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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. They have already mortgaged their future with all those contracts and trades. Very strange. I feel like they have a 2-year window.
  2. What you say makes sense. I actually didn’t realize he liked Knox so much. I mentioned Knox as a trade asset only because I think a lot of teams probably love his ceiling.
  3. I like it! You could make it half as long, and tweak the rules to minimize injuries (no kickoff returns; no punting). The winner of the third place game gets the higher/better draft slot in next year’s draft.
  4. I think he said something similar last year. He will Be actively pursuing some guys, if I had to guess. Something to bolster the front 7 on defense. in terms of draft-day type moves, I could see them trading Dawson Knox for like a 4th round pick.
  5. I am willing to bet that they keep but possibly restructure every single guy on there, Except possibly Morse. And the only reason I am unsure about Morse is because they were weird about him during the season.
  6. Not a great post-season for him. But I also have to say that the Bills didn’t help him out either. They barely give him any touches and when they did, the missed blocks doomed the running plays. And if they had him running more off of read options, he probably looks way more effective. He needs to play better. The team though needs to play better around him. The knee-jerk reactions based solely on the last two games are really amazing.
  7. Too expensive. My gut too is that the Chargers will re-sign him before he hits the market— I think he is too valuable to what they do.
  8. it was seriously so obvious. People like to rip on Singletary. Maybe give the guy more than 5 carries before we see what he can do. Against that defense, if he committed to the run, we would have had success.
  9. You may be right. But Knox only has been in the NFL for 2 years, and, as I recall, was a bit more of a raw prospect coming out of college. Do you give up on him, or give him another 1-2 years to see what his ceiling is? In terms of his size, speed, and athleticism, there is no question that he is elite. Can we significantly improve his hands, route running, blocking, and feel?
  10. in hindsight, maybe you activate Kroft, and have more Lee smith and Kroft sets out there, and just force those guys out of their dime packages. I know the tradition run game wasn’t great, but the read options running was absolutely there. The very few times we tried it, it was successful. I suspect the Daboll and company would re-do their entire gameplan if given another chance. For a OC who prides himself on tailoring the gameplan and being unpredictable, our game plan was very predictable— and it allowed the chiefs D to dictate the game.
  11. I haven’t studied all of these guys’ route running. But it seems to me from watching game highlights of Ertz and Kelce, their bread and butter is to go straight out about 7 yards and just sit down in the zone. That seems easy enough for Knox to do, and I have seen him do it. Maybe running deeper routes or getting behind the LB’s— yeah, ertz and Kelce may be far superior. But I have this sneaking suspicion that Knox can do that too. He has the size, speed, athleticism of ertz and Kelce. I just wonder if they made him more of a focal point, he would be more of a threat and produce a lot more.
  12. did we really change what we did? We sometimes would bring an extra blocker or two in to help against the blitz this year. But not sure we did anything too different.
  13. isn’t it amazing how NFL teams make such fickle and short-sighted decisions? You can go 14-3, have a great year, and lose your last game because your offense stalls— and then you get axed.
  14. unfortunately, on his way out of the facility today with his belongings, he broke 2 ribs.
  15. Ertz could end up returning to form. He had an injury-plagued year, but is one year removed from 88 catches. And he had been a model of consistency and high production for years. That said, how is he better than Knox? If you watch his highlights, he goes out 7 yards and makes a catch. That’s it. You just wonder if the Bills really wanted to make Knox a big part of their offense, they could. They just don’t, either by design or because Josh doesn’t want to take those 6-yard dump downs to the TE.
  16. Whaa???? man, these celebrity deaths just keep bleeding over into 2021.
  17. Looking at his highlights up thread, he just seems like he would be better as a 280-pound power end in a 3-4 DE scheme.
  18. I disagree. He is old and frail and trying to retire. So, they need to kick those tires very gingerly. 😄
  19. re your point re Morse being a good zone run blocker, do you have a sense if we ever ran a lot of zone blocking schemes in the run game? if not, maybe we need to. We don’t have road graders. Seems like the way to counter that is with quickness and spacing. plus, it seems like zone run blocking is always so effective when I see teams do it.
  20. i don’t view it as a selfish move. I think every great player wants to be paid market rate. The market this year will be depressed. Why not wait until next year when things stabilize and the cap is in a better spot? At least, I think that is a reasonable way of looking at it from his perspective.
  21. If I am josh, I just wait. This is the worst year to sign a big deal. I know teams can get creative with how they structure, but it still probably will be less than what he gets after next offseason. the only reason he does it now is worry about a catastrophic injury or worry about a steep decline in his play; don’t think the first is too Worrisome and no chance josh is worried about the second— he is going to bet on himself.
  22. that’s where I am at. There is no chance I would move him. You just bank on Culley figuring out a way to repair the relationship. Also, Watson strikes me as a good guy. I think if the Texans should some degree of competence with the new GM and coach, he will come around.
  23. agreed. I expect huge things from him. You can see flashes. That he beat out Kroft too is a really positive sign. I think we will see him take it to the next level next year. This entire thread is falling to pieces and I only just opened it up!!
  24. I have to give props to Culley. He could have been like EB, and just rot away in Andy Reid’s shadow. Instead, he made some moves to get to this point— eg, Bills QB coach and then Ravens, and now this. EB has to realize at this point being a former RB who doesn’t call plays under Andy Reid isn’t inspiring any confidence as a future head coach. People want playcallers, offensive geniuses, former QB’s/QB whisperers. I suspect that Culley showed a breadth of experience enough to sell himself as a key part of the ravens offensive success and Lamar’s development. EB needs to branch out and become an OC where he can call the plays and show we can develop a QB and offense.
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