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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. agreed. But to defend mayfield, those injuries really derailed him. Feel bad for him— he has been pretty harshly impacted by gutting through those injuries for his team. A lot of guys would have shut it down last year to preserve their bodies and contract value.
  2. Those two-way back roads in Texas are scary. I was surprised when I first drove down there. Lots of passing— people drive on the shoulder to let others pass them too, which is also dangerous. Everyone going over 70-80 mph. I can see one little mistake resulting in a fatal head-on collision.
  3. I actually thought Patterson was going to be the target to begin with.
  4. hekker hitting the market!!! Please, Beane— we need a punter!
  5. Yeah, that Ashtabula stretch is absolutely brutal!! I vowed I would never drive that again!
  6. Early March 2004, was driving back from watching a Syracuse Bball game (think it was Hakeem warrick’s last home game). Drove through WNY And the snow belt in Ohio. The snow was falling so fast that the highway had continuously 2-3 inches on it. Was driving at like 10 MPH for most of it. Can’t even believe I drove in that. In college, drove with a somewhat random fellow student back to WNY through Erie. The thruway was closed and yet we still got on it. Same deal— inches of snow on the road. We couldn’t see more than 10 feet in front of us. But this knucklehead was flying through it at like 40+ MPH.
  7. This deal is outrageous, and just a damning sign for Jones. I am pretty sure no other team was viewing Tyrod as a 1B this off-season.
  8. it also will free up our best pass rusher— Oliver— to move around and penetrate.
  9. I am pretty sure the Bills are going to make sure that the colts and Pats 1 game never occur again.
  10. This dude has been a key cog on my very mediocre fantasy teams for years now. I approve!
  11. That is it. 32 years old. Just worried that we would be throwing a lot of money at a guy that could be heading toward a downswing in his career.
  12. I don’t get the chandler jones love. Seems like a risk— 11-year vet?
  13. I will be rooting for him— just has to stay healthy!
  14. As much as that Landry block on AW eats at me, I am pretty sure Beane has no idea who Aaron Williams even is.
  15. This is a great fit. That said, I don't understand why the Mariotta market isn't hotter than the Trubisky one-- I personally would rather give Mariotta a second shot over MT.
  16. Good thing we had to hear a million Brady tributes ad nauseum, and then will probably get to hear them again next year.
  17. Love it. Good value. Always better to sign your own guys too. i may be in the minority, but I am hoping they still bring Beasley back on a restructured deal.
  18. Outside of his cheap shot on Aaron Williams years ago, I would be on board. He is exactly what the offense could use out of the slot, especially if we walk way from Beasley and McKenzie.
  19. i hear you. But they aren’t trading for him and then cutting him. In a few days, the browns are on the hook for $20M this year for Cooper as a base salary. Who would sign Cooper to a 1-year $20M salary? To me, the value isn’t there. Re-structure Landry, and draft a guy— that is a much wiser use of your money, IMO.
  20. Landry is the better value and fit in the Browns offense. This is just so nuts that they are doing this.
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