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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. you get no real weather advantage against opponents unless you practice some in the bad weather.
  2. I feel bad for the jags. I was just reading up on this Shad Khan, and I think he is a cool story— came from nothing and is a self-made billionaire based on basically an automotive parts business (bumpers). so, now I am sort of rooting for the jags to get things on track.
  3. that is just rude, man. Only 30% of my posts concern the weather. (The other 65% concern building a dome. And that leaves the mandatory 5% quota devoted to Antonio Williams).
  4. I hate to be a Debby downer, but the weather (esp wind) is making this game look like a total crap shoot. I would expect some sort of 10-6 score type of weather game, with neither team doing much and a few bad miscues deciding who scores and wins. But I guess this is a “real football.”
  5. Interesting. It sounds like they wanted the Athletic less for the content and more for its customers’ info.
  6. Just a brutal loss to Miami. Sloppy second half.
  7. Antonio Williams is back on the PS! i don’t quite understand why this isn’t front page news!!!
  8. Weather is looking bad again during game time. Wind gusts in excess of 30 MPH.
  9. Agreed. People forget how flukey that game was, and how it got away from us. Even Wentz’s miracle sack escape was a game changing play. I think it would be a lot different game if we played them again. Taylor always gets his yards, but I have faith that we can contain him better the second time around.
  10. He looks good in practice. But just wait until the games start….
  11. I watched that and all I could think was: “build a dome.” 😃 “The love you” stuff was great.
  12. Agreed. i don’t buy the narrative that knox was bracketed. Maybe at times, but he was also literally wide open in front of Josh’s face like 5+ Times that I saw, and josh either chucked it down field or took off running.
  13. All seattle RB’s blend together in my mind. They pretty much all are interchangeable injury prone guys that seem to run hard and have 1 good game every 2 years, but are out for such significant periods of time, that you can never remember who is who.
  14. I really enjoy these. But I hear you— these recaps take a lot of time and effort. For my fantasy league, I used to do detailed predictions each week for years, and everyone loved them, but they took a ton of work. In the end, it became less fun (and I wasn’t even sure everyone still enjoyed them or read them as much), and so I stopped. I think I moved to doing them only for the playoffs, and then stopped altogether.
  15. i am in a similar bind. Going to Disney world with the family that weekend. My best shot to watch it is a late game. the alternative for me is to get game pass, avoid media, and watch the game at like 11 PM at night.
  16. i understand it is ageist— but, to be clear, it is not something I personally believe in. I firmly Believe that Leslie Frazier should be a head coach. In fact, I am in the minority I am sure, but I think the Broncos should keep 62-year old Vic Fangio, who I believe is an excellent coach. But I believe the newest NFL fad is that if you aren’t some young 30-year old, you aren’t innovative and you can’t coach. Have you noticed how obsessed the media is with Brandon Staley? He gives some ho-hum answer on why running the ball Is important, and the media thinks he is brilliant. The NFL is obsessed with the young whipper-snapper coaches.
  17. don’t you love how consistently the worst window of weather every week in Buffalo is exactly during game time? BTW, wind gusts at game time are estimated to be around 30 MPH.
  18. yeah, I suppose riddick isn’t a retread. But dungy and Frazier are— and both in their 60s. Dungy a retread in the same sense as Marv was— coming out of a long retirement at an older age. but don’t shoot the messenger. I am not saying that I personally believe this to be a bad idea. But obviously the league is going more in the 30-year old upstart HC direction. I just find it unlikely for the bears to buck that trend, and hire riddick and a couple of 60-year olds to run their team. If I had to guess, they will go with a younger offensive coordinator type as the HC.
  19. Would be a really tough sell/high risk to re-build your team with three 65-year old retreads at critical positions. The NFL seems to be trending to younger and more innovative coaches. But who knows? The Texans went out and hired David Culley last year.
  20. there are several scenarios. The one I think is possible is: Browns beat bengals, and raiders beat chargers— that would Make us the 3 and the raiders the 6.
  21. 2.8. he is on track for like 80 passing attempts for 175 yards.
  22. The browns need to just run a bunch of draws here. What is going on with this playcalling?
  23. knowing the browns, they will fall for the infamous Clowney 1-year trap and sign him to a long-term deal.
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