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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. i have discovered that I need an off-season for golf. By the time October rolls around, I have developed a number of new and disturbing swing flaws. It helps to put away the clubs for 6 months and re-set in April.
  2. i know a fair amount of Browns fans who are absolutely repulsed by Watson and angry at the team over signing him. It’s a tough spot to be in as a fan of that team.
  3. I think you hit the right criteria. live near friends and family or just places You enjoy— and then springboard to visit other areas.
  4. i am with you. Still like 20 years from retiring. But when I do, I think I would just do like periodic warm weather vacations in the winter, as opposed to moving south. I like being up in the northeast.
  5. i think you put Oliver at the top of the list and let everything else fall into place as best you can. I also can see Poyer’s deal being just an add on with a few years and some guaranteed money— nothing that would break the bank.
  6. Oliver isn’t going anywhere. That’s a guy you pay.
  7. i read the decision and agree. I don’t think her “no fair notice” finding holds up when you have someone who has engaged in unprecedented behavior— which is a pattern of sexual conduct involving four different victims. It is unprecedented if you consider just the 4 victims, let alone the 66 possible victims. she says the prior punishments for non-violent conduct have been far less (3 games max), but I am not sure going only up to 6 games really appropriately accounts for the multiple victims.
  8. i believe we will see him lined up at times on the outside too. With the beef we have in the middle, consider Von and Oliver attacking from the edges at the same time.
  9. i am amazed that the offense has been able to function with who they have had out there on the line.
  10. Love seeing Benford’s name. I was really hoping they would move him to safety.
  11. My guess is 12 games. I think anything in that 8-12 window would be considered a huge win by Watson.
  12. I mean, AB was fine with the Steelers and also fine for a while with the Bucs. my buddy who is a Steelers fan always has warned me that with these number 1 receivers, there is always a risk that it can go off the rails, especially if things aren’t going their way. I think that is a good point. would that happen to OBJ here? I don’t know. But with the talent we have and OBJ coming off another ACL, I am not a fan of rolling the dice.
  13. Re your last comment, I agree, but it sounds like these beat reporters have been doing the hang time calculations. So I am not super confident that we are getting accurate times.
  14. Diggs is exactly the guy I am thinking about. He is the number 1 guy here and obviously there were some issues in Minnesota. But he is great here. Why throw a monkey wrench in a good thing here by bringing in a guy like OBJ? Just a lot of unnecessary risk to the team dynamic.
  15. Gotta be careful with diva receivers. Way too much risk with upsetting the team dynamic.
  16. Some of those itineraries look great. I was looking at that Utah national parks one, as I am not great with long drives and hate the idea of driving 4 hours every day for that Utah loop. the only issue is they seem pretty pricey per person.
  17. that is a great point. I feel like Haack’s hang time is potentially misleading given his slow release time. Haack is a block waiting to happen, and if Araiza can hold, that should be the end of the competition.
  18. it is the hip. I believe they already amputated it.
  19. dont you guys love being spoiled?! Haha. I already know what they are saying over in Carolina— just got to surround him with a great running and playaction game, get CMC healthy, maybe add one more elite receiver to give him more “weapons.”
  20. interesting topic! I have discovered that as I get older, I am starting to be more obsessive over being on time to parties. It’s weird— I feel like I have to get there right on time. Part of it is not being rude to the hosts, and also part of it is giving me a good basis to make an early exit if I want to.
  21. how depressing it must be to be a panthers fan now.
  22. i have to say that it is always fun to be debating over our 6th or 7th wide receivers. This time of year is great!
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