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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. this is a great point. There is something beneficial from a psychological standpoint to get early points, get a lead, feel good after the first drive, etc., which can’t be quantified.
  2. Is it me or do all the chargers receivers and TE’s look exactly the same? Like big 6’5” guys.
  3. it’s the classic “take what the defense gives them.” Staley plays that cover 2 shell all game. He is the self-proclaimed pioneer of it. Chiefs just diced them apart on a bunch of 5-8 yard passes.
  4. Loved those two FB plays the chiefs ran on that drive. We used to run a pretty good FB trap a few years ago. Would be nice to go back to that.
  5. Tough for the chargers there. I love how dirty Dan and the chiefs are celebrating over basically three unforced errors by the chargers.
  6. haha— like Butler, who gets pushed backwards by a stiff breeze?
  7. was going to mention him too. He looks great out there. Very stout and holding his own against the run.
  8. i do think having him focus on WR will be better for the team. But if he is out there, shouldn’t he get the ball? I don’t think he was targeted once or had one jet sweep or touch against the Bucs.
  9. he strikes me better as a KR. He sort of has more straight ahead speed. No real wiggle to him, which is what you need as a PR.
  10. I think this game we need to take care of the ball, get points when we can, and let our defense cook. The panthers are solid on D. I think when they get into trouble is when they turn the ball over on O a lot. Would like to see us play smart.
  11. The wind games are the problem. Otherwise, we can play okay in bad weather.
  12. I actually am wondering if Trubisky playing could be the best thing for this offense to regain some semblance of balance.
  13. exactly. He is a good back. We just don’t use him right. You also put him behind a great oline and the guy would be 6 yards down field and juking LB’s, rather than getting hit 2 yards in the backfield half the time.
  14. i just wonder whether it is the back or how we use our backs. I saw enough of Conner over the last two years to see a guy that looked pretty average. But put him in an offense like this with a defined role, and he looks great. you just wonder if a guy like Singletary or even moss would look better if we used them differently and had a better line for them to run behind.
  15. i actually think he would be a downgrade. All our current backs are better than him. He actually is a great example of a decent RB benefitting from a great Oline and well-defined role. If you watched him last year at Pitt, he was totally lost out there.
  16. Haha— okay, you got me. A little exaggeration on my part. I do think it is tough to beats the pats off a bye, and you know they will be able to Slow down JT.
  17. There is zero chance the colts win. Bellichick is licking his chops playing Carson wentz on two weeks prep.
  18. I have been chewing on this for a while, but what drives me crazy are the DPI calls on underthrown balls. Those balls have almost zero chance of getting caught; are usually poorly thrown balls; and penalize DB’s who are usually in a great coverage position. My proposed rule change is that an underthrown ball is not deemed “catchable,” such that PI does not apply. I think this would eliminate the majority of these game-changing PI calls where receivers are able to draw penalties on poorly thrown balls. (The only potential downside is that it could hurt QB’s throwing back shoulder passes— but that’s it as far as I can tell). Thoughts?
  19. What really irked me about this game is that there were like 4 or 5 “50/50” balls and none of them went our way. Two Bucs balls tipped straight up in the air; Dane Jackson tip/near interception; and Richard Sherman/knox ball up for grabs (picked by Sherman). we get even one of those, and it is probably a win. Just some flukey stuff.
  20. people get on him for playing hero ball, and then he takes what the defense gives him in OT and gets ripped. Bucs were in a cover 2 shell in OT, and the underneath stuff was open. TB just recovered and tackled super well. I would love to see our players break some more tackles.
  21. Agreed. i believe we also found our identity today.
  22. i hated the call. But how do you argue with hindsight? It worked out perfectly.
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