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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Welp, there goes the season. Edwards broke his wrist. https://www.syracuse.com/orangebasketball/2022/02/jesse-edwards-fractures-wrist-will-be-out-for-the-rest-of-the-syracuse-basketball-season.html
  2. Am I the only one who saw this thread title and thought of Reggie Germany?!
  3. i follow Michigan a bit and I agree. I think Groot is probably going to end up being better honestly.
  4. haha— so true. I am sure Dougie now claims credit for Hackett being from “his coaching tree” too.
  5. i actually thought he did a nice job in Jax. He came in, stabbed the HC in the back, and then took full credit for the superb defense that that guy built en route to one good season. When he couldn’t take credit for other people’s work anymore, the team went into the toilet, and he got out of dodge with millions. So, mission accomplished.
  6. That Syracuse/BC game was frustrating to watch! The officiating just struck me as so one-sided. BC hand checking all game and no foul calls, and Edwards is breathing on guys and fouls out in 14 minutes of play? just glad they survived that one.
  7. this thread prompted me to buy some Pops. Solid as ever!
  8. Webb better be getting some guaranteed money— otherwise this deal Doesn’t make a lot of sense. He has a great thing going now.
  9. A guy I played with told me that I was the best “second ball” player he had ever seen.
  10. Dang, you are harsh about Poyer. He was a first team all pro this year! Overall, I think the team probably loves their current safety group. I think they really like Johnson too (unsure what makes you think he has been passed over). I suspect they make Levi a solid offer, and maybe he tests the market.
  11. Throwing, moving, and kicking the ball is generally allowed when I play.
  12. i could be wrong, but I get the sense that he had a good relationship with McD. McD is always raving about how great he is.
  13. I don’t think the bills would have to let him out, and he would be nuts to want to leave the current situation for that dumpster fire franchise.
  14. I probably misspoke, so don’t blame the history channel!! I have no doubt that there were small pockets of places that knew pizza in the US. It appears that these areas sprouted around WW2. But the point I think was it wasn’t until 1960, when Pizza Hut was founded and took off, that pizza became a commodity and readily available throughout the entire country. It really caused pizza to explode in popularity and be made available for the masses. i suspect eventually this would have happened— but Pizza Hut was the first business with this idea and the idea to expand it so radically. FYI— here is the show: https://www.history.com/shows/the-food-that-built-america/season-2/episode-1
  15. i have found Domino’s to be revolting. But then my very Italian neighbor who knows good food told me the same as you— whatever they are doing now, it is making the pizza a lot better. I still haven’t pulled the trigger on it though.
  16. that is a ridiculous shot. You know those greens are fast too, and he had to also deal with the lip of that bunker. To have that sort of short game, you know he is a great golfer.
  17. I have really changed my views on Pizza Hut, and have become a big supporter. I watched this show on the history channel about the pizza wars in the US. It is amazing— but outside of a few small pockets in NYC, no one had eaten or really heard of pizza through the 1950s and 60s in the US. Pizza Hut created a model that brought pizza to the masses. Without it, there wouldn’t be all the great mom and pop pizza shops now all over the country. So, while Pizza Hut is meh compared to good pizza, I have an appreciation for it as a major pioneer in food history.
  18. what I love about edwards is that he always keeps the ball high— never brings it down to where it will get stripped. he also really had a great game passing the ball. All the shooters will get wide open shots the more we can feed him the ball in the middle. great game by JG3 too. i get that Louisville was missing their best player, but both the O and D were playing really well today. i don’t know if they have an chance to make it even onto the bubble at this point, but if they keep trending up, they would be a tough out as a high seed in the tourney.
  19. isn’t the way to account for that to change the odds based on record, or narrow the lottery group to those with x wins or fewer? Not saying I would support the lottery, but there are measures in place that could still preserve parity.
  20. well said. i found the Warner analysis re the “lay ups” to be weird. He dissected a play where Josh was meant to read the end, and he was a bit slow in doing so, which meant he lost the chance to hit Singletary in the flat for an easy 5 yards. josh and others like him aren’t looking to the flat as their first read— which seemed to be the entire premise of Warner’s analysis. if there is something that josh legitimately can improve on, it is being able to throw better balls for his receivers to get YAC. But I think the lack of YAC is still Mostly on the type of receivers we have and the type of routes we run.
  21. One of my theories on why EB never gets a chance is a bias against former RB’s. I think there is a view that the RB position is not a “smart” Position— ie, running backs rely on their athleticism. Contrast that with the QB position, and the view is that former QB’s really know the X’s and O’s. Same with former DB’s— they seem to be viewed as the brains behind the defense. if you think about it, what head coaches were former running backs? The only guy I can think of is Dan Reeves.
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