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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Craft beer snobs. They are worse than wine snobs.
  2. great call. That is the perfect fit.
  3. welp, great career obviously! The big timers all seem to be calling it quits. I would expect Boeheim and maybe Huggins are close behind.
  4. Good call. you know, right after that play happened, that thought crossed my mind. It had that same magic to it.
  5. I always thought that the blocked FG return was the defining watershed moment for that Bills team— it is what started the run. Since then, I have always waited for a similar play by the Bills that would signal the next great team.
  6. i love that song— probably hits my playlist once per week!!
  7. Agree. As an employer, why wouldn’t you do that? That is the trade off for living where you want. Will be interested to see how the job market bears this out.
  8. Why don’t you take your bad attitude to the Kelvin Benjamin TE thread then? 😁
  9. The comp isn't to Singletary, Moss, or even Breida. It's more to Taiwan Jones. If we have a STer taking up a roster spot on game day, it would be nice to have a guy that you can also use on offense. And I think Burkhead is probably better than all of these RB's at what he specifically does-- catch balls out of the backfield, and pick up 3rd and 1s.
  10. Burkhead signing with Texans: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/06/01/texans-sign-rex-burkhead/ Some may think this isn't thread worthy. But I am a little bummed by this. I thought the Bills might take a look at Rex. Seems to be exactly the sort of RB this team could use (ST, short yardage, great hands). Would have given us way more gameday flexibility than a Taiwan Jones. Oh, well--the dream is dead. 😪
  11. interesting. I do find that employers now have a much huger market of employees to choose from due to remote working. I also wonder if wages may be impacted. For instance, why should your company pay the same salary for someone in NYC as someone working in Detroit? In non-remote times, there would be obvious differences in market pay. but getting back to the main topic, in my mind, I can see the death of your downtown business districts, and maybe your average-sized cities have scaled back and much more mixed use downtowns now. Zoning could be changed significantly too. No more sky scrapers— much more mixed use, walkable areas.
  12. well, not My intent to suggest he isn’t a good athlete. But I have known a decent amount of guys that could have never really started on the HS or college football team, devoted their time to becoming excellent long snappers (which is a real skill), and were able to play that way. I am sure at the NFL level, the long snappers are decent athletes in their own right. But I suspect they also aren’t in the same class of athletes of the other position players on the team. That’s why you never seen these long snappers take up another backup position spot too— eg, there is no chance they would put Reid in as the backup center.
  13. This is a timely article. I have been wondering if this movement with the combination of increased remote working/less commuting overall, will spawn more of this throughout the country. Will there be a need for super highways if we can reduce downtown commuting by 50+%? You wonder if city neighborhoods and downtown business districts will become totally reimagined to become old school residential and community neighborhoods.
  14. Agreed. I think everyone can agree it was a cheesy show. But the formula was brilliant— solid regular cast and superstar guests for basically a new show every week. It’s not Shakespeare. But that’s how you make a show last for 10 Seasons with great ratings. Re MacLeod, a real interesting person. Was supposedly a big dude early in his career and played sort of bad guys. Lost a lot of weight and started playing good guys in the 70s and 80s. Had a up and down personal life, but found a strong faith later in life and reconciled and remarried his wife.
  15. Gavin MacLeod of “Mary Tyler Moore” and “Love Boat” fame died of old age at 90. I was a huge Love Boat fan as a kid (mostly watched re-runs), and carried with me for years many witty words of wisdom and quotes by Captain Stubing. https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/gavin-macleod-dead-dies-love-boat-mary-tyler-moore-show-1234984591/
  16. This doesn’t qualify as the “worst”— but does anyone remember the game against the Pats in like 2002ish time frame? It was a tight game, and the Bills forced a key fumble. But the Patriots receiver, who fumbled and had his bell rung, was lying out of bounds and I think his leg was like touching another player who recovered the ball, and so it was deemed that the ball was out of bounds. It was a horrible and bizarre call. I think the receiver may have been David Givens.
  17. I think we were talking about this a few weeks ago in the context of “worst coaching decisions.” Jauron was an idiot for calling this. It was technically an astute idea. But you have to know your team. Run the clock!!! As for worst plays, is there a franchise that has more to choose from than the Bills?
  18. I always admired long snappers. It’s the way “normal people” can game the system and end up playing college and pro ball.
  19. I remember when my car was stolen years ago. I called the cops and asked what they were going to do. They were like, "what do you think this is? CSI?" He's not getting that car back.
  20. I have high hopes for him. I can see him developing into a reliable #2.
  21. I am not sure how you can infer I have listened to zero interviews of Brooks. I have listened to a bunch and read a bunch of his interviews. Even your comment above about how Michelson “rubbed Brooks the wrong way” when he was kid— everyone seems to rub Brooks the wrong way. there’s no doubt that he is a good golfer. But I just find him petty and annoying, and I prefer to root for other more likeable players. This isn’t really about Bryson either, who has his own issues.
  22. Not sure I agree with you, including “he doesn’t take it seriously.” This is a guy that talks trash about others, plays no practice rounds with any of the other guys, and has literally zero friends on the tour. He has a bunch of petty feuds and makes whiny or passive aggressive comments all the time —eg, he couldn’t even show some class towards Mickleson, instead exaggerating a story about fans trying to take his knee out. Give me a break. he is exactly the type of annoying guy too that you would find on the golf course playing speed golf on people’s backs, and constantly griping and complaining about the small stuff. I just find it to be boorish behavior. Shows almost no respect for the other guys or the game. I will take Rory or Dustin or a bunch of the other young guys over him— guys who have personalities, have fun, get along with others, and show respect for the game and for each other.
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