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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Woof, chiefs?! Well, someone really dropped the ball on this one.
  2. oh, trust me, I am a pro at the avoid media and DVR the game. Story of my life. The trouble here though with a party is controlling the flow of information and an inadvertent slip up. The bigger issue for me is going to be the bills/bears Christmas Eve game. I have no idea how I will pull that one off, with the family obligations and the late night. I probably couldn’t even watch it until 11 PM even if I successfully avoided media. My best shot is having my wife drive to my in-laws and leave at 1-ish (driving about 2 hours), while I watch on the phone, and then try to sneak in the rest on the down low when I get there.
  3. haha— Some true words of wisdom. And I love how birth of a second child doesn’t make the cut!!
  4. agreed. I am not apologizing if I am the dolphins. They are coming out and taking care of business against these lesser teams. Also, the Lions and Bears (with Fields) are better teams than their records reflect.
  5. I am puzzled how easily he has been getting beat to the outside. I would love to hear from the offensive line experts here. Is it technique? Or just can’t bend/ lacks quick feet? You would think his long arms and frame would help him, but I guess not.
  6. Good point. I also don’t think teams are going to block a guy like Hughes.
  7. Cold schmold. It’s all about the wind! Our stadium has to be the absolute worst for wind. I follow the weather for these games pretty religiously, and I have not seen the types of wind gust speed anywhere else, even Cleveland, which one would think would be comparable. my hope with the new stadium is they figure out a way to neutralize the high winds.
  8. Not sure there is more to say than that. While I think some of those charge calls on the Mintz floaters were totally bush league (ball fully released like a foot before contact), obviously Mintz can’t be going around slapping people. if there is a positive, it’s that Taylor had a great game.
  9. I need this game flexed in the worst way— holiday party starting at 4 PM on 12/18!
  10. it is amazing. The ball will often go through his hands, bobble around, and the receiver will still catch it! That said, to defend Dane a little, fans forget about the times when he has had good PD’s. Dane had a really good one on a sideline throw to Chalk against the Lions where he knocked the ball away. He has 10 PDs on the season, which is tied for 8th. League leader (Sauce) has 14. https://scores.nbcsports.com/fb/leaders.asp?rank=305&range=NFL&type=Defense
  11. Wonder if it was because they played more man on Thanksgiving? That seems to be his jam.
  12. I think the Bills needs to reevaluate their oline philosophy. These light “wide zone” Guys aren’t working out. Time to get some road graders and change the style of play up front.
  13. As much as everyone rags on the NFC, Eagles look like the SB favorite. Solid coaching, great defense, balanced offense. Their offense feels like a more explosive version of the Titans— can run it down your throats, but throw to many great weapons on playaction and those RPOs.
  14. one of my favorite games!! Running it right up the gut against Dan Saleamua and company!
  15. no one within 2 yards of him on these runs up the middle. But he has great vision and moves.
  16. The holes that the eagles oline opens are ridiculous.
  17. Doug Whaley— always playing the long game!
  18. As the biggest weather worrier on here, the silver lining to not getting the #1 seed is getting to play in a stadium in the playoffs without gale force winds.
  19. I was coming here to post this exact same sentence, verbatim. Total clown show. The guy is a prima Donna. He goes on a dog and pony recruiting show; he files a big lawsuit against a Nike; and gets thrown off a plane, all in the span of a week.
  20. All fair questions. I obviously can’t speak for the Bills. But given the buzz over and attempts at getting a pass-catching RB (eg, McKissick), I saw the Hines trade as more than just a ST specialist. I was expecting a guy who would basically be no less than a third round back, and would be catching at least 4-5 balls per game, and being mixed in with the other RB’s with a few Carries here and there. That would be the floor on expectations. The ceiling would Be a guy who would essentially be our slot WR, with the versatility to move into the backfield. Some of my expectations were driven by Hines’s contract. I guess the Bills could let him walk after this season, but if they aren’t, his contract justifies higher usage.
  21. I am going to have to do some deep-dive film study into said Gatorade container kick.
  22. My hope And guess is that they are taking a very deliberate and long approach to Hines. Get him fully up to speed, figure out how best to use him, get him lots Of practice reps, etc.— all In time for the final stretch and playoffs. I think what that means would be he is fully integrated by the Jets game. That would give him that 10-day window between games too for more reps. Either that, or they are really squandering the trade.
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