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Everything posted by DPR4444

  1. Sorry for your loss. Hang in there.
  2. Given their recent record, any decent attorney could argue that the Sabres aren't really an NHL team anyway.
  3. i cant take credit for this, saw it posted on another site, but thought i'd share... "Here is some of what Don Zimmer saw in his life: He met Babe Ruth (1947) Was a teammate of Jackie Robinson (1954-56) Played for Casey Stengel (1962) He was in uniform for some of the most iconic games in history: The team that lost the most games (Mets 1962), and the team that won the most games, including post season play (Yankees, 1998). He was in uniform for the only WS championship for the Brooklyn Dodgers (1955), one of the most famous WS home runs (Carlton Fisk 1975), the Pine Tar game (1983), the first night game at Wrigley Field (1988), the first game in Rockies history (1993) and all three perfect games thrown at Yankee Stadium (Don Larsen, David Wells and David Cone)."
  4. as promised http://www.wgrz.com/story/news/local/amherst/2014/05/18/ralph-wilson-awarded-top-ub-honor/9260163/
  5. for what it's worth.... Mary Wilson accepted UB’s Chancellor Charles P. Norton Medal on behalf of her late husband, Buffalo Bills owner Ralph Wilson Jr. at the UB graduation ceremony today. I saw this as i casually paid attention to the local news. Presenting the Medal was,,,,,, Jeremy Jacobs. Also, in her acceptance speech, obviously, she didn't address the ownership situation, but apparently did reference Ralph's love for the WNY area several times. I'll try to find a link for more info, but i thought it was interesting nonetheless.
  6. i know - why not Roswell??
  7. forgive my ignorance, but who is Chris Trapasso? reliable?
  8. hilarious. they were probably exchanging theories on the missing Malaysian plane.
  9. and he can add to that through the saints bounty program
  10. terrible news. RIP big SCTV fan here
  11. congrats to a great Buffalo Bill! long overdue
  12. did they play new stuff, or the "hits"?
  13. Browns Fire New Head Coach After Sixteen Hours On Job “It’s Simply Time For A New Direction” Says Cleveland G.M. http://profootballmo...teen-hours-job/
  14. He thinks there is a UFL franchise in the Congo.
  15. dont the Eagles still have Matt Barkley? I guess they don't consider him "competition"
  16. No, i'm too heavy.
  17. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/giants-39-kevin-gilbride-announces-232000807--nfl.html;_ylt=A0oG7uBeAMZSKDIAXGVXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTB0aWx1YWdzBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1ZJUDMzNF8x "“It’s hard to say, ‘It’s time,’” Gilbride said via the Giants' official website. "To finally do it, it’s a very unnatural feeling. I knew this was it and I was going to do it. I finally pulled the trigger. But it’s difficult.”
  18. I want my team to win every time. That means every scrimmage, every preseason game, every regular season game, and, assuming it happens again at some point, every post season game.
  19. couldnt stop read those thanks for sharing - i think
  20. Brain Pillman -esque
  21. NO Charges. watching the livestream, no link sorry
  22. It's nice when the you don't have to go past the first two sentences to determine whether you should read the entire article.
  23. Fan running on the field Is it that mayor?
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