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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. So, who do you all got for the PR/KR this game? Does McD trust either McKenzie or Stevenson? i would actually go back to McKenzie on punt returns, as scary as that might be.
  2. i get where you are coming from. The pats started that game playing a lot of zone and 2 high. Then Singletary was just ripping off 10 yards in every dump down, and the pats had to adjust. if you go back and watch the game, you will be surprised at both the amount of pressure that BB later sent, and how smooth josh was at evading it. I think BB even said after the game that Josh just avoided the pressure they sent:
  3. I don’t mean to be all philosophical. But I believe that if one unpeels all the layers of any thread on here, at the very center is just one simple common point: build a dome.
  4. Same. It’s actually sort of painful to re-watch. Just want to get passed the bad parts to the good parts of the game.
  5. the difference between 33 and 5 degrees is so stark. i remember working out with a group of guys outside one winter in like 0 degree weather. Couldn’t even concentrate— it was so painful. Every part of me hurt.
  6. I don’t understand the comments about the patriots not blitzing much last game. They did. They tried everything. They played 2-high shell, they played man, they played zone, they brought pressure, etc. Nothing worked.
  7. i don’t get the criticism of Big Ben. He obviously has lost some juice. But the guy still makes clutch plays and can Chuck it down field if given time. I would put money on the fact that he could throw the ball further than Mac Jones. I also think if you put him on the colts, they would probably be better than they were this past year with wentz. (He actually threw for more yards than Wentz). His big issue is being handcuffed by a really green and mostly meh line, and the team trying to protect him from getting hit. He just cannot take a hit at this point in his career. But you wonder with this being his last hurrah, the team will Open it up and let him Chuck it down field. KC pass defense can be sliced up.
  8. i see someone located these. Yeah, just very weird that this would happen on 3 consecutive plays.
  9. yards per pass on Twitter has a good breakdown of the three plays. Looks like it was the receiver’s fault all three times. Just bizarre that it would happen on 3 consecutive plays.
  10. why do you say he won’t be missed? Addison had a sneakily good season this year— 7 sacks. This, even though, we have a pretty deep rotation. i think the Bills got exactly what they wanted out of Addison production wise.
  11. When fans criticize the run D, they also don’t understand our defensive scheme. We have quicker penetrating D-linemen, and the goal is to usually disrupt. So, we will generate a lot of TFL and stuffs. But we just don’t have the beef to deal with the bruising gap style run teams, which have like 3 elite interior linemen and big power backs. For those teams, we are going to get those penetrating TFL’s, but we will also get pushed around too. That’s just the trade off. The thing is though our defensive scheme is a lot better against the best teams— teams with lots of speed, and elite and mobile QB’s.
  12. Agreed completely. It’s that wind watch that has been painful for me all year. We should be able to throw the ball with no issues.
  13. unreal. This is how it has been all year. The worst 3 hours of weather every week is when the Bills play.
  14. I also think Mac does pretty well against the blitz, from what I have heard the pats pundits say (especially if you blitz him up the middle). Sort of makes sense— he can see the pressure and it plays to his strength of getting rid of the ball fast and short on a hot read. I think the bills will just continue to mix things up, and try to confuse him.
  15. So, if I am hearing you correctly and please correct if I am wrong, I think what you are indirectly suggesting is the rather novel concept that I have heard bantered about. I believe it goes Something like this: “Build A Dome!”
  16. of course I did— but that is not something I care to remember! (I just didn’t know/forgot how we parlayed the picks to get Allen).
  17. My theory on the patriot way is that it only worked in New England really under perfect conditions. It required pretty quick And immediate success, which the pats got due to Brady. i think players can withstand and tolerate that type of coaching and atmosphere when there is a track record of success and a strong vet presence. What these patriots assistants are figuring out is that that type of authoritarian coaching environment doesn’t work in a rebuilding situation. It’s an almost impossible culture to create from scratch. They can’t then adjust, because this is the only way they know. Or by the time they do try to adjust and change, it’s too late. They have lost the team.
  18. dumb question, but remind me why this led to us getting Allen?
  19. None. Literally 0% success rate.
  20. As others said, it was great the first two seasons, and the last Netflix season was just plain awful. Got away from its roots to create something more edgy. Also, as I recall, not a very satisfying ending to the series.
  21. ha! Yeah, I was the same. It made sense; but I was thinking no way they would do it. We already seem to have a ton of bodies on the DL too.
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