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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. isn’t Patterson basically Roberts? I assumed he was a meh receiver.
  2. Roberts has been great. But other than the cap issues, it really hurts to use up roster spots with guys that are singularly devoted to ST. i hope we look for some replacements to guys like Roberts and Taiwan Jones that can give us more flexibility to use on offense or defense.
  3. I agree with this. This sounds dumb (and maybe is dumb), but I think the Bills' current line can be great run blockers-- they just need to do it more and do it with more attitude. I can't help but recall the first Patriots game, Chargers game, and last 8 minutes of the Steelers' game-- we just imposed our will and ran it down the other team's throats. How do you harness that to do it on a more consistent basis?
  4. actually, Sammy has been on the team this entire time. That’s how good of a decoy he is.
  5. A buddy of mine was saying there was a chance a few of our quadrant 3 wins may end up being quad 2 In the end. That has got to help. I am actually more worried now about getting in and having to sit out due to the UVA covid contact.
  6. Did anyone else get screwed by the channel switch? My guide said it was on ESPN and so DVR’d that channel. Then they switched it to 2?! I couldn’t see the game.
  7. Related question. What makes a guy like Tyreek Hill so much better than Glass Goodwin? their measurables are probably the same (Goodwin may be arguably even better in some areas). Goodwin has very good hands and runs good routes too. Setting aside Goodwin’s injury history, even when healthy, I don’t recall him making the sort of explosive play ever (like not even once) that Hill makes on a weekly basis.
  8. that’s my take too. the reality is I think the FO didn’t feel he was reliable enough with all the injuries. They don’t have the luxury of paying him $5M per year, and having him Miss 8 games this year.
  9. he has got to be in my top-5. Just love his grit. Amazing to see him develop so well offensively. I can see him developing a decent 3 game when he plays overseas.
  10. Amazing how good this team looks when they get a guy or two hot from the field. Really opens everything else up. also, how about that Marek dunk?! UVA is going to be brutal, as always. I am not sure what the answer is. It is going to be a grind on offense; they just need to make sure the defense can clamp down.
  11. I think they have badmouthed him for being a mercurial sort of guy, not for being a bad QB. I think he basically said Manning was a real, hard-working QB and Ben R is not. The comparison was just a gratuitous dig. I remember even AB of all people at the time saying Sanders’s comments were bad form. That said, I was just looking this up, and Sanders has since apologized and said he has matured a lot and actually would love to go back to Pittsburgh to play with Ben R. So it may just be two dumb young guys who regretted what they said and did 10 years ago.
  12. Haha— fair point. Maybe overstated that. But you can see that Josh’s worst games came when JB was either out or hobbled severely such that he was a non-factor. I think we can all agree that the offense needs a guy that can stretch the field.
  13. I am actually surprised by this. I thought for sure JB was an easy restructure. we are really going to need to replace him with another speedster. The offense looked 1000 times better when JB was out there and 100% healthy.
  14. Don’t necessarily disagree with you. But as I recall, his Comments were gratuitous. I think it was, “thank goodness I now have a real QB in Peyton Manning.” This, after Ben sort of made him by feeding him the ball. The Steelers cycle through receivers like Sanders all the time— they look a lot Better when you have a great QB throwing the ball to you.
  15. this guy is one of my least favorite players. I think it has to do with the fact that I think he is an okay #2 receiver (yet thinks he is a hall of famer), and he was so quick to badmouth roethlisberger when he left Pittsburgh for Denver.
  16. I saw headlines about all the “pressure” and the toxic environment and how Markle was suicidal. I just don’t get it. Maybe in England it is just the media attention is times 1000 for these folks. But you would think you can/have to ignore it? Also, it sounded like the people that run the show (like internal staff) were mean. I really don’t get that. sounds like the royals themselves are controlled by a bunch of staffers. Just bizarre.
  17. Is this just a British thing? I have yet to meet an American that cares about any of this. Also, isn’t the obligation of being a Royal just to hang out in the palace and do some charity work? I am not sure where any of the pressure comes from.
  18. Agreed. They need to get him snaps on D. Brings a ton of energy and physicality when he is out there.
  19. i am Not going to bother. Don’t want to ruin the original in my mind.
  20. So we beat NC state and get crushed by UVA In the ACC tourney in all likelihood. is that enough to get into the tournament?
  21. out of curiosity, what makes you think he would be a good color commentator?
  22. Agreed. I thought he was done with the bullying scandal. Then I thought he was definitely done with that bizarre gym incident. Yet, here he still is. I am sure a team signs him— but I am also sure it won’t be us.
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