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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Who do you cut then? White, Elam, Taron, Dane are all locks. It sounds like Bender is a lock. Both Cam and McCloud are supposedly playing great, and both of those guys give us more versatility. I think they would have to basically IR or PUP White, but even then, we would probably have to cut one or more of these other guys.
  2. Ugh— you can’t win! Don’t get me started on rotator cuffs, but let’s just say that I have to do massive yoga stretching on my shoulders every day.
  3. Elbow pain is the worst. I developed the worst tennis elbow And then golfers elbow. Lingered for years. What actually Aggravated it was doing things like dips and especially pull-ups. I will never do another pull-up as long as I live now.
  4. a few of my college-aged nephews are not Bills fans, but they have Josh Allen jerseys. I think this newer generation of fans too is more player focused than team focused.
  5. i like that the ones that you can remember are Harvin and Merriman! I thought my RJ jerseys are bad— haha. Did you also get a Reggie bush jersey?
  6. when i bought my (ugly) blue Takeo Spikes jersey, I remember thinking how “safe” of a choice it was. He was a stud in his prime, just signed up to a nice long-term contract. Of course, he ends up tearing his Achilles and washing out. Such a shame.
  7. Sadly, I own two rob Johnson jerseys (and two RJ t-shirts). I also have a takeo spikes, Bruce smith, and Josh Allen.
  8. He wasn’t a good guy early on in his career. But i have some friends who are pretty close with him, and he did genuinely turn his life around.
  9. with the new IR rules, I think he can come back soon (like 4 games, If I am not mistaken). So it is a good stash— probably lower risk than seeing if we will clear to the PS. You know the giants will be poaching our guys.
  10. This game is usually the absolute worst and sloppiest display of football of the year.
  11. This is actually a good development. It was looking like Stevenson was a possible cut. This will allow the Bills to stash him on IR. I think that last WR spot will be between Austin and Hodgins now. If Khalil can handle kicks, then maybe Austin goes to PS?
  12. i know this is your pet issue, so I will tread lightly! But I have always tended to agree with the “draft a corner early” strategy. For many years, almost every single starting corner in the NFL was a first or second round pick. It is a position too where the learning curve isn’t as steep— rookies can come and start right away— and the cost to sign an elite FA corner too high. I have slightly modified my view because in the last 5 years or so, we have seen more late-round corners have success. I think that is more of a product of the types of defenses team play (lot more 2-high safety and cover 4), where you don’t need to be an elite corner to be a decent starter.
  13. He didn’t start that last fight. Looked like the defensive lineman did.
  14. Goodell appealing to Goodell. I am pretty sure they are going to win. Browns be browning…
  15. we are all in our mid-40s. That’s why we are on a message board.
  16. She expressly said in the decision that she was only considering the 4 cases. But even those 4 cases make it egregious.
  17. We are going to have a hard time stashing some of our DBs on the practice squad this year. Looks like Benford, Cam Lewis, and McCloud are all looking great. You can bet the Giants will steal Lewis and McCloud if we cut them to try to get them on PS. And Frazier pumping up Benford today makes it seem like he may make the roster, so long as he can play ST.
  18. my brother in Christ, you always think ahead! Please proceed.
  19. so, then are you recommending amputation from the spleen up? That seems to be the safest course. I believe we are still at phase 1: thoughts. May ramp it up to thoughts and prayers tomorrow.
  20. Quick question for the doctors on here. What is the estimated recovery time for amputation and then re-attachment without the elbow?
  21. your wife needs to talk to my wife. I have tried to get her to get into golf. The best I can do is get her to walk with me 9 holes once per year.
  22. This is great to hear. He was my favorite pick of the draft. Maybe it is just nostalgia, but I remember feeling the same way about another late-round small school corner we drafted— Terrance McGee! I really hope they try Benford at safety— reports were that he has the ball skills and size to play there.
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