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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. Hey man— just trying to have an interesting conversation; not sure I deserve a def con 3 level of snarkiness!
  2. This game was very close to being a blowout (like easily a 14 to 17-point win). Jets had some 50/50 plays that went their way. For example, if that Epenza fumble doesn’t miraculously fall into a jets player’s arms, or John Brown actually makes a contested catch, or the berrios slant at the goal line popped way up in the air is intercepted, this is a blowout. Not saying that we can discount what actually happened, but it’s a few sort of random plays or bounces to being a blowout.
  3. Because the dude is a baller. As Romo also pointed out, he is playing for his career every week. Last thing he can afford is to be knocked out and have Wilson get his job back.
  4. Seriously, can no one catch a hard, contested catch?
  5. no one really helps Allen out. Meanwhile, every other team makes insane catches.
  6. Well, may be better from a field position standpoint, I guess….
  7. White is tough. Really playing a lot better too than I thought he would. I bet he comes back in again too.
  8. well, he called coverage on the first conversion and pressure on the second. I mean, sometimes it would be nice if a CB knocked a ball down.
  9. Can’t blame Frazier for those third and long lapses. Our DBs need to Be able to make some plays.
  10. The jets have run that same run play twice with a lot of success both times. Lots of wide open running there for anyone.
  11. smart play by Allen to secure the ball. They need to just not turn the ball over on this crappy day. all you “anti-domers”— enjoy!! We would Be up 14-0 right now in perfect conditions.
  12. On the sack, the DE was lined up Offside, which also didn’t help.
  13. I mean, every receiver catches a contested ball against us but we can’t do so.
  14. Got to be patient here on both sides of the ball. let’s gets that running game and play action game going.
  15. Maybe someone at the game can correct me, but wind is looking feasible. 7-10 MPH steady, gusts of up to 20.
  16. Great win! Really love what Ajak brings to this team. Very smart player and great passer; hustles on D and plays hard. if Edwards and Mintz can play at that level, it’s really going to open the floor for the other guys to make some buckets.
  17. would prefer snow over rain. It looked like rain and wintry mix at game time Based on the weather reports. good news is the wind should be fine.
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