.
  7. Just reading some steeler fan comments in the Pittsburgh papers, it’s awfully similar to the comments here after that chargers win. From Tomlin down, they felt like they played like trash. from watching them play a decent amount this year, they are a lot better than today. I would expect we get their best game.
  8. Trace McSorley time!! This should be comical. In a Hail Mary situation, having JuJu, Claypool, Johnson, and Washington is going to give our guys trouble, that’s for sure!! Those are some long receivers.
  9. The refs never call delay of game there or stop the clock. But they could have at least moved with more urgency.
  10. Pretty dumb though for the ravens to run a FB dive there. They have to throw with no TO’s left.
  11. And, now, ladies and gentlemen, for your halftime entertainment, we now feature the world-famous band Deep Blue Something playing, via zoom, their classical hit "Breakfast at Tiffany's."
  12. “Good fences make good neighbors.” This is from Robert Frost’s poem “Mending Wall.” I think the quote is popularly understood to Suggest that you want to have boundaries to keep your annoying neighbors away. But, actually, Robert Frost’s point was how he and his neighbor would come together each year to repair their stone fence, and the act of rebuilding together is what strengthened the relationship with the neighbor. So, basically the opposite of how I think most of us understand the normal saying. A buddy of mine just recently clued me into the original meaning in the Frost poem, which I thought was pretty cool and at total odds with how I always understood the quote.
  13. Re COVID, I do not want to jinx the Bills, but you have to admire the Bills and a number of other teams for their numbers. It takes discipline from just about every person in the organization, and I am sure those individuals’ family members.
  14. in addition, someone should tell Tyrek Hill how he would look If someone other than PM were throwing the ball to him. I suspect he would be strictly a gadget guy or slot receiver on most teams. PM’s amazing ability and accuracy has allowed Hill to be a complete receiver.
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