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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. just imagine if the NFL were calling offensive holding this year!!
  2. Just reading an article about this game from the main page, and it said the Bills lead the league in penalty yards this year!! Did anyone else find this to be surprising?
  3. I am my usual nervous self, but I think we will actually see the most complete game from the Bills’ this year. I think they are going to play at a very high level Tonight. I Will say that I really hope we can jump out to a lead. The team plays so much better with a lead.
  4. I don’t know. I really like Vic. He has that defense playing at a very high level. If they had a decent GM and decent QB, they’d be a lot better. I think they will give the Bills Some problems.
  5. I was googling this OnCore golf and it looks like it is a Buffalo-based company that has developed these high performance golf balls.
  6. he has another 75 “decoy” receptions though, for 1000 phantom yards.
  7. we really need the Rams to beat New England next week. I think they may otherwise win out.
  8. I actually think the raiders and colts and browns winning today— While disappointing at first— helps to prevent against the Pats sneaking in to the playoffs.
  9. Re the Jets, I have to say that as risky as that last defensive call was, it really almost worked. I cannot believe Carr climbed up in the pocket like he did, avoided the pressure, and dropped an absolute dime into Ruggs’ hands. It was a really brilliant play by Carr.
  10. i was in the same boat. I was stunned when I saw the score. I turned off when the jets stopped the raiders at 1:30 left.
  11. Reminds Me of when in 1987, Scott Norwood snubbed me, by not giving me an autograph. He had to get to practice and told me and the kid next to me, he only had time to sign one more, and so signed his. Yet, we were the ONLY kids there— would have taken him 3 seconds to sign for me too.
  12. Just saw the NE/Chargers score. Anyone want to recap what happened there? Just Bellichick befuddling a rookie QB?
  13. I am seriously confused. Unless you are allowing hail Mary’s like the bills, all you do is run a prevent when the other team needs 60 yards to score in 20 seconds.
  14. Wow. So basically the raiders went the length of the field in like 25 seconds. How is that possible? I need to see the highlights.
  15. I am confused. I saw the jets seal the win on 4th down. How did the raiders even get the ball back?
  16. I was ridiculed on here for saying how the Browns would pose a real challenge for the Bills. They play good D and run the ball well. it looks like their passing game may be better too, as they have played like 5 games in torrential rain storms.
  17. I wonder if the refs screwed that up. I can’t imagine that you can get that call after you hand off to another player. I may look up the rules.
  18. Grown-Up Christmas List by Amy Grant (recently re-done by Kelly Clarkson and Michael Buble).
  19. Almost impossible to read much into any of it, since Brian Winters gets blown up almost immediately on every play, forcing Josh to get rid of the ball. Re the play in the OP, JA had no time to do anything. It seems like the first reads were over the middle. But I don’t even think he had time to look to his check down in Singletary. He just chucked it up down field to Diggs, because Winters walked his guy right into JA’s face.
  20. just re-watched Christmas Shoes on TV the other night for like the hundredth time. Mighty dusty in our house.
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