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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Tennessee plays with no margin for error every game, and that’s what sometimes happens. wow.
  2. Few Henry runs, few playaction passes, bleed clock, and titans win again by 3 points. Every game is the same with these guys.
  3. i think it was too close to change. Plus, it didn’t look like the ball helped him make that catch. At least it was debatable!
  4. By the way, how slow is mike Hilton? He makes that pick, and had no Chance at outrunning Tannehill.
  5. exactly!! I bet they figure out how to win this game. They will just keep doing what they do— runs and playaction, and timely defensive plays.
  6. it is just the way they play. 4-yard runs; 10-yard playaction passes; decent tackling; good coaching. They are just sort of solid all around, but nothing special.
  7. Both teams’ defenses think they are a lot better than they are. Neither can handle the other’s offense. This is going to be a shoot-out of epic proportions.
  8. i don’t disagree re the need to tone the tik tok stuff. But that is the new generation. It’s actually players like him that are critical to the future of the game, not curmudgeons like most of us who don’t do that garbage. setting that aside, he is a really solid community citizen. Always seeking out fans in the community, doing food drives, helping people out. I think he has good character, but is also your classic Gen Zer.
  9. juju is actually the opposite. Very misunderstood person. There are few players in the entire NFL more giving of their time and money (in genuine ways) to the community than Juju.
  10. Very curious about the relationship and dynamics between Schoen and Daboll (or Frazier). Schoen is green, and these guys are veteran coaches. Wonder if there is some concern re his authority as a new GM being undermined given this dynamic. I can see the pros of going with a guy you know, but there could be some cons. Seen a lot of GM/HC power struggles over the years.
  11. i agree. I guess the positive is that it is Saturday— I have to think the work is done by then for the most part. But Schoen couldn’t schedule these for Monday instead?
  12. Sounds like a well-reasoned decision: “Well, I decided that he’ll play,” Reid said. “I’m not going to get into the conversations (that we’ve had). I’m not going to do that. I decided that after just hearing some of the information there.”
  13. No shock, I guess. In the grand scheme of chiefs’ crimes, this was on the lesser end.
  14. i can see that. As great as McKenzie is, there are a lot of players that are like him. If you look even at the Steelers, they have used Ray Ray with probably similar if not more production than McKenzie. I could see Stevenson growing into that role, so long as he doesn’t keep running into his own teammates. i do think the Bills will give him a fair and better deal though.
  15. KC Star op ed, suggesting that he not play this weekend. https://www.yahoo.com/news/arrest-kc-chiefs-lb-gay-153506608.html
  16. Amazingly, the Texans hired the most questionable candidate ever last year, only to shock us and hire an even more questionable one this year.
  17. i also think regardless, we are going to pay McKenzie. Nothing outrageous— but maybe a 2 or 3-year deal. He has earned it.
  18. That is a good point. I don’t know though how much KC likes to vary its own personnel— it seems like they like shuffling in and out a lot of their receivers.
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