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  1. Yes but it's not irrational. Judged against the best (patriots) they are utter garbage. You can sit here and go oh if only this and only that but championship franchises don't do that. It doesn't happen. Losing to the browns happens to teams like the bills. Paper tigers. This isnt about just this game. It's about all those years going all the way back to the merger. All that futility. Until either wins a championship they are garbage. So you think the patriots go oh he's a good guy or they were close? Hauschka missed that's a fact. He didn't get it done and hasn't been for a while, What exactly do you think Belichek would do? Exactly. The standard is a championship nothing less. Everything else is failure.
  2. Garbage. This team is mediocre at best. Hauschka is done might as well start looking now. I don't know who sucks worse the bills or the sabres. bills o is garbage. d is garbage. I hope daboll moves on or gets fired. Another soul crushing loss. I wish I was born in Boston. You have 0 wins over anybody that has more than 2 wins. Plus you just lost to the browns. That is the definition of pathetic. Gonna follow that with a blowout loss to the dolphins. Typical buffalo. What can go wrong will go wrong times ten. Just so frustrated. They should of just moved both franchises what's the point.
  3. interesting thought. is he up to the job? is continuity more important for 17? we've seen the results of changing offensive coordinators on young qbs. How much does the lack of talent on offense affect how effective 17 can be? It was nice while it lasted but now that they've been exposed as a fraud what are the realistic expectations for the rest of the season? At what point do you decide if 17 is the guy. 17 games but you want to know before the end of that rookie contract. Also you don't want to pass up another mahomes or watson if they are there in the draft by being too attached to your own pick.
  4. depend. this wr corp scares nobody. more of a concern is how the d was exposed against miami and now the eagles. no pressure. wentz had all day. if you believe this team is an elite wr away from a playoff spot yes. Personally i think the 5-1 record now 5-2 is built on wins against pillow soft opponents. No wins against quality opposition. This might be the beginning of the end. 6-10 7-9. Sounds familiar. D didn't make plays when it had to neither did the offense. This is a very mediocre offense. Yes its in the middle of a rebuild devoid of elite talent. MIght be 2 drafts and offseasons before realistically contending
  5. he's old for a running back BUT he's never played American football. he hasn't had all the wear and tear the body takes playing through highschool, college etc. also, this guy is an elite rugby player. he is an elite athlete. he may not have known what to do after he scored but flip it around and im sure almost every player on both sides would be just as clueless if they were playing rugby. all I know is I saw a guy take off like he was shot out of a cannon after he made that cut.
  6. i think it was mostly out of the fear that 17 would get hurt again behind that porous line. At least that was my own reasoning. At least this last game he was trying to be smart and not take those big shots when running. Actually at this point I would rather see him run because it seems he takes bigger shots in the pocket. I can't wait to see what he becomes once they overhaul the offense and its not all on him.
  7. 5-12? I honestly feel that's super optimistic. At this point I can't imagine them having a lead in a game let alone being competitive. I honestly think they are the new browns. 0-16 for 2018. 1-15 2019. Does Allen survive that? Maybe not and you're looking at drafting a qb in 2020. Watching the past 2 games has been sheer torture. They just simply are that bad. The lack of talent and sheer incompetence makes it like going to the dentist. Im dreading this sunday but i know ill watch. Ill watch because im a fan in the way that only buffalo fans can understand. which is why this season is so much of a bummer. i dont trust beane to get this right. lotuleilei, murphy, benjamin etc etc. are just invisible except for the paychecks they collect. these are his guys. he went and got them and they might as well be orange cones. oh well at least i can look forward to skinner and dahlin.
  8. It's time to panic if you were expecting anything more than what you saw from the 1st team in the preseason. This isn't just a one off poor performance. After the Carolina game the 1st team on both sides looked challenged to say the least. At this point they will be lucky to win even one game. They could possibly set some dubious records this season. I don't see them being even competitive in any game this year. Brings back bad memories from the 80's. At this point why not bring in Kap? This season is a slow motion train wreck. Just find something better to do on Sunday and look forward to the 1st pick and getting out of cap jail. No amount of coaching and scheming will make up for how little NFL talent is on the roster right now. The only perplexing thing is the D. The offense ya we all expected them to be this bad but the D? They're getting gashed for over 10 a pop. So getting back to the subject ya why not?
  9. Being the BIlls doing Billsie kinds of things likiing choking on Thursday night I would say ya they're toast. Now if they were any other team except Cleveland I'd say ya lets forget that last game and move on boys....but being a Buffalo team this is where they just go into that yearly nosedive. 7-9.........again. Sabres......lottery.......again. Personally with all the losiing I'm kinda numb to it now. I don't cheer nor do I get mad. I just sit there and watch. I kind of just gave up. I still care but without any expectations except for both teams to do typical Buffalo things......lose......a lot....in the most exquisitely cruel ways. In fact most of the time when I watch I just feel sad........like I know neither of these teams are going to win a championship before i die or maybe ever.
  10. Im in what they call north county which comprises oceanside, vista, san marcos. People here are stunned, sad, mad.... etc. Feel really bad for all Charger fans.
  11. It wasn't just that he deliberately launched himself at carpenter's knees but the fact that afterwards he walked away all smug and did that little shrug like he had zero respect for another player.
  12. EJ is not the answer. Ya he led a comeback but his positively abysmal play created the situation in the first place. EJ is a good guy but he does not possess the tools to succeed in the NFL. All I kept thinking was "hospitality tent" He does not sense pressure. He is completely inaccurate. What about that worm burner he threw to Shady I think on that swing pass. Good franchises don't draft like this nor do they hold on to their mistakes like this. Although Mr Pegula has his heart in the right place hes making the same mistakes he made with the Sabres. He should of cleaned house from top to bottom. He should of hired a football czar to oversee football ops like many of us hoped. At some point Whaley has to be accountable for this mess. Yes hes brought in good talent BUT he drafted and held on to EJ. He wasted 1st round picks to move up to draft an injury prone receiver. He has made critical mistakes that have cost this team dearly in the win loss column. This franchise is a mess why wait around to start fixing it.
  13. Vista, CA which is north county san diego. Talked to a lot of Chargers fans. I just feel for them. They all tell me how much it would just break their hearts to see the Bolts leave town. If the bills or sabres aren't on i'll watch the bolts. The whole situation just sucks for these fans.
  14. I live in vista which is north san diego county. All I can say is thank you to all the people involved who put up so many obstacles to our team leaving town and thank you to the Pegulas for what they've done. The fear here is palpable and there is a bit of a sense of resignation. I know from living here that fans love their Chargers and it is heartbreaking to see this process unfold. At the same time I'm so happy that it wasn't the Bills. Speaking for myself, I can't tell you how wonderful it is to just talk about football for once. For the longest time this black cloud hung over our franchise and any discussion I had with other fans. i'm just going to enjoy this season and the seasons to come for both the Sabres and the Bills because you don't really appreciate the things you have until they're almost taken away.
  15. All I need to see are those catches he made at critical moments in the game. He came through for his team in the big moments. I would make the trade again in a heartbeat. Talent like that only comes along once every so often.
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