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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Some of those itineraries look great. I was looking at that Utah national parks one, as I am not great with long drives and hate the idea of driving 4 hours every day for that Utah loop. the only issue is they seem pretty pricey per person.
  2. that is a great point. I feel like Haack’s hang time is potentially misleading given his slow release time. Haack is a block waiting to happen, and if Araiza can hold, that should be the end of the competition.
  3. it is the hip. I believe they already amputated it.
  4. dont you guys love being spoiled?! Haha. I already know what they are saying over in Carolina— just got to surround him with a great running and playaction game, get CMC healthy, maybe add one more elite receiver to give him more “weapons.”
  5. interesting topic! I have discovered that as I get older, I am starting to be more obsessive over being on time to parties. It’s weird— I feel like I have to get there right on time. Part of it is not being rude to the hosts, and also part of it is giving me a good basis to make an early exit if I want to.
  6. how depressing it must be to be a panthers fan now.
  7. i have to say that it is always fun to be debating over our 6th or 7th wide receivers. This time of year is great!
  8. point well taken. But I still come back to the main sticking point of some arguing that the team would keep Austin over Crowder. Austin is the ultimate flier. I just don’t see him giving them any meaningful production.
  9. I actually don’t think crowder is competing with Austin. I can’t see the Bills signing Austin as a legit option as a WR. Maybe as purely a ST player. But as a WR, the guy hasn’t ever had a season as good as Crowder’s average season. I also don’t think it is fair to knock Crowder as being injury prone. Yeah, the guy has missed a few games each season here and there, but that’s not injury prone. Odds are he plays 12-15 games. I would take that.
  10. Agreed. They would be nuts rolling the dice on Austin to cut Crowder.
  11. haha—someone has a David Nelson Bills jersey?! That is great.
  12. yeah, he is not making the team as a blocker. If he keeps dropping balls and not getting open, he will be cut. That said, count me in the minority who likes Sweeney and thinks he can still turn it around. Still a young guy, and missed an entire season.
  13. Sounding like OJ Howard is regressing to how he used to play for my fantasy teams.
  14. Sounds from his wiki page that he was diagnosed with liver cancer only two months ago. He was great on an iconic show! RIP.
  15. This is great news. The more they stick with him, the less they are a threat. I expect Mac to get better, but is his ceiling anything more than a prime Matt Schaub or prime Chad Pennington?
  16. Called today, and got it for free. No haggling. I think this is 3 out of the last 4 years of getting it totally free. going to miss DTV!
  17. if you just look at his fumbles, it actually understates how bad he has been. He misplays a ton of balls too, which had led to near “touches” and muffs. It’s less of a fumbling issue with him, and more of a decision making problem.
  18. maybe some pseudo-media connections? Seems like Cover One was represented, and so I wonder if some of these podcasts and local website writers had some reserved tickets?
  19. I don’t have all the rules in front of me, but I doubt that Austin is PS eligible. I think he has too many accrued seasons.
  20. i remember going to the Bills/Steelers joint TC practices a few years ago. It was so disorienting watching all the different groups at the same time. I always wondered how if you streamed any of it, whether anyone would even know what is going on half the time.
  21. Dont worry. Just download the app, wait for about 12,000 people to go through, and then wait for the special offer!
  22. I refuse to play such a dangerous jinx game. You guys pretty much have learned nothing from the last 30 years of bad juju.
  23. Same here. I feel guilty sometimes, but I actually steer my kids away from playing youth sports. My elementary school boys play basketball, but nothing else. I don’t really have the time to chauffeur them all around or kill our evenings and summers on youth sports. I figure they can mess around playing in gym, neighborhood sorts of games, and then if they really get into something later on, can see about getting them involved in a reasonable way. maybe this is old fashioned, but when I was kid, I didn’t do all these organized sports. I played pickup bball, pickup football, tennis in the park, backyard baseball. I did little league for a few years when older and some rec bball in middle school. i just don’t get the travel league youth sports starting from age 6. Seems like a waste of time.
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