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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. haha— yeah, I guess everyone sort of did see it coming. but I didn’t think they would go through with it.
  2. The well-reasoned answer you will get is that this is “real football.”
  3. Old Coot has discovered the way back machine! @Old Coot
  4. will be tough to reach Spiller. Chan left him out in space.
  5. I hope they blitz a lot. but I think what BB will do is mix it up all game. That’s his best chance. Also, not really sure the jets blitzed a ton— did they?
  6. I don’t know what the deal is with Beasley, but there is no way he should be starting over McKenzie this next game. McKenzie absolutely abused that NE third corner last game in ways that I don’t think Beasley could. I wouldn’t mess with that formula.
  7. Agreed. Williams was horrendous in the Jax game. But he has really looked good at guard. He has even looked much better when forced to shift to tackle when Dawkins and Brown were out. i actually would be very comfortable going into next season with Dawkins and Brown at tackles and Williams at right guard. I think the big questions will be what they do at LG and even with Morse at center.
  8. I really feel for Alabama. Will be hard to handle not winning back to back to back to back championships.
  9. he seemed to have control of the ball to me. Even though the nose starts to come up, he is still throwing it.
  10. What a joke. That was an incomplete pass by UGA. Then, the bama TE just shoved his defender to the ground to catch the TD? Give me a break.
  11. I love this Brad Allen crew— my absolute favorite. They make the game watchable.
  12. I could be wrong about this, but I think when Davis was on Fox, he was a play by play guy for a few games here or there (maybe subbing). I always thought he was good in the role (has a nice voice). But as a color commentator, he is not very insightful, and I find him to be slanted.
  13. i get that. But I would be interested to hear what is appealing about the HC to some of these coordinators (not just Daboll). Seems like it would be more fun to be an OC on an elite offensive team than basically the CEO of a team in turmoil.
  14. To me, the job Daboll currently has probably can’t be beat. He seems to have total control over the offense, calls his plays, stable front office and head coach, stud QB, and lives in his home town and coaching for his home town team. That’s a lot to give up. And the position you are going to get won’t let you do the things you probably love the most— eg, call the plays and develop offensive gameplans.
  15. I wonder if there are any coordinators out there that just say, “no thanks— I love being a coordinator and am great at it, and don’t want to give that up.” It’s sort of what McDaniels has done recently.
  16. This game will come down to execution and turnovers. Who can execute better? Who can create and avoid turnovers? Who can hit good punts and kicks? Who tackles better? we can talk about scheme and playcalling and all that. But it doesn’t matter much. These teams know each other well. Just need to outplay them.
  17. Agreed. you think about that first game—as much as fans were up in arms over the run D, we allowed 1 long run, and just the 14 points, as you said. It was a good outcome.
  18. Neither team matches up really well for the Pats. But I would think the pats would have a better shot at confusing Burrow and co, given that Burrow has never played them. The D needs to step up. We can’t let the Pats just run the ball up and down the field. The hope I have is that the run D has really played inspired recently, especially against the Jets.
  19. i know McDermott would never do this, but I would be tempted to ask our coaches to wait to interview until after the playoffs. speculation on my part— but I thought Daboll last year was really distracted with interviewing leading up to the AFCCG, and we ended up getting totally outcoached.
  20. Fangio would be a great get. people sort of forget, but a Fangio basically invented the 2-high shell that is the rave.
  21. Going to be cold, but thankfully wind won’t be an issue, and so we can at least throw the ball.
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