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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. For those knocking Buffalo as a city for the franchise, those were different times. Lamar Hunt specifically targeted Buffalo. There was already a strong tradition of pro football in the city and region. It was the 20th largest city in the country in 1960, and was still an industrial powerhouse up until that time. so, yeah, Wilson bought a team in Buffalo, but it was a great investment in a strategic market.
  2. I was shocked by how good that is. I think it made it onto its regular menu now.
  3. I just did a Wendy’s run. Fries were average. But you really can’t beat their $4/4 and 5/$5 deals. Our family of five just ate for like $16.
  4. i don’t get the DTV strategy. I called last year and got Sunday Ticket for free. This was even after they knocked my monthly fee (after all taxes and fees and equipment charges) down to $50 per month.
  5. I hear what you are saying. But these articles always pop up around negotiating time and I believe they are more about generating some leverage for both sides. I think the NFL probably benefits from the longevity of a very profitable partnership with DTV. And it seems like this is the one major asset that DTV brings to the table for AT&T, despite the bellyaching by AT&T. I have read articles throughout the years (mostly around negotiating time) about ESPN+, Disney, Amazon, Yahoo, dish network, some random streaming sports entity, and now Apple all interested in buying it. Maybe it will be true one day. But I guess I will believe it when I see it.
  6. An article like this has popped up every year for the last 20 years. I don’t think DTV is going to be giving up Sunday ticket.
  7. I thought with gamepass you can only watch the game after it was over. Does the EU time difference basically allow you to stream it live?
  8. agreed. Great flick. That used to be on TV all the time, but can’t recall seeing it in the last 5+ years.
  9. now I am going to have to try that. But I have my doubts that it will stack up to the great horsey sauce!
  10. There is no better condiment than Arby’s horsey sauce.
  11. it reminds me of my HS tennis team showing up at Taco Bell after practice. One guy got free refills on the Pepsi, and basically “shared it” with the others who just ordered water. I saw this one time and despite how cheap I was, was not going to partake in that shadiness. relatedly, the way they justified it was that the nearby construction workers around there would go in in the morning and buy a coke, and just come back throughout the day to get refills.
  12. Haha— no problem. That is some insider info from a longtime Wendy’s employee!!
  13. that biggie bag is a great deal, especially since you can sub a frosty for the drink at no extra cost. I used to work at Wendy’s as a high schooler, and it was common for people to ask for their fries well done. We would just drop some cooked ones in the fryer to crisp them up some— you should try that.
  14. when I was in school, I would show up at a sports bar every Sunday and nurse my free refills of Diet Coke all day. I think the waitresses tolerated me— at least I never was thrown out.
  15. Sort of weird. I am looking at my draft notes and I gave the Bills an A+ In my annual draft grades. Something isn’t adding up here. 🤔
  16. this makes it sound like these reporters just randomly throw stuff out there. Must be a great job to cruelly toy with the emotions of thousands….
  17. I think the market has sort of spoken on Gilmore. For such a “great player,” it seems like no one wants to pay him like one. we can debate whether he is good or great or a bum— but if he is so valuable, wouldn’t he be paid like a top-5 or top-10 corner?
  18. i was going to poke fun at you because Knox is pretty recognizable with his big poofy hair. Then I realized all those guys have big poofy hair! BTW, love your screen name. I am a big Bloodsport fan!
  19. not saying you are wrong, but I believe the officiating in game 2 was really critical. The Bills should have but didn’t reciprocate by grabbing and holding in the same way on defense. I get why they didn’t— when you are trained to play within the rules, you just don’t or can’t easily deviate. But I will say that in the AFCCG, the Bills just got flat outcoached. The schemes on both sides of the ball were totally wrong. Daboll seemed like he was probably too distracted with interviewing— but that offensive game plan was really dreadful. I believe the talent gap isn’t as wide— but the coaching has to be a lot better.
  20. in all seriousness, would have liked to see how these teams matched up or the refs called it the same way as they did in the super bowl.
  21. honestly, I would probably be making the same justifications and excuses if I were in your shoes too if my team collected a lot of troubled players. you just got to own it. The Bills wouldn’t sign Frank Clark or Tyreek hill even if they agreed to play for free. The chiefs like the value they get in more high risk players, and feel like they can manage the risk. They do a nice job at it too— that said, if Mahomes gets injured and the chiefs go like 6-10, it becomes a lot harder to keep the bad guys in check. Winning covers over a lot of the bad stuff.
  22. welp, stinks for us, but what are you going to do? Plus, I would put it at 50/50 if he even goes to college. Sounds like he might be exploring G league and semi-pro options.
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