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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Gotta give the pats credit. They have converted like five 4th downs. Our D needs to make a play.
  2. it was a bad pass. Kumerow is like 6’6” and had to stretch out for that. I think it probably has more to do with them not playing as much together.
  3. Small things! That’s the difference between winning and losing. Just glad we got 3 there. D needs to play big. You know the pats are going to try to run it down our throats again.
  4. Let me tell you what the pats will do here. Draw, draw, dump off, draw, dump off. need to play up here.
  5. Interesting wrinkle by BB. They are now putting almost like a man spy on devin, and rushing like 2 or 3 guys.
  6. watch the third down again. It was actuallY a brilliant throw. The defender was in his face. He created that angle.
  7. This game will come down to the redzone. We will move the ball today. The pats go zone and we dump down for 8 yard games. The pats go man and josh runs for 30 yards. if we can score TD’s instead of FG’s, we will win this game.
  8. I want to see a replay of that. How is there one guy on the end for us and no one else?
  9. I am streaming so I cannot rewind that. But I think they overloaded the right side and so there was literally one guy on the left (Obada) to hold the edge.
  10. Jonnu Smith holds on almost every play. He also always looks so guilty doing it.
  11. Really disappointed. Let’s hope it’s just a matter of easing Dawkins back in during the game.
  12. my uneducated opinion is that the scheme we run has caused us to pick a certain lineman and maybe then handcuff how to coach those linemen. Maybe it is time to get away from athletic, outside zone and RPO linemen, and get some big road graders and run more gap and inside stuff. I also think it is tougher to find truly “athletic” linemen, and easier to find big bruisers. Cody Ford is a perfect example— was supposed to be one of the most athletic linemen in his class. And he clearly is not.
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