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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Butler has basically been inactive in every game he’s played in.
  2. dont agree with putting Isaiah in the dog house. Was a fluke play in rainy conditions. Was hoping they would just work Stevenson in returning kicks, but give McKenzie more time at receiver.
  3. that’s classic— sounds like my house, where we have a million people crammed in together, plugging in every random thing in the run-up to the big meal.
  4. Agreed. is there a more boring franchise than the bears? At least other teams have had some fun and explosive players in the last 30 years. I can’t think of a single bears player— maybe Devin Heston (and he was just a special teamer mostly).
  5. i am not sure I have ever remembered a good lions thanksgiving game. That said, I am fine with them playing the early game every year. Now that they have added other games, it doesn’t matter.
  6. First week where I have been able to relax about the game time weather!!
  7. that’s great, man. Congrats on getting in shape! I pretty much did the opposite— was in great shape when Covid hit, and then went from 155 pounds to 180 due to laziness and the inability to play Rec sports. I am (slowly) on my way back down— right now at 170. Lot easier to put on weight than take it off!
  8. I thought VCU’s defense was physical and aggressive, and it really led to a lot of bad turnovers and sloppy offense by Syracuse. Seemed like a lot of their jumpers were not in rhythm, and even when they had open looks, they were out of sorts and missing. Swider had a lot of good open looks and is just missing. i thought the defense looked pretty good for most of the game, until VCU figured out how to really get close to the basket and kick it back from the middle to wide open shooters. Edwards getting into foul trouble didn’t help, though at least 2 of his fouls were super weak calls. You see any of it?
  9. This is inexcusable. Most of us DVR these games. I avoid media all day and then haven’t even recorded the right game. that said, I was able to see it later on ESPN app replay. And it was a sloppy mess of a game.
  10. agreed. Big shocker that the passing game suffers in the rain and wind storms we play in every week. We had like 8 drops last game. The way you beat the cover 2 is to catch short passes. But you can’t do that when the ball is slick and your guys drop balls on key downs.
  11. Didn’t mean to dis runners or running. to each his own!! . If you love running as much as I love playing Bball, then go for it. I guess my premise was based on the fact that I hate running!!— haha. I do think you need to watch your miles— you don’t want your body to breakdown from overuse.
  12. I think running at all Is the worst thing you can do. I have realized that as I have gotten older, that I need to save my legs and knees for stuff that is fun. So I only run when I am playing fun sports— basketball, tennis, etc. i will walk and hike and walk on the golf course— but why waste your knees on something like distance running, which is not fun and also doesn’t burn you nearly as many Calories as something like hoops?
  13. To me, this was the problem on O. The colts were giving us the underneath stuff. Just gotta convert.
  14. I don’t know, man. I found Fina’s analysis to be super surfacey. Stuff like “lack of effort” and “lacK of toughness” is just cheap analysis. I think everyone can plainly see Vernon Butler is struggling— he’s just not good. So I am not sure the analysis re Butler is anything notable. i guess what I prefer in the cover 1 podcasts is that there is more of a schematic analysis. Once you study the film, it becomes more apparent that the “lack of effort” stuff isn’t why we lost the game. It’s more the schematic and execution errors.
  15. i am thinking both the saints and bills call a truce And postpone this game, so all of us can enjoy our holiday.
  16. The voice of reason. Nice analysis! after further reflection, I disagree with the expert takes I have been reading all week. This past game was nothing more than the game getting away from us early. Felt like the titans game last year. I am not going to read into this team anything more than that.
  17. So I listed to this Fina podcast, and— sorry— but it was dumb. Much prefer the cover 1 content, with actually sound analysis.
  18. i have to go back And watch. But there was one play where Oliver shot through the middle to blow up the play. Taylor juked by him, and he was gone for 40 yards. It was his long run of the day. i was sort of curious about that play— whether Oliver made an almost great penetrating play, but just got juked. Or whether he (and other linemen) just weren’t being very disciplined in their gap control on Sunday.
  19. thanks. I am always looking for more Bills podcasts, and will have to check this out.
  20. I am clinging to a 4 point fantasy lead against Brady. Please take him out!
  21. Agreed. Gotta know your team, and the feel for the game. Needed the 3.
  22. If you think about it, that amounts to two Josh Allen interceptions. The other turnovers were McKenzie on a kick return And trubisky in garbage time. Wouldn’t call this priority no. 1 for the offensive coaches.
  23. Bills do a nice job usually of clamping down on running QB’s.
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