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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. They are good against the run. But when they miss, they really miss!!
  2. Pretty dumb strategy. All week I was saying that we need to limit Taylor to only 4 TD’s. 6 was just a tad too much. Time to fire McBeane.
  3. I have used the wartime consigliere reference like 3 times this past week alone about work stuff!! I also always seem to use the Pentangali brother scenario as a reference quite a bit.
  4. i agree that their line was ridiculous, but come on! They could not bring Taylor down. Guys would just melt off of him. He would get nothing at times, wiggle a little, fall forward, and that would be 6 yards. And those were his worst runs!! i think he is actually much harder to bring down than Derrick Henry— he has a better center of gravity, lower base, and balance. You can sort of chop Henry at the ankles. You can’t do that with Taylor.
  5. heard something interesting about the Colts. Unlike most teams in the NFL, they run a ton of gap blocking, in addition to your inside zone. I would be curious to see the breakdown in this game— but I suspect going with the gap blocking Gave then major mismatches all across the line. They could double Oliver, and then the other guys inside were push overs— Butler probably fell over on his own most plays.
  6. If McKenzie doesn’t fumble, I suspect we get at least a FG before the half, and then could potentially double dip after halftime.
  7. I was jealous watching Herbert in LA last night in perfect weather conditions drop these dimes all night. i actually think Josh is great in bad weather— but how many drops did our receivers have yesterday? And the McKenzie fumble….
  8. we saw yesterday the problem with the 2-high shell. We have to execute on all the underneath stuff. It’s wide open. But we dropped balls and committed bad penalties at the worst time. That defense just makes an explosive offense dump the ball down the field, and banks on you making mistakes. The way you beat it is to just execute on easy stuff. Can’t have errant 5-yard passes, and dropped balls. The opening second half drive illustrates this. We just dropped like 3 easy balls, and that was it.
  9. Is it really the “offense”? Go back and think about each drive of the game on offense. It seems like every drive stalled due to an execution error— drop, penalty, missed kick, errant throw. i don’t think the offensive scheme or even the offensive line was to blame yesterday.
  10. i can see why Dawkins might have thought that. I felt like he had a great game. He can only control what he can control.
  11. That’s because no one wants to sit in a torrential downpour!!
  12. But with a retractable roof, you get the option to determine whether you want the weather to be part of the game. Right now, we have a heavy passing attack and a meh running game. Close that roof!! In 2 years, maybe we have a bruising running game. Open it up!
  13. Am I missing something, or didn’t he just punch him in the stomach?
  14. “sense of entitlement”— I don’t understand what he means. I don’t really see that at all.
  15. Tomlin kicking FG down 17 in the 4th qtr— the exact same call McDermott made today.
  16. Watching this game, why don’t we run any of these crossing routes that both of these teams run?
  17. Watching QB play out here in these perfect weather conditions makes me jealous…
  18. huh? He said that about this game? This was a game I would have expected them to really be up for.
  19. this is a great take, and really hits home how this game on offense really came down to execution errors.
  20. i have seen this take a lot today. Maybe i am missing something, but the protection seemed to be totally fine today by the oline, and Ford wasn’t noticeably bad. In fact, the line looked good on some of those outside zone runs. Again, I could be off on this, but I am chalking up the bad passing game to execution errors (drops, errant passes), weather, and poor decision making by JA.
  21. Agreed. it is total bush league, especially with a freshman. Give the kid a break, and coach him up; don’t publicly reprimand him after the second game of the season.
  22. Blame the playcall. Just run a dump off or draw, and it was 8-10 yards.
  23. its not really that. It’s more that you want to play your best ball late in the year, at the right time. In other words, there is time to right the ship for when we really need to be at our best.
  24. i put the forced throws today more on Josh than the line. Protection seemed fine. It wasn’t rocket science. They ran cover 2 like all day. Throw it to your RB’s, throw it to Beasley in the short area, Knox in the seam, and don’t force it to your receivers. Josh was desperately trying to force it down field to Diggs.
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