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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. I get that they changed the rules to 4 weeks. But why even that? This year across the league has shown that there has to be more flex on injuries.
  2. I don’t even understand why we have these absurd IR rules. Why can’t they just put guys on “IR” on a weekly basis and use that roster spot, and then activate them if/when healthy?
  3. agree— but I still want no part of Mahomes.
  4. I just hope someone else knocks off the chiefs in the playoffs. People forget, but the only reason the Steelers have their two recent SB wins is because another team beat New England in the playoffs. They never matched up well against them.
  5. Kelce goes out and grabs the defender with his hands inside his numbers. if the defender grabs back, it’s a hold. If he doesn’t, Kelce pushes off and gets open. It’s absurd.
  6. I agree. These refs were awful. I still can’t believe the Hamlin PI. And the Gilliam “hold” That wiped out a TD was a horrendous call. that said, there was at least one call that I think went our way. There was one RPO we ran where Allen hit Diggs with a really nice slant. I was re-watching that play, and the olinemen were like 5 yards down field when Allen threw it. It was a pretty obvious “illegal man down field” and totally missed.
  7. there was one play last week where the ball was tipped in mid air, then the DB stuck his arm in at the catch and tipped it again, and Jefferson still caught it. I mean, what else can you do? I go back to maybe it’s time to just grab and hold more. Force these refs to call it. Our receivers are constantly getting grabbed, and we never get those calls.
  8. The refs today truly don’t understand pass interference. I went back and watched the Diggs OPI (where he ran into the camera man). I am truly baffled. I have no idea what could be construed to be OPI on that play. I was baffled by the Hamlin PI later. And go back and watch some of the push offs against Dane today— some really sketchy no-calls.
  9. I went back And looked at some of these big completions today. There was a great catch by peoples-jones down the sideline with Dane right on him. DPJ extended his arm out and got separation and hauled it in. That is one they call OPI on 9 times out of 10. Then, on the last TD, it was just a jump ball between Dane and DPJ, and DPJ just ripped it away. A few times Dane and Benford had good coverage, but just didn’t get their head back around and arm up in time. And a few other times, Taron seemed to get just beat— I think they asked him to play more man on Cooper today, and that is a tough assignment. Overall, if there is something correctible here, it’s the DBs need to get their heads around and play the ball more aggressively. I wouldn’t mind if they got more handsy than they have been too, even if it means some penalties.
  10. The Hamlin PD was a beauty. Just garbage that they would call that interference. Textbook coverage.
  11. This is how you win games when you aren’t at your best or banged up. They played a clean second half; got points when they could get them; had a few key stops; and didn’t make any bone head plays. if I had one complaint, never go for two until you absolutely have to. We just needed to keep chipping away with points.
  12. TBH, the coverage is there and usually very tight. I chalk it up to just some really great throws lately, and some bad luck. On that Cooper TD, Johnson had his arm between Cooper and the ball and he is still caught it. What else is he supposed to do?
  13. Sometimes you have to gut out games when things aren’t going your way. That’s what this team is hopefully learning. That was the way to beat the jets too. Let the other team beat themselves.
  14. Don’t be dumb here. No penalties, no turnovers. Gotta get at least 3.
  15. Just hand the ball off. We can run on these guys. Gonna have to gut this one out. Just get a FG and lick your wounds at half.
  16. That Gilliam penalty was hilarious. Apparently you can get blown up and flail falling down and get a hold?
  17. Just add Tre and Edmunds soon enough, and this D is dramatically better.
  18. Exactly the kind of Brownsy play we needed to jump start this game.
  19. We needs some Brownsy play here. This game really easily should be 14-0. Got 3 from a PR and held due to two awful drops.
  20. What happened on that last offensive play? It almost looked like it was supposed to be a screen or a quick slant, with some quick cut blocks.
  21. Hamlin isn’t the problem, IMO. These LBs are atrocious in coverage (Bernard, Dodson).
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