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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. weird that no one was willing to pony up bigger bucks for him. By comparison, the Bills signed Josh Norman for more last year.
  2. sort of strange how poorly Durant and Lillard played. France is okay— but that is just weak.
  3. It’s too early to call. Timing is everything. Just give it like 2-3 more weeks.
  4. 1987 training camp. I was 9 years old. Me and some other kid were waiting for Scott Norwood to give us his autograph. He said he only had time for one more and signed the other kid’s paper. It was only the two of us standing there!! He couldn’t take 10 more Seconds to sign for me too!?
  5. yeah, bomb may be overstating it. But I read some articles that Disney may be worried that MCU could be jumping the shark.
  6. Reading how this was a total box office bomb for MCU. Sort or weird— I expected this one to be super popular.
  7. That looked like a 900 to me. But nice try, Guy.
  8. Strangely enough, I had a dream last night that Singletary was our starter and getting all the carries and doing great. Moss, et al— none of them were seeing the field. Not even for a snap. And the scheme was very run heavy. I wish I could say that this portends great things— but I have a 0% success rate on all my Bills’ dreams.
  9. Interesting to hear the very different takes on this. my view is he should have handled it differently. Maybe the school’s communications guy could have announced to the media before the session that he prefers if they call him “coach” or “coach Sanders.” I am pretty sure everyone would have complied.
  10. that means his market dried up pretty fast, and he will be back on a short-term deal— because the Steelers have very little money left, I believe.
  11. I hope not. Duke needs to rest up for the regular season!!
  12. …. Frantically looking for Robert Urich memes….
  13. feels like when we signed Jason Gildon! Never made it out of camp.
  14. I feel like some sports researchers need to do some sort of study on Erie!
  15. When I have gone west, I have made some very out of the way excursions to hit up in and out. Once ate lunch there at an Arizona one at 10:30 am, when it opened, since it was my only chance before heading to sedona. Another time in LA, I walked like 3 miles through a sketchy neighborhood to one.
  16. to me, Erie is the most fascinating city. It is equidistant between cleveland, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh. I remember stopping at a sports bar there, and the jersey splits looked almost 1/3rd for each team.
  17. I am with you. It’s one thing if he is like 3 years into a really bad deal. He is 1 year into a very fair market deal. If he wanted to “bet on himself,” then just sign 1 year deals. He assumed the risk of potentially being underpaid when he agreed to the security of a longer term deal.
  18. I feel very unAmerican by saying this, but going back to the dream team, I love when USA bball gets beat. Now, it's more of a matter of rooting against any team that has Kevin Durant on it. That said, I think Durant will play a lot better after he recruits four hall of famers to play along side of him.
  19. If you look close enough at any QB, many of them do similar things pre-snap. There are some games where I can tell right away from the pre-snap body language or body position whether it is a handoff or not.
  20. I have the same ugly Spikes jersey. I thought that was going to be the surest bet of a jersey, and it was a total fail.
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