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Miyagi-Do Karate

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Everything posted by Miyagi-Do Karate

  1. I was really irritated at the overturning of the McKenzie catch. You see this every week. Replays slow down the action, and then they unnaturally analyze these catches frame by frame and examine the millimeter movements of the ball. Anyone with any common sense or who has played sports realizes that these are true catches. I feel like replay and the catch rules are ruining the game, and not rewarding players for some really terrific plays. I think the rule needs to be that if the receiver gets two feet down and has firm control of the ball, that’s it. All these minor movements of the ball or touching of the ball to the ground are irrelevant. They don’t need to defy common sense to implement the current bright-line rule that isn’t really working now.
  2. Our ST were atrocious: 1) gave up a big KR 2) did poorly on two KR 3) let a punt roll down to the 1 4) roughing the punter 5) on a punt return, we were called for two holds (by supposedly our best ST players in Taiwan and Neal) ( not to mention the near muff by Hines there on that last punt catch either).
  3. yup; that’s why I said it! Only the Bills are building an open air stadium in this day and age. everyone else has a roof.
  4. McDaniel playcalling inside the 10 was comical. Mostert is looking like Bo Jackson out there and they stop running in the red zone.
  5. I would argue that the dolphins didn’t dominate the second half; we just made some bad mistakes for much of the half up until the last few drives. Consider: 1) first offensive drive fizzled on bad second and 1 run, and just a miss on an easy out on 3rd down to Gabe. 2) bad punt fielded and ball at 1– field position killed that drive 3) nice drive killed by three consecutive penalties on our oline. 4) cam Lewis roughing call, undid a stop and led to a TD. 5) great catch by McKenzie ruled incomplete by refs killed another drive. So much of this game is execution. Bills executed on their last two drives And won.
  6. At least their fans don’t have to say “build a dome!!”
  7. That was straight-up pure hero ball. Josh just willed us to A win. That’s why we can win any game, no matter how many mistakes are made. A QB like that covers over everything.
  8. Why the dolphins should have never gone for 2 early in the game. They would be up 9 now. always wait to go to 2, until you absolutely have to, IMO.
  9. surprised he has only been out there like for 5 or so plays, by my eye.
  10. 99% is execution!!! We were up in the first half because we made more plays. Let’s go make some plays now!
  11. That entire quarter was us shooting ourselves In the foot. Bad field position, and penalties killed two drives. A drop/ref call killed another.
  12. Stats are so misleading. Dolphins haven’t stopped us all night; we have stopped ourselves this entire second half.
  13. penalties, ST errors, mental mistakes, poor tackling. Just got to execute better.
  14. that’s the bottom line. They came to try to out-physical us today and it is working. Embarrassing.
  15. ST today: roughing kicker, let ball roll to 1, allowed big return, been stuffed on two bad KR’s.
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