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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Went back and re-watched that KC/Buffalo game from earlier in the year, and it felt like watching two totally different teams. A few observations: 1) Zach Moss was the featured back and actually looked quite good at times. 2) Our offense was very disjointed. It was really based on a handful of really huge plays. But outside of that, there were just lots of execution errors, penalties, and just not much steady movement. Bills didn’t have much success going to their receivers, even though Fenton was matched up on Diggs. 3) Defense played very well, and was just super opportunistic. I totally forgot about the tipped ball, pick 6 by Micah Hyde. Then you had the spectacular tipped interception by Rousseau. 4) Mahomes ran the ball a lot more than I recalled. We just dropped everyone back and bracketed Kelce and Hill often, and Mahomes was able to take off more than he normally does. He ended up with 8 Carries for 61 yards. 5) Bills did a really nice job pressuring Mahomes with 4. Conversely, the chiefs (minus Jones) got very little pressure on Allen. Overall, I think what we will see this Sunday is a much better offensive performance, probably by both teams. Both teams have really seemed to up their offensive execution. To me, the big question/maybe the deciding factor will be which defense can bring it and generate more big plays.
  2. Remember back in week 5 when Collinsworth was applauding how the chiefs would intentionally twist Josh’s legs and ankle on tackles? They must be scheming up similar bush league moves.
  3. I can’t believe people are making fun of the browns. You can write a 300-page long book on the number of colossally stupid player and coaching moves the Bills have made over the last 20 years. There but for the grace of God go I.
  4. I will be curious to see the demeanor of this team (esp the offense) on the field. In the last AFCCG, they just seemed shell shocked. Even in week 5, you could tell the offense was frazzled— they hit on some big plays, but just didn’t seem to be in sync. i am hoping that they will have that calm and surgical way about them this week.
  5. It’s a tough spot to be in as a fan. You are right that you don’t know everyone’s situation. But you want to root for your guys, and then you end up finding out that they are abusing women. Do you still cheer hard for him? Your kid wants to wear a Hill jersey. Do you let him? i am trying to think back to a situation where I have been in your shoes, and honestly can’t. (Dodson doesn’t really count, because no one even knew that about him, and he never plays). I think you must have to just ignore it as best as you can, I suppose. It’s tough— because while athletes aren’t role models, we, as fans, do still cheer and support them.
  6. . I ask this genuinely though— for a guy like Hill, what do you think of him? Do you just sort of tolerate him? He’s not the sort of guy you want your 10-year old to go wear his jersey.
  7. Unreal. He pulls his pregnant girlfriend down the stairs by her hair, and people think it is her fault. Not sure how chiefs fans can support that team.
  8. i actually did a little research one time, and it is amazing how many of the chiefs have criminal records. I still am amazed that the NFL ever let Tyreek Hill play, especially when Ray Rice was effectively banished.
  9. I am looking forward to seeing what our offense looks like. When we played the chiefs earlier in the year, it wasn’t clicking at all. We sort of won due to a few big plays and some hero ball. Also, having played them 3 times recently, Spags has thrown a million looks at us, and so there will be less surprise. In addition, we are just executing across the board at a high level. This has the makings of being an absolute explosion on offense by the Bills.
  10. I have not. But let me just say— if anyone were to say a single bad word about Duke Williams to my face, then these guns would be out.
  11. I sort of worry that Lamar has some kind of autoimmune disorder. I have never heard of any player who gets sick as much as him. I think he has had COVID like 5 times! My buddy who is a Ravens fan is always saying he needs to start taking some vitamins.
  12. what is weird is that the Bills don’t do this a lot to him. Last game was the first time they did slow his release, and even then, they didn’t do it too much. i remember watching some film of how the saints played Kelce last year, and they would use a DE to actually jam him at the line quite a bit.
  13. Dang, this is some PH.D level refereeing research! Nice job!
  14. Good topic. I actually don’t think they will put Dane on him, at least not like they had Tre follow him around. The new problem that KC has been presenting is their other speedy receivers have really been producing (Pringle, Robinson, and Hardiman). I think we are so thin now at CB that i can’t really seeing them moving Dane to cover a TE. My best guess is it will be a combination of Milano, Taron, Dane, maybe even Neal a little.
  15. Agreed on the Colts. They legit were the best team in the NFL for a long stretch. That Eberflus (their DC) is the best HC prospect in the NFL, IMO.
  16. That stat is probably just an overall reflection of home teams winning more than rod teams in the playoffs. But statistically, the NFL home field advantage has shrunk quite a bit over the last several years.
  17. Would not led to a fight by Baker— but maybe a fight by all the Cards standing around him seeing that. I think it was a super obvious taunting call.
  18. he reminds me of a toddler. Like a literal toddler. Even how he scampers around— it’s like a cute but slightly heavy-set 3-year old.
  19. I am surprised the cards showed some restraint there, given what happened to Baker and the score. When Stafford scrambled to the sideline, the cards could have had some serious pay back on a late shot.
  20. how is that not an obvious taunt? i get that Akers didn’t know that Baker was knocked out. But he clearly taunted him when he walked by.
  21. McKinnon could be a real problem if he plays like that again. i think he is much better than CEH in that offense.
  22. Serious question— is KC defense playing better or is their competition worse? I say this because I am seeing every good offensive team that they played putting up like 24-38 points. Bengals just dropped 34 on them.
  23. If I were on vacation in a Hawaii and I told my wife I would be at a local bar watching the game for 3 hours at 1:30 PM, I can only imagine her reaction. Good luck!
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