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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. But i don’t think that is the rule. In the first clause of the rule you quote above, the rule only applies “if the runner gives himself up.” So there has to be a determination first whether the runner is giving himself up or not— diving for the end zone seems to be the opposite of giving yourself up. He is trying to score.
  2. Exactly— the refs have to use some common sense there. He is going to score. He is not giving himself up in the same way a QB who slides is trying to avoid contact. one thing they can always do is to basically carve out an exception to this rule for the endzone. That’s where this rule can really cause problems. Edit: what if the GB defender dove to try to Hit Him/stop him from crossing the goal line? I guarantee that is not called a penalty.
  3. Maybe it is just me, but it seems like the Niners always have like 5-6 key guys injured. I don’t even know what their starting group looks like.
  4. There are three things you can do— short screen passes, runs, and chucking it up to hope for a PI call. It’s awful.
  5. That is a TD? Per the Heinecke rule, he “gave himself up”!
  6. how do you defend that? The DB is stride for stride with the WR, and then the WR just stops and dives back into the DB to catch a ball that is underthrown by 10 yards. This happens every game, and I am so sick of it. It is against the spirit of true Pass interference.
  7. They need to change the PI rule. Every underthrown ball is necessarily pass interference now. It is totally unfair. If the receiver has to stop in his tracks and come back for the ball, it should be a free for all.
  8. This was a bad interpretation of the new rule. I think they are trying to basically say a head first slide is the same as a feet first slide. He is clearly not sliding— he is diving for the endzone. To the OP’s point, if this is called a “slide”/giving yourself up, then Lamar Jackson diving forward into the endzone for a somersault should not be a TD.
  9. Those Niner run plays are a thing of beauty. Not sure why we never run action like that.
  10. i actually saw this movie on TV last night! It’s one of those movies I have to watch any time I catch it on TV.
  11. was thinking the exact same thing. The Knox injury is a blessing in disguise, giving Davis more snaps and hopefully allowing us to get more production out of the 4-WR sets.
  12. Did Lamar get injured in this game? Haven’t watched any of it, and saw his backup on the box score.
  13. I have said this before— but they have filled that team with such problem character guys that I wonder if things come crashing down once they hit a losing patch. It’s easy to hold things together when you win.
  14. Titans need to hire Rusty Jones. They have a guy injured on every play.
  15. or just having Tre shadow AJ Brown. Weirdly, they had Tre crash the line in run support and Levi shadow Brown.
  16. Titans we’re good, but I would rather face them again in the playoffs than KC.
  17. Colin Brown. Wow— that’s a name I don’t care to remember.
  18. first off, my kids love that Matilda song! I downloaded it on my iTunes after I saw the musical about 5 years ago, and they love to listen to it on repeat! But beyond that, this doesn’t seem to be as radical as the author makes it sound. Kid can basically choose activities and food on her birthday. I think I would consider doing something similar.
  19. i thought the same re the Diggs PI, but went back and re-watched it, and they got it right. I was more confused with the Gabe Davis one— he seemed to be clearly in the end zone when the defender grabbed him. That could have Made a huge difference.
  20. I just finished reading the new Carmelo memoir. It was decent in parts, but too much ghost writing and was way too surfacy in parts where they could have really fleshed it out. It’s like they rushed to put the book out. One of the few interesting Syracuse tidbits is that Carmelo was coming back to Syracuse for his sophomore year. He met with Boeheim, and Boeheim basically said “over my dead body— you are going pro now” (though in much more direct and vulgar words). The other sort of interesting tidbit from Syracuse was that he roomed with Edelin, and Edelin had a little community of friends in the Pioneer Projects in Syracuse. Carmelo ended up hanging there and really being part of that community.
  21. I am no expert, but a wholesale breakdown in lane discipline suggests a coaching failure of Some kind. By the way, I never understood why teams in those types of situations don’t just kick the ball out of bounds. Back then, I think the penalty too was ball at the 35— so you had to go a bit more to even get into Hail Mary range.
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