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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. 10 points handed to the ravens due to turnovers. Just painful.
  2. How do you like how the ravens tip a ball And get a pick, and we tip one (edmunds) and it falls perfectly to the ravens receiver?!
  3. I never hold anything against anyone in the GDT. It is pure hysterics.
  4. Ravens are good. So are the bills. Time to go get 7, and get this to a 14-10 game!
  5. they were blitzing a lot on that drive. Gotta tip your hat to them. Time to answer.
  6. I would like To see that again, but it was weird. All he had to do was really reach a little For it— it was an accurate pass.
  7. This D is terrible on goal To go. I think they are at 0% for the season.
  8. Agree. We win this game with some explosive plays. I think Cook is the guy. Get him the ball “in space” (I know, I know), or on some screens or wide zones and let him try to break one.
  9. I agree. He is pulling the classic reverse jinx. It is a shrewd move.
  10. I am guessing that you aren’t finding it because it is illegal.
  11. i agree. And my negative Nancy comments at the weather aren’t met to suggest that we are going to lose. I am with you— I think the team needs to be conscious of any weather issues, and make sure both ball security and game plan are adjusted accordingly. It is a variable that needs to be considered in how we play.
  12. I like the wishful thinking! But the radar I am looking at has like 100% rain over Baltimore.
  13. too bad it will be a crappy rainy day, which will neutralize our passing advantage some. Gonna be sloppy, lots of drops, and turnovers are going to decide this game. Wish we could play them on a clean field.
  14. After the clarification above re the protocol, it’s clear to me that the Union had the power to can the UNC, But likely has no say about the dolphins doctor. While the team doctor is the one to ultimately blame, it is probably on the dolphins to fire him— which I am guessing is coming next.
  15. When the schedule came out, the first 6 games were always going to be the hardest stretch. I was thinking if we survived to go 3-3 for that stretch, we would be in good shape. Before the season, I was thinking we would be 1-2 at this point, with losses to the Rams and Titans and a win against Miami. Obviously, the opposite happened! The way all these teams are now playing, I can see us losing to Baltimore, but beating Pitt, KC, and GB. It’s going to be a tough stretch and I expect the Balt, KC, and GB games all to be tight ones— but we should come out okay.
  16. Dolphins kinda should hide behind this. If this independent doctor is saying Tua was fine, you would think the dolphins would just rely on that. I am curious how this works though behind the scenes— does the team doctor just defer to the independent guy? Do they examine him together and consult with each other?
  17. we lost last week because of the heat. It clearly affected our red zone execution. The offense was gassed. We lost last year against New England because of the high wind. The rain is going to be a factor. And it doesn’t impact each team the same. It impacts us more because we rely almost exclusively on the pass than the Ravens. I am not saying we can’t or won’t win. But the coaches need to understand that it will affect the game, and game plan accordingly— ie, by figuring out how we are going to run more effectively. We are going to need our middling group of RB’s and oline to generate some push and solid runs.
  18. I am a weather nerd. I like how all the “I am too cool to worry about the weather” cool kids poo poo the weather! We have seen over the last few years now several games decided directly because of the weather. It definitely matters, especially since we are such a pass happy team with very little ability to run the ball. According to at least one article I read, the presence of even light rain decreases passing production by 12%. There is no question that it is going to rain during most, if not, the entire game tomorrow. What that means is that we need some good ball security, and we will need to be able to actually run the ball. I am hoping we will see more Jet sweep action and wide zones with Cook. We aren’t going to be able to batter it up the gut against these very good DT’s of the Ravens.
  19. Y’all dogging on Moss, yet he had a 43-yard run last game?! 😄
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