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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. That is below the belt! Sammy is in a whole other “league” by himself.
  2. thanks for the updates. I will never understand Guerrier’s thought process. i actually am happy for Braswell. I still think he could have gotten major minutes this year— but as I recall, he also wanted to be close to his family, and by going to a mid major, he was at least positioned to get a ton of PT.
  3. Agreed. The reality is that the Bills playing their “A game,” beat any other team playing their “A Game.” our downfall this year has been mental, execution, and coaching errors.
  4. To me, it’s two things. 1) execution 2) physicality i thought our most physical game of the year was against the chiefs. We hit them in the mouth all game. That’s the kind of energy we need to bring to this game. The defense is going to Need to blow guys up, and the oline is going to need to have more of a mean streak— which I think Spencer Brown and JF can really add.
  5. Agreed. Watching our guards being unable to bring the ball up the court against pressure this past week is embarrassing. Plus, Symir and JG give us nothing at the top of the zone on defense.
  6. i don’t know why I do it, but I have been checking how Kadary Richmond has been doing. Seton Hall is 4-1, with a win over Michigan. Richmond getting about 20 minutes per game. Maybe he did make the right decision. But, boy, could we really use him.
  7. Justin tucker making it look just as easy as Tyler Bass. 😁
  8. Thin skin— geez! The pats have been on a roll, and the Bills have been up and down. That’s going to be the story line all week— the Pats will be given more media love.
  9. the AFCN is still so wide open. Browns could even still win it.
  10. Both those clips were Diggs against Jackson. if the pats play lots of man again, Diggs will get many opportunities. That’s why I think the pats will end up playing a lot more zone. Does BB ever play that cover 2 shell? I have to think they played that a lot against the chargers, but I could be wrong.
  11. I still have nightmares about Folk after that cowboys/Bills MNF game, where he got the onsides kick And then like a GW 55-yarder. I think that was Folk’s rookie year.
  12. Bellichick weirdly played a lot of man against us last year, and Diggs abused Jackson. I would think they are going to play a ton of the high 2 shell zone this time around. The Bills haven’t done very well against that D.
  13. Almost rooting for Indy. Want to see Taylor do to another team what he just did to us.
  14. Tennessee can’t win without Brown and Julio out there. Too much to expect Tanny to carry this team without anyone to throw to.
  15. I am actually stunned this game is as close as it is. The titans have nobody on offense and have turned the ball over 3 times.
  16. Haven’t been watching this game too closely, but why does J Taylor only have 8 Carries?
  17. isn’t he almost exactly the same size as Tre White?
  18. The trash talk after this game has been great. Ryan Day vowed last year to drop 100 points today on Michigan. And Harbaugh says after the game: “some people are standing on third base and think they hit a triple”— haha. So petty. i will say that Harbaugh has a point— Urban Meyer dropped this program into Day’s lap.
  19. OSU Run defense just looked gassed. Great win my Michigan. Just ran it down their throats.
  20. Just went back and watched Dion on a lot of plays. Woof. He got beat outside and inside. He got blown up on run plays. He made huge mental errors. Probably his worst play was when he thought the end was drifting out to cover the back In the flat, so he just let him go— unabated to the QB. Let to a blown play and we settled for a FG. All he needed to do on that play is stay with the end until he was sure he was dropping. It was just a dumb and lazy mental error and killed the drive. i am hoping the short week caused him to suffer, and the long rest will help him out. We need him. He was— by far— the worst lineman out there last game.
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