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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. i have just your normal recumbent exercise bike, and I think it does the trick. if you are really out of shape, that may be more realistic to ease into than doing a bunch of spinning classes on a peleton.
  2. i think manny does. But I do think injuries are catching him. That said, as some veteran depth? what is nice about him is he can play both inside and out.
  3. we really need to re-sign manny! It sounds like he might still have the itch.
  4. Really mutually beneficial deal here. Very fair. Now that we have locked up our core three players in Allen, Diggs, and Richard Bates, we are all set!
  5. can you imagine if he plays, and even contends? Would be just epic.
  6. Does anyone ever root for Kansas? I sort or forget about them. But they are always in the mix of things every year. will be interesting to see the slap on the wrist Bill Self gets by the NCAA now for the pending investigation.
  7. just watch— they will decide this game at the end.
  8. i also thought it was zeb’s, and that’s where my google search was focused until I came across that article above.
  9. Amen to Zweigles! a few years ago, I was back in rochester, and bought a cooler full of zweigle’s white hots, thinking it would last me at least a solid year. In the middle of winter, our fridge/freezer broke, and panic ensued in terms of preserving the white hots! I had to keep shifting them to coolers outside until we got a new fridge.
  10. he had 8 catches for 201 yards and 4 TD’s in the chiefs playoff loss. I get your point re the season stats, but that game alone is proof of enough that we have something special (not just a “full-time starter”— we have a really elite player).
  11. I saw the other thread on here re footlong hotdogs. It reminded me of “Zab’s Backyard Hots,” which was a big footlong hot dog chain in Rochester, NY back in the 80s. I remember going to the location in east Rochester and loving their footlong white hots and signature hot sauce. Anyone else remember this place? I looked it up, and it looks like it expanded too fast, which caused it to crater and file bankruptcy: https://amp.democratandchronicle.com/amp/99035558
  12. we are bills’ fans and are accustomed to losing in the most improbable ways. Like with 13 seconds left. I am always going to worry.
  13. rats! Was hoping he would come back. I think he actually has an NBA game potentially— could have used another year to see. Also— and maybe this is me— nothing is going to be better than college! Stay another year and have a lot of fun!
  14. I really hope this doesn’t come to fruition. The guy is injury prone, will cost too much, and thinks way too much of himself. I am not going to be able to tolerate all his “looking around to blame others” looks all game too.
  15. completely agree. Sanders has a lot more left in the tank than Julio does.
  16. “At your highest moment, be careful. That’s when the devil comes for you.” can’t recall what movie I saw it in— some fighting action flick set in LA, I think.
  17. if I had a place I sort of liked on our last trip, it was lower Manhattan and the financial district. Just seemed a little cleaner, open, and less crowded. We made our way up into Chinatown and little Italy— which, while crowded, had a great vibe and we hit up some great food spots. We went to a great show also, but it is funny— I was telling my wife that if I had to guess, 90% of people at these shows (and nice restaurants) have to be tourists. I don’t think the people that live in NY do any of that stuff on a regular basis— which is funny, because over the years, that seems like the appeal to draw people to live there (theatre, restaurants, night life).
  18. I was in NYC not long ago. I have been there a number of times through the years. I just don’t sort of get the appeal. Any time I am there, it just seems crowded and “hard” to do anything or get around, and I am overwhelmed with the smells of garbage (and now garbage plus marijuana). Sort of curious what people’s thoughts are. And also if there are fans of it, best neighborhoods to hang out in and visit? Maybe I am not going to the right places or doing the right things I have spent time in midtown, east and west sides, and downtown (Lower Manhattan). But haven’t spent much time at all in the upper west or upper east sides or Harlem and north of Manhattan.
  19. Only one guy I can think of that they may be thinking for that roster spot. DUuuuuuuuukkkee!!!!!!!!!
  20. i got three kids and I have read every Zach ertz post on this board— get your priorities straight!!
  21. wait, your screen name is “die hard bills fan” and you don’t have time to read a few Bills posts? 😁
  22. i just tried the math game today, and am really digging it.
  23. Pretty obvious the entire NFL wants Rick Bates. Bates and the 25th pick for a top-5 pick? Anyone? Anyone?
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