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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. agreed. The fact that the refs had to early on in the game talk to Reid about this stuff speaks volumes. they crossed some lines early— like the body slam and the punch. That is more than being “chippy.” That’s like Suh territory.
  2. yeah, you may be right. But it would have to be a very reduced deal. I don’t think Pittsburgh could afford much. that said, I am not sure that many teams would be throwing a lot of money at him— too much of an injury risk at this stage.
  3. I think many of us predicted he would yet again produce next to nothing in Tennessee and we were proven right. This is a production business. He can’t even get a single sack? Something doesn’t add up.
  4. both his brothers play in Pittsburgh. Makes a lot of sense for him to go there on a vet min deal. He would do great in that defense.
  5. Good point. I think we can all agree that our loyalty to EJ runs way too deep.
  6. Why was my first question, “coldstone creamery still exists?”
  7. Dang, HOUSE— you’re actually posting something serious? 😁 No Chance the Bills sign MT. Too much money. I don’t think they will have the money to re-sign Barkley.
  8. I am in the same boat as you (also with a PS2, which I stopped playing after my kids were born). The only game I play is on My phone— Golf King (which is pretty awesome). I was looking at this Steam. It seems like most of the games still cost $20. what games are you saying cost $2? Like PAC Man and similar 80s games?
  9. Good thread! 1) you are not going to stop him. He had zero bad games this year. Arguably, Denver held him to 3 catches for 30 Yards, but that was because the KC defense and ST scored so much that their offense didn’t really play much. The next best defensive effort was by our Bills during week 6. But that was still a solid game— 5 catches 65 yards. 2) from everything I read, your best bet to “slow” him down is the get fast pressure on Mahomes combined with using a big DE to jam Kelce at the line. This slows Kelce and throws off the timing of Mahomes’ progressions, such that he quickly looks away from Kelce. In the film studies I watched, everyone said New Orleans did this the best. Yet, I see that Kelce still caught 8/68/1 TD.
  10. Risky move by him— but I kind of agree. He is well positioned for a 1- or 2-year deal, and then could really cash in when the cap goes up.
  11. I don't think his injuries will play any role in his market. Maybe if he was coming off a torn achilles, or something devasating. But teams aren't going to discount him for getting banged up for a few games here and there every year. That has been the case for a lot of similar players like him. So, the question really is: regardless of health, what sort of contract is justified by his pure talent? I am not entirely sure, but the sportrac estimate of 3 years/$41M seems like a contract teams will be willing to offer him.
  12. Would you all Pay Milano 3 years/$40M? That seems reasonable And feasible, and what sportrac in the OP’s article Estimated in terms of his market value.
  13. I figured he would go out there and try to make the most of any MLB in the league, and take the best offer he could get. To me, that’s not an unreasonable approach.
  14. Agree. I would be more worried if he said, “nah— looking for a mediocre deal in free agency.” isn’t the goal of free agency to maximize your contract?
  15. I absolutely love that line-up, and the substitutions you suggest. The strength, size, and length would actually allow us to field a competitively athletic team in the ACC. Better defenders; better on the glass; Griffin and Guerrier are good enough from the outside to keep defenses honest too. I also think that gives them the ability to see if Buddy or JG get hot, and then can feed the hot hand. I guess the main concern is how much Sidibe Will be able to play, and how rusty he is. edit: I also read JB may work Newton back in. Don’t understand how he hasn’t gotten more PT. He seems like he could really help.
  16. A few thoughts on the NC State game: 1) I will echo what you all have said re Kadary. The looks we get are so much better when you can get a guy that can drive and then score or kick. 2) Griffin is maddening. The guy can get hot and shoot, and then just has stretches when he is so ridiculously lazy. He seriously almost blew the game with just lazy dribbling. I feel like a lot of guys are at fault for the defensive woes— but he has been terrible at times on D Too. 3) I just don’t get why the interior D is so awful. Maybe with Sidibe back and Dolejaz can shift to the 4, it will get better. But I am Not holding my breath. Teams can get whatever they want inside.
  17. This story is getting better. He didn’t veto Certain teams, including New England. He said he would go to ANY team, except New England. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/01/31/report-matthew-stafford-was-willing-to-go-anywhere-but-new-england/
  18. i agree. But this article is pure trash. They are trying to spin it mostly about the weapons in New England, etc. The likely reality— he just experienced several years of the insufferable Bellichick Jr. He isn’t going to New England for the real thing.
  19. pretty fascinating thread. Had No idea about Beane’s Comments re Barkley’s wife. there were probably multiple reasons why the Bills did so well with covid this year, and I am sure family buy-in was one of them. Can’t underestimate the influence of building and extending the team culture to players’ family members.
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