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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. People here complaining— jets have a good defense. Their o had one good drive— they aren’t going to roll over.
  2. Davis better show up here. They are doubling Diggs. We need some other options.
  3. Why don’t they show that last Davis play? How about a replay once in a while?
  4. That’s why that first TO is awful. We just need to play okay and take care of the ball and kick some FGs. Jets D is good.
  5. Welp, that will end the kicking Short plan for this game. They usually go away from it if they get burned by a return.
  6. Agreed. in a game like this, we have to just score points when we can get them. Let the jets make the mistakes.
  7. I am prepared to amputate and donate one of my love handles to Milano for the good of the team.
  8. In honor of Jets week, a great Curb Your Enthusiasm bit:
  9. I agree with this, and it’s sort of what I meant by “messing around.” Allen knows there is easier stuff and smarter stuff open but rolls the dice more than he should. I think that is sometimes to take a shot, but sometimes because he just wants to because he knows he is good.
  10. Agreed. My two cents on it though is that Josh and these receivers seem to be messing around. They know they are good, and instead of taking easy stuff, they are almost trying the hard stuff, for kicks. it was like they were trying to stick it those GB corners last week. Against Pittsburgh, I felt they were trying to pick on Wallace. my hope is that when we need to (playoffs and down the stretch) Josh takes the easy stuff.
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