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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. That Ray Ray play was very interesting. It was basically a middle screen with only other receivers down field As blockers
  2. It is ridiculous. That sort of hand checking makes the game unwatchable.
  3. I love how people gripe about the offense and defense. Yeah, there are things we can clean up and execute better. But i am pretty sure we are the second best scoring defense in the NFL and like top-5 scoring offense. With the best strength of victory in the NFL.
  4. i will also say this. Everything about youth sports these days strikes me as too structured. Teams, travel leagues, private coaching, $$, etc. When I was a kid (elementary and middle school mostly), the most fun was playing backyard baseball, tennis with buddies in the park, and pickup bball. Would do some organized sports here and there, but that was a fraction of what I did just informally. I don’t think kids do the informal sports stuff anymore. Either no time with all the organized sports, helicoptering parents, or lack of socialization skills to organically play like that.
  5. Going to “give it a go” with a safety razor on your jugular. Don’t die, man!
  6. I totally agree re playing a variety of sports. But that is definitely not the state of youth sports anymore. Kids declare a speciality very early, and play it year round. I have a friend whose son (9 years old) plays baseball year round. He will do a few other minor things on the side (6 week flag football), but he is all in on baseball. I think the view now is that your kid has to specialize very early to be able to make the team and compete when they get to HS.
  7. exactly the same for me. I have steady teams. But I think you need the guy that can go off for like 50 points in a playoff game to have the titles. I never can seem to get that guy. I think the one year I won the championship, Tory Holt scored like 4 TDs for me in the title game— have never had anything like that happen to me since.
  8. Made the playoffs in one of my two leagues. But I reached the realization that I am a terrible fantasy football player. I have been playing for almost 25 years, and have exactly one championship (2002). Lost in the finals probably 5 times. Usually make the playoffs and am eliminated early. I should just quit.
  9. I hope you are right. But those stats are a little misleading. Can’t bank on Allen scrambling a lot in a snow game. We are going to need good running from our running backs. And I can’t imagine our stats are very good on rushing yards out of the RB position. That said, I saw what we were capable of two games ago— just need to go back to that and punch these guys in the mouths.
  10. this assumes that we can actually run the ball, and stop the run. Color me nervous about that.
  11. Bill Gray’s? I used to love that place as a kid. Used to go to one in Fairport and one at Eastview Mall. Great burgers and great crinkle fries. I wonder if they are still around.
  12. I don’t have a blackstone…. Yet. It’s on my Christmas list. I just use a skillet, and a smasher. Put a mayo/mustard mix on the meat as it cooks, and sear it right into it. Melt cheese. Add chopped lettuce, sautéed onions, some special sauce on a toasted sesame seed bun.
  13. With all the concussion stuff, this has to be the wave of the future, over playing peewee and even HS football. I remember talking to a former NFL player and he basically said he wouldn’t bother having his kids play tackle football until maybe they were juniors or seniors in HS. No need to take those hits, and not a huge advantage when you have excellent athletic genes.
  14. I have to say that now that I have perfected making my own smashburger, nothing beats it. It is so perfect and easy.
  15. Agreed— but that was 20 years ago!!
  16. yeah, there is little chance that the Bills press. They are going to play it safe.
  17. I just can’t fathom how we haven’t been able to get anything consistent out of the slot when we have not only McKenzie, but Shakir, Hines, and Knox able to play out of there.
  18. can you recall a single RB screen that has worked for the Bills since Chan was here? I seriously can’t. Like not a single one.
  19. My biggest concern is that he is washed. He looked pretty rough with TB.
  20. these guards leave Buffalo, and magically turn into stars, I guess!
  21. I posted this in the Miami/LAC game thread, but has anyone noticed how Tua is on the sidelines during the game when the offense is off the field? He just sits there by himself and stares off into space. He never is talking to anyone or looking at the iPad or film, like it seems every other QB in the league does. It is very odd.
  22. That is then an embarrassingly bad error. Klein also blew up a punt we were going to down at the 1 (though I forgive him a little for that, as he thought Berrios touched it). Still, not a great ST showing yesterday for him.
  23. The Buffalo/Cincy game is going to be for all the marbles. I think if the Bills win, they get homefield and it sets up for a possible 2 vs 7 matchup between KC and LAC. A healthy LA team can win that one.
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