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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. haha-- yeah, Williams was probably much worse. What's crazy about Flowers is here I am 20 years later and I am still so delusional that I am wondering whether there was a chance he could have worked out. He was an athletic guy and a lot of us had high hopes for him--I never understood what happened with him.
  2. Oh man— the name Erik Flowers brings back some bad Bills’ memories.
  3. I swear-- some people around here actually believe that. This isn't like the ronnie harmon drop--in the end zone. This was a swing pass, 60 yards from the endzone, with defenders in sight!! Yet, we hear, "I hate Singletary for dropping that oh so critical swing pass that would have altered my entire future!"
  4. Wow. i love the over-dramatization of that drop. He catches it and we all know he gets like 15-20 yards at most. Bills fans love to live in the imaginary world where he easily takes that swing pass 60 yards for a TD and that is the game-changing play. That was never going to happen. we had bigger problems in that game.
  5. i agree with you. This is probably one of the rudest ways to phrase this. geez. Use some tact, shanny.
  6. I don’t disagree with the premise that Brady was the driver of their success. But King’s hot take to bank on Tom Donahoe As GM, Don Capers as head coach, and Ron Dayne as a cornerstone player is about as bad of a take as you can make as a football analyst.
  7. I agree. I have become worried already of the state showing a lot of people skipping their second doses. i am no doctor, but I have to think we are feeling these harsh side effects now due to exposure to this “novel” virus for the first time. Once we get some of these antibodies, it hopefully might produce less of a shock to the system? At least, that is my professional medical belief based on no medical or scientific training or experience!
  8. what amazes me about Peter King is how he has covered the NFL for so many years and how wrong he is. I wish someone did the math on his predictions or analyses, because he has to be so far below the mean, that it’s not even funny. one of my favorite Peter King predictions: If I'm New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft, I have to say no to Bill Belichick now, hire Tom Donahoe to run the football side of business, and get on with my life. Because if I'm Bob Kraft, this is the thought process going through my mind today as the Jets stonewall my compensation offer for Belichick and refuse to budge from their demand of New England's first-round draft choice in April's draft: I am willing to give a man with a coaching record of 37-45 full authority over all my football operations by naming him coach and general manager. I am willing to pay him in excess of $3 million a year. And now I have to throw in my first-round pick? I'm already without my fourth-round pick this year, and I'm sure to lose a couple of valued players like Tedy Bruschi and Shawn Jefferson in free agency. Now I have to throw in the pick that could become Ron Dayne and may solve our dilemma at running back for the next five years? Maybe I wait a couple more days for the Jets to budge. Assuming they don't, I get on with my life. https://web.archive.org/web/20020208020725/http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com:80/inside_game/peter_king/news/2000/01/26/ten_things/
  9. Thanks! The good news is that I am about back to 90% well about a day and a half out. I hear you though. I am mostly terrified about getting sick at all, and so was pretty worried— but it was tolerable. I just hope the boosters down the road are a little less harsh.
  10. When they say a 1st rounder, are they talking about an actual 1st round pick or just a fantasy pick?
  11. kind of an interesting topic. I think the draft probably benefits the players. If you didn’t have it, you would endanger the competitiveness of the league— that is, only a few teams would likely be elite and it could cause many of the the other teams to go under and the league overall to lose a lot of money. if there is ever a change, I can see it being to the length of contracts. Maybe make rookie contracts no longer than 3 years?
  12. agree. If you recall, the bills would use Antoine Winfield on Tony Gonzalez back in the day, and AW did a great job of shutting him down— that’s because he was such a physical corner. Tre is great, but I think Kelce could probably push him around/box him out with no trouble.
  13. Got my second moderna shot yesterday. Ugh. felt okay for about 6-7 hours, and then it hit me. Chills, fever, headache, tiredness, nausea, muscle aches. Felt like I had the flu. I pretty much slept on and off for the last 15 hours. I think I am just breaking through now to feeling better.
  14. pretty distinctive name too! i am getting old too— now I am mixing up father and son players!
  15. Am I the only one who was confused about Orlando Brown? I thought it was the dude that got hit in the eye with the flag. Then, I just googled him, and this is his son. I guess both father and son were OT’s for the ravens.
  16. if you look what some teams do against Kelce, they spread their line out, and have their DE’s jam kelce hard at the LOS. Most pundits say that you never want to give Kelce a free release, yet that’s what the Bills did in the AFCCG.
  17. no one can really slow Kelce down, including David. The chiefs line was a mess And David did an excellent job, and Kelce still had 10 catches for 130 yards in the super bowl. I would argue that you need to put an elite safety on him to have a Chance. If there is a LB that could defend him, it would be Milano.
  18. oh wow. Indy has to be really beat up. Maybe they sign Marek to play center soon enough!
  19. i am so glad this guy is getting shot. He always looked like a legit NBA player.
  20. it is amazing what getting into a rhythm will do for both the line and the backs. Seemed like when the Bills committed to the run last year, they ran the ball really well (SD, NE, Pitt, Mia games all come to Mind). I think we might see some more playcalling focus on that this year to take the pressure off Josh— we can still throw a ton but also commit to the run. That is what GB does.
  21. For everyone who ever started a “what about Aldon Smith?” Thread, it’s time to begin the public shaming.
  22. Looks like Robert Braswell is heading to Charlotte— a middling conference USA program. Another weird move. He seemed to be in line to get major minutes or possibly even start next year at Syracuse. I suppose Charlotte guarantees he will start and play like 30-40 minutes a game?
  23. I care so little about the Eagles and Carson Wentz, and so it’s tough for me to muster up enough interest in what went down. But I do tend to agree with you. Just tracing this guy’s career, he’s not the sort of guy and was in not the sort of position/head space that you wanted to create a QB controversy by picking Hurts. The comparisons to Brady are ridiculous. Brady was well entrenched as a superstar when they were drafting guys like Garappalo, Brissett, Mallett. Wentz was embroiled in QB controversies from Day 1, and was coming off a shaky season. Then he just fell apart last year. I am not sure how Wentz handled everything was great, but it’s not “mind boggling,” like King suggests. Just an overall weird situation.
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