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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. I said this up thread. If we don’t turn the ball over and play smart special teams, then I think this is an easy 23-10 type win. If we do our somewhat common dumb things, they will get like all their points off turnovers and we will lose. we can’t have the mindset that we must score 50 points. just play clean and play field position.
  2. This game will come down to two things: turnovers and special teams. we need to be happy with good field position, kicking field goals, and being conservative. Let the inferior team make the mistakes for once.
  3. I thought they did a great job of carefully reviewing that Kincaid catch. Wasted 5 Minutes, even though the down, distance, and clock would have been exactly the same regardless of whether it was a catch or not.
  4. the knox non-call PI was as bad as it gets because the ref was literally 5 yards away, watching it happen. How do you miss that?
  5. Agreed. I like Tua. Nothing wrong with being a good QB in a great system. But he isn’t carrying a team to a win like that.
  6. in all seriousness, how can anyone watch that game and think Tua is better. It’s like one guy is playing varsity ball and the other JV.
  7. It was an awesome play. it also was a blunder by the dolphins. As soon as that ball was tipped, the defender could have just taken sherfield out. No PI there.
  8. Rapp. shakir was hobbling at one point too.
  9. it’s nice to see these guys, plus Shakir and Knox, make Big plays. Doesn’t have to always be 100% on Josh’s shoulders.
  10. I actually think the dolphins are going to win that game. They are built to run, and I would love to see them destroy Mahomes.
  11. in all seriousness, I have never heard him called that before. Was this a thing here for a while?
  12. i was just joking. I actually had never heard him called that before.
  13. great return. But, Yes. Yes, we are.
  14. Nice to see them bounce back late when they needed it. imagine if this had been an elimination game. We would have all died.
  15. it is 100% execution errors. Not coaching. Not anything the dolphins have done. We cleaned it up.
  16. Dolphins doing great job at stopping our tackle pull play.
  17. Can we all just agree to not be dumb for like the last 10 minutes of this game?
  18. I love the shot of the Bills fan in the stands looking confused and saying, “no flag?!”
  19. Please just run some And get a FG or two. We are wasting possessions. Just stack some points.
  20. Need to get a FG here. Do not be dumb. I repeat: do not be dumb.
  21. I bet they go three safeties. They have to.
  22. maybe being tied will settle josh down. He is playing way too mad now.
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