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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. these are not good hot takes. I listened to the same PC, and they would love to keep Daboll, and if not him, then Dorsey.
  2. i think there is a wrong perception that a head coach is a “promotion.” It’s just a different job. I would argue being an OC and calling your own plays is a better job. But I obviously get why people angle for HC spots. It’s just that— sometimes, it is better to be content in a job than you love than go for a “higher” Job that you could possibly hate. But I guess to each his own.
  3. Daboll has probably the best job in the NFL. Offensive coordinator with total control over the offense. Stud QB. Coaches for and lives in home town. Job security and great ownership. i know he probably wants to give being a head coach a shot, but why not make the decision harder for him? Give him a raise and make him assistant head coach. That would also allow him to bide his time for a better HC job down the line. We would be saving him from the Giants, who are going nowhere.
  4. Good for him! My one story about Leftwich. I was walking out of a building about 15 years ago, and wasn’t looking where I was going, and literally bumped right into Leftwich. I was so shocked, that i didn’t even say anything. Thankfully, he seemed nice about it!
  5. I can’t believe I just watched that Pitt/Syracuse game. Two middling teams shooting 25%, and the refs didn’t bother showing up also.
  6. This is the most improbable thing I have ever heard.
  7. huh? Good luck? Barty beat Pegula in straight sets. That sounds like terrible luck— Bills lose and then their owner’s daughter loses.
  8. i believe we have him in Greg Rousseau. People Forget he was a rookie. TJ Watt was drafted around the same spot as him, and really came on in year 2. I can see Groot making that same leap.
  9. My kids made me all these “go bills” signs and my youngest ones watched most of the game with me, getting into it. They were ready to wear their bills gear to school on Monday too. It is painful to pass on this curse to our kids.
  10. i just think it is really hard to extrapolate anything bigger here because this game was so weird. In the span of 7 minutes, there was almost 300 total yards of offense. That was just unprecedented. Are Hill and Kelce excellent players? Yes. That combo is better than our combo of best players. And I agree with the concept that we need those sorts of playmakers. The Bills get almost nothing in YAC, and that is the chiefs entire offense. It helps when you have Hill And Kelce. But, how the Bills defended the chiefs last night? I would argue that the plan was to take Hill And Kelce away; and it worked for like 80% Of the game, but Mahomes scrambled/broke tackles like a thousand times to crack the code early on, and then hill And Kelce got us in the end.
  11. misleading, because the OP suggested some schematic flaws. I think Hill and Kelce came on late not because of schematic failures, but because the D was gassed. I don’t think we would change how we defended them.
  12. sorry, but I respectfully disagree. The game plan was smart. They bracketed both guys well. Hill had 6 catches for 30 Yards until he busted his late TD after the D had been out there for most of the second half. if you want to blame anyone, blame the offensive playcalling— they squandered the 3rd quarter on 2-yard RB runs. Kept the D out there all second half.
  13. These stats are so misleading. The defense held those two guys pretty well in check until the last like 4 minutes of the game. The defense was gassed by then.
  14. i have despised him for years. He doesn’t even like football, from as best I can tell. He once said his dream was doing the Nagano Winter Olympics (over doing the super bowl?!). But my favorite Nantz story is when during his divorce trial, his wife testified about how one of their big arguments was that he wanted to put up this huge oil paining of himself on the wall in their living room and she wouldn’t let him. Haha.
  15. My hot take is that we are the best team in the NFL, and they should “run it back” next year.
  16. The hopelessness of the situation is that we can go get the best defensive coordinator, and add 5 pro bowlers to that defense, and Mahomes is still going to beat us. every game we play with them is going to come down to a play or two. Total crapshoot.
  17. it was like they played in no man’s land. Not playing tight, not playing prevent. It was very weird.
  18. What happened with Diggs tonight? I don’t think they were bracketing him. Seemed like he just couldn’t shake his guy?
  19. When Bass intentionally kicks it short, he takes no run-up to the ball. I guess I would have to go back And watch, but I don’t remember him doing that.
  20. people are griping about the 13 seconds and the D. My main complaint was the offensive playcalling. Took all game for the Bills to take the training wheels off and let Josh cook. A lot of wasted possessions in the 3rd quarter running Gilliam out in the flat.
  21. i have seen a lot of squib kicks that burn like 4-5 seconds, but also end up at the 40 yard line. I think that’s what the staff was worried about.
  22. just let all the over reaction take its course. Still raw. I think cooler heads will prevail in the next few days.
  23. Kelce never re-set with another guy in motion on the last play.
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