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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. What has to hurt about this too for him is that the chiefs easily could have re-signed him to that sort of contract, but didn’t even want him as their #2 or #3.
  2. Seems about right. Since they don’t throw the ball, they won’t miss him much when he is on IR.
  3. Agreed. Such a weird feeling. How about that nervous/scared feeling when you know you are losing all your best players in free agency?
  4. very happy about this. Had a feeling they wouldn't go into the season with McKittrick as the lead return guy. Powell seems decent and sure-handed. Probably can fill in in a pinch a little better at receiver than Roberts. I also think he use to get some snaps at RB in college.
  5. you know the team better than me. But Terrell Pryor was arguably the most hyped future NFL superstar recruit out of High School in my lifetime. He had some great passing seasons at Ohio State too under Tressell. And even guys like JT Barrett had 3,000 yard passing seasons. I do think back when those earlier dual threat players were coming out (Smith and Pryor), the NFL was much different. If Pryor came out today, you wonder if he would have been developed into a very good/great NFL QB.
  6. I find it so weird that NFL teams seem to place so little value on 1st round picks. Teams just giving them away like nothing.
  7. Fair point. But you have to admit that it is awfully weird that one very elite school has had so many NFL misses. It's not like these other schools recruit as well or have as highly touted and highly performing college QB's as Ohio State. Haskens, Fields, Troy Smith, Cardale Jones, Pryor, Braxton Miller, even Kenny Guiton. These guys all kill it in college, and then many of them are rated as very good pro prospects, and none panned out. It's very odd to me.
  8. I will do a major mea culpa on Fields if he pans out-- but right now, there have been zero successful OSU QB's in the NFL.
  9. Smart move by the Fins. It buys them another year or two with Tua to see if he is the guy. The risk though is if these future 1st rounders are not top-10 picks--then they've missed their chance on a legit franchise QB draft position.
  10. Well said. If I had to guess, there was no market for him, beyond this sort of same 1-year deal. For like the last 10 years, it seems like Tampa Bay has basically had a bunch of interchangable, decent RB's of all roughly the same average caliber-- they all blend together in my mind. LeGarret Blount, Doug Martin, Mike James, Peyton Barber, Ronald Jones, etc. Fournette fits that same profile-- pretty good runner at times, will miss some games, but not much to write home about.
  11. Huh? Fromm? When did he commit like 10 off-field incidents, including multiple drug and domestic violence offenses? In any event, you have to follow the team enough to know that Beane wouldn't go near Smith.
  12. High risk is right. Aldon Smith is exactly the kind of character guy that the Bills try to avoid. I would expect that if he were to show up and agree to play for free, they still wouldn't want him within a mile of their facility.
  13. Well, after reading this thread, I just cut mine. Let's just say that I barely see my feet all winter.
  14. Seems like the market has spoken on him so far.
  15. great article. (By the way, don’t you love how we have to go through google now since Post Standard is making all the Bball articles $$ articles?). I will say that shin splints are no joke. I had those about 5 years ago playing hoops and they just got worse and worse. The only thing that helps is prolonged rest. I had to shut it down for like 6 weeks.
  16. If I am right 10% of the time, then that is a win for me. 😄
  17. I agree with this statement as it pertains to Breida (assuming his contract price is low). I think he will be in a battle with Williams, Wade, and possibly a draft pick for that 3rd string RB role, and wouldn’t be surprised if he gets cut. But more competition is better. the thing that is painful for me was re-signing Taiwan Jones. I was hoping we would get a RB who would fill both the speed/depth RB role and the ST gunner. Taiwan gives you nothing on offense on game day.
  18. He will never make it out of camp. Antonio Dubya is going to eat his lunch.
  19. Agree completely re those other Syracuse teams. We have been so used to the last 5 years or so of just grind-it out iso ball or pick and rolls with no rolls on offense, and just much less athletic and slower defenders, or guys that don’t understand the Defense or who aren’t playing natural positions. those other cuse teams were athletic, fast, and smooth. I remember when they would be one of the best fast break teams even. In that 2003 tourney, they were scoring in the 80s and 90s.
  20. I agree it is a cool Stat! I don’t mean to be critical, but do you not listen to the national Announcers during the games? Just curious because they literally mention this stat every game.
  21. haha— I would be doing the same. That was one heck of a prediction. If there was some TBD off-season award, I would Nominate you, my good man!
  22. New nickname for the dynamic British duo of Wade and Odaba: “Bangers and Mash.”
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