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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. agreed. I will like look at the clock at 3:30, and the stress of not knowing will be killer.
  2. Going to be rough for me. Have people coming to eat around 2 PM. I think I am going to watch the first half, and then DVR the second half. I just get so stressed out when I know the game is occurring and I am not watching it.
  3. yeah, I am talking about just time value of money. That said, cost wise, I have to think even with increased construction costs, Lucas would have to be in the ballpark of the price tag the Bills are paying for their open air stadium. (Also, the PPI seems to reflect the recent radical inflation— would have to think those numbers decrease as the unnatural spike in inflation settles down).
  4. He’s better than one might think given he is more of a thumper— and is a lot better than Dodson (or Bernard, who was even worse than Dodson).
  5. Dodson was horrendous in coverage last week. Just looked like he was stuck in mud. We really need Klein out there.
  6. Lucas oil cost $720M in 2008. In today’s dollars, that comes out to about $996M. The open air stadium the bills are building is like $1.4B!!
  7. Seems like they don’t even look his way. Would love to see him used on some screens, at least.
  8. Setting aside the obvious reason of a dome giving our team a major advantage, I just don’t understand the ROI of an open-air stadium. they could build a stadium similar to Lucas Oil for not much more than they are spending now, and could be in the running for all sorts of other major sporting events (even the Super Bowl), and use it for a host of other events.
  9. Re the end of the game and OT, these guys need to move on offense. They let Judah get pressured to death, and no one is cutting or setting screens off the ball. They were all standing around and watching him.
  10. I eat a lot of Chinese food, and never eat the fortune cookie.
  11. Lions always play the early game. I believe that has been the case for the last approx 75 years.
  12. Kugler was solid for us and then with the Steelers. I think his sons went onto play oline for some big division 1 programs.
  13. Weirdly enough, he seems to have regressed as a receiver and route runner. Not sure what has happened.
  14. when was the last time the Bills ran a successful RB screen? I would argue it has been more than 20 years ago. I don’t get it.
  15. I don’t know. I went back and watched it again, and the defender is on McK so fast and at such a tight angle that he has no chance to cut it up. He also really had no chance to even extend the ball, given the other defender coming in. I think the play was probably designed to be a race to the corner, and it would have worked easily if Gilliam had tried to engage on his block.
  16. Kirk Gibson HR in the World Series!
  17. Great win. Really loved Bell looking for his shot. As much as JG Had a great game, ball needs to be in Judah’s hands down the stretch. I’d rather see him go to the rim than JG taking off balance contested 3’s. Had some bad shots down the stretch that almost burned us.
  18. they have been back there together on a number of packages. The problem is they don’t give it to Hines!! what I would love to see are just basic check downs and screens to Hines.
  19. they score to make it 22-10. If we go for 1, it is 23-10. If we score a FG on our next possession, it is 26-10– at that point it would require the browns to score 2 TDs and 2 2-pointers just to tie. Good luck with that. We are then really in the driver’s seat. what I don’t like about going for 2 early is the coaches hold the variable of your own team scoring constant. Why? There is a ton of game left. How we score on the next possession will dramatically impact the scoring differences down the stretch. Also, the going for 2 vs 1 rarely considers how your team is performing. We are really struggling lately on goal to go downs. So, if I were to say our chance of 1 is 100% and our chance of getting 2 is like 20%, wouldn’t it be a no-brainer to go for 1? The coaches rarely consider a weighted average in making that call. Maybe I am too risk averse— but against bad opponents, I just want guaranteed points anyway I can get them.
  20. I heard they tried to give him a final severance check on the way out, but he dropped it.
  21. Agreed. That hold call on Gilliam and the PI on Hamlin are as bad as it gets. The Saffold hold was horrendous too. Negated a 20-yard run. I knew this crew was shaky from the outset— never recall even seeing those guys out there before.
  22. They actually played well yesterday. The coverage is there. The receivers are just making a lot of insane catches recently on insane throws. if there was a coverage lapse, it was at linebacker. I really don’t want to see Dodson and Bernard out there in coverage again.
  23. A few comments about the 2-point conversion fail: 1) McKenzie was taking a lot of grief after the game for going to the corner, as opposed to Scooting upfield and kind of diving in. There is no chance for him to do it on this play. He had no angle other than the corner. 2) if you want to blame someone, blame Gilliam. Gilliam blocked the safety, but tried to just blow him up, as opposed to engaging him in a block. The safety just bounced off of him, and made it to the corner to get McKenzie. 3) Broader issue. I know the math said to go for 2, but in a game when you aren’t playing your best, you are playing an inferior opponent, and there is a full quarter and a half, why go for two? I would argue that you have to just keep accumulating points. the 2-point play is at 9-minute mark here:
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