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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Pretty sobering. my only response would be to hope that these stats reflect more of the “average” NFL player. A lot of the NFL “elite” tore their ACL’s and went onto have productive careers. Von Miller and Darrell Revis both come to mind.
  2. I am no boxing expert. But the Muhammad Ali hands down, bobbing style doesn’t appear to be the most effective self-defense strategy. Even Mr. Miyagi is going to be blocking those punches.
  3. The comments in that twitter thread are gold. i hear you! That said, even a lot of these pro athletes are like us regular folk too. I remember chatting with this one retired NFL lineman a few years back. He was a semi-starter and had probably a 8-year career. He was basically exhausted— said his wife worked full time now and the deal they made was he would be the stay at home dad when he retired.
  4. haha— true. He can probably turn over duties to the Au Pair.
  5. Wow, mitch has a nice wife— she just had a baby a few weeks ago! The idea of me asking to play golf even on a public course 5 minutes from my house with a newborn in the house would have been produced uproarious laughter from my wife.
  6. haha— I need to confirm with my wife too. Her knowledge of trashy reality TV is much deeper than mine, if that is even possible. I think she watched Kristen C. In the old Laguna Beach shows and spin-offs, plus the recent one with her and Cutler.
  7. If you all are including TV, Mandy Moore (as the elderly version of the mom) this past year on “This is Us” was phenomenal. She has to be winning an Emmy.
  8. I am not a big Tom Hanks fan, but his performance in Cast Away is epic, and he was totally robbed out of an Oscar. I think Russell Crowe got it for Gladiator, which is an absolute joke if you look at both movies now in hindsight.
  9. Pat Morita in the Karate Kid. Sorry, I had to! (Although I think he was nominated for an academy award for it).
  10. this is what I wear: https://www.amazon.com/Fasciitis-Swelling-Achilles-Compression-Effective/dp/B075Q9LY9S/ref=mp_s_a_1_20?crid=2GK5CURQDLGHI&keywords=achilles+brace&qid=1653018817&sprefix=achilles+brace%2Caps%2C61&sr=8-20
  11. i hear you. When my issues were popping up, I would play through the pain. Then, I just realized it wasn’t worth the risk and shut everything down for a while to get better. I also made the decision that I can’t overuse my Achilles. So, I cut out all running and really any exercise I didn’t enjoy, and I also cut back on how much bball I played. My issues started happening when I thought I was Superman and would play a rec league game at night and then pickup ball the next morning. So no more of that. The other thing I do is basically wear these Achilles braces any time I am doing any sort of running or even hiking.
  12. I think a lot of you are unjustifiably doubting Fitz. Look at the projected backups in the NFL for 2022— the guy would be better than almost all of them. I think the reason he hasn’t signed is he is in the group of vets this year that are going to let the rosters shake out a bit, and then will probably sign with the best situation. I could even see him being a post week-1 signing.
  13. I had bad Achilles problems a few years ago from playing bball, and worries about the same thing. The ortho I saw basically said like 90% of tears are men between 40-50 who are weekend warrior athletes. That pretty much was me. I ended up doing tons of stretching to prevent against a risk of a tear. I now stretch my Achilles for like 30 minutes every night, and then before I play hoops in the mornings and then after. Makes a huge difference.
  14. I am not underestimating the dolphins. They have really improved. But Ingram is just a guy. Is he going to stay healthy, and even if he does, is he getting any more than 3-5 sacks? Even Mario Addison has been better and more consistent than him for the last 5 years.
  15. I actually am not a big fan of John Williams (because most of his scores sound the same). But Jurassic Park has to be one of his best— a really wonderful score.
  16. we could legit go 1-6, and then go 10-0. I hate the imbalance.
  17. First 8 weeks look brutal. We are going to have to hit our stride early.
  18. Agreed. They seem like slow starters. Would have liked to see a tune-up or two.
  19. Don’t love it. New offensive coordinator. Probably no Tre. Need some time to work out the kinks.
  20. haha— maybe I am way off. I just have these vivid memories of Edwards penetrating and disrupting a few plays. Maybe it was 1 play?! And he did end up playing in the NFL for like 11 years. I would call him a “decent situational d-lineman,” and he probably lived up to his pick as a third rounder.
  21. I think that was a misconception about “letting Williams go.” We made him a good offer and tried to re-sign him. I don’t believe it was a situation where we just let him walk because we thought Edwards was the answer. i will say though that Edwards really flashed. Just no consistency.
  22. Schobel was part of the 2001 Bills draft class— the first for Tom Donahoe. It was one of the best Bills’ drafts in the last 25 years. TD traded down in the first round and got Nate Clements. With the extra pick he got, he drafted Travis Henry in the 2nd round. He got Schobel in that round also. Also drafted Jonas Jennings in the 3rd, who became a starting LT, Ron Edwards— a solid rotational DL—, and Marques Sullivan— a solid starting guard. Even Brandon Spoon (later round pick) showed a ton of promise and started his rookie year— career was lost due to bad injury.
  23. Same. These last few episodes have been real tear jerkers. Last night’s was especially so, with the flashbacks of her caring for the kids growing up at different stages, and then fast forwarding into the future at the end.
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