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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. I have a family member that treats people with aphasia. I don’t know how bad Bruce Willis has it, but it can be treated and improved through therapy, and so he may not have to give up acting altogether.
  2. Agreed. Wouldn’t have negated the score. Plus, we scored after that. Can’t really get worked up about it. the one missed call I was mildly irked at was the illegal shift on the chiefs GW TD. But the way they were moving the ball, they were going to score a TD on that drive no matter what.
  3. he is 7 years old and came up with the idea to google: “what is the best word in wordle?” and “adieu” popped up! The other best words that popped up were “about” and “sweet.”
  4. My daughter loves “radio.” My son goes with “adieu.” My wife likes “stare.” I really like “young.”
  5. FYI, this is what I read: “Rock, who made the 2009 documentary Good Hair about the wonders of African American hairstyles, didn't know Jada suffers from the hair loss condition alopecia, his friend told the outlet. His joke prior to Smith storming the stage was that Jada, who has been shaving her head since 2021, could star in a G.I. Jane sequel. The source said that Rock "doesn't have a mean bone in his body," and wasn't trying to humiliate Jada. Further, he was "shaken and bewildered" by Smith storming the stage.” https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/will-smith-chris-rock-made-up-after-oscars-fight-claims-diddy-145640005.html
  6. Ha— thanks! my little quip was meant to be a dig at how movies are now being released in so many different ways and on so many different platforms. would you think Chris rock is in the wrong here if he didn’t know about her alopecia? From what I have read, he didn’t know about it.
  7. i have had a really good sweet potato waffle fry— it kills the regular sweet potato fry!
  8. Frank A leaving would be a big mistake, IMO. Got 14 minutes per game last year— likely going to go up this year. He can get more meaningful minutes elsewhere? (In my dreams, I envisioned being able to put both Jesse and Frank on the floor next year at times).
  9. i would seriously love to know who made the call on this— Johnson, Daboll? They had to think Bates was a total bottom feeder to not start him during that mid-season stretch when the entire interior oline was getting blown up every week.
  10. i guarantee that this will be, to date, the most memed incident in all of history.
  11. i wish I could say that this was a bad prediction, but I have made far worse.
  12. Weird, for a guy that they refused to play most of last season (when the starters were playing at an atrocious level).
  13. Can I guess what the hit looked like? 8 guys tackle the ball carrier and Whitner comes flying in as the 9th guy on the pile?
  14. he needed to exercise self-control. The hubris of this guy to think he can walk up there in front of a live audience on live TV and do that— it is unbelievable. By the way, I sort of stopped watching will smith movies years ago when everyone was the same post-apocalyptic sci fi movie. He’s made the same movie like 100 times. That said, King Richard did pique my interest— though I haven’t seen it yet. Not only have I not seen any of these Oscar movies, it is hard to even figure out how/where to watch them anymore!
  15. And then will smith wins best actor! he audibled well on his speech, but don’t think public opinion will buy his “I am a man of love, defending my loved ones” Schtick.
  16. Let me just foreshadow my 2022-23 grievance: ”why did we sign Duke Johnson when we never activate him, and use up a gameday spot on Taiwan Jones?”
  17. We should get him to renege and sign him back— purely out of spite.
  18. i have a buddy who went to Rutgers and had the same experience as you. I think it must be the school. I have heard is it ridiculously huge. Also, I bet commuting didn’t help. At the school I went to, the commuters really had a strange and detached experience. I went to a small liberal arts school (about 2000 kids), and lived on campus. Really loved it. Two of my closest friends and my wife are all people I met in college. But otherwise, I don’t keep in touch with a lot of people from there anymore.
  19. interesting that you are hearing Cole is 50/50. I just assumed he was gone. He could really benefit from another year, especially where he might be the go-to scorer.
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