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Everything posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. let's just say that self-deportation, "I'll defund Planned Parenthood", "I'll appoint Supreme Court judges that will overturn Roe vs Wade", the 47% video, and probably 20 other philosophical platforms obliterate things like "you didn't build that", enemic economic growth, Solyndra, and promises to raise tax rates for incomes over $250K by 2% with all due respect; birth certificates, Jeremiah Wright, college transcripts, Fast & Furious, and "I'll have more flexibility after the election" don't freaking matter Mr Trump
  2. ya who knows especially if there was lots of replying to the same message, with the whole tail, that would add up. Still, it's a lot!
  3. yes, that's exactly what I was saying, that she was well known as the General's biographer, I doubt if more than a handful of people knew about the affair, but just a guess. for sure, kelley has all kinds of skeletons in her drive-in closet I'm trying to get my head around how General Allen and Jill Kelley managed to exchange 20-30K pages of emails in 2 years? Who does that?
  4. of those I read, maybe 3-4, this one gave details not included in others. About the Libyan machine guns (detail about trying to commandeer them and when that happened), the mortars not being lasered (I read the opposite in all the other articles), and the drone never seeing the mortars. quotes like this: this a commander speaking... hey, maybe other articles did as good, maybe even better. Got any links? Like I asked before, has something come out since this that changes things?
  5. I read an article about that as well. Its going to be interesting to if she got access on her own because everyone knew she was close (as his biographer) to the General. I'm not saying he was involved in any way, I could just imagine that doors would open for her quite easily, that might otherwise require more need-to-know.
  6. not relevant, something has superseded it? it's the best timeline I've seen to date.
  7. maybe it's just me, but the most important thing in what went down on 9/11/2012 is NOT what the WH knew and when they knew it, nor is it why they blamed a YouTube video for 2 days or 2 weeks. It's interesting, but does little to help prevent a reccurence. It's the job of the state department, in conjunction with the DOD and our national security organization. Yes, the POTUS is ultimately responsible, but there's so many professionals below him that have direct responsibility. To you, it's all about how this investigation can place the blame on the WH, embarrass them, and why isn't this happening as fast and as furious as you would like it. Here's the time line that counts. Sorry, no WH or CIA conspiracy found...
  8. First off, General Petraeus will testify David Ignatius is one of my favorite opinion writers for WaPo. He knows foreign policy, shows very little partisanship, and his contact network is pretty amazing. Today's OpEd says a lot about what went down in Benghazi. The CIA were the go-to when the sh*t hit the fan and he does a good job of explaining why. Of course mistakes were made, like depending on the Libyan militia, and not providing sufficient security at the consulate, but his point is that somewhere along the way, the CIA mission shift from intelligence gathering to one of mostly paramilitary activities, ultimately hampered our ability to learn what was happening before and during the attack.
  9. I agree, you're not automatically racist if you oppose the so-called takers. I think the real issue is how many or what % of the us adult, working age population really wants the gov't to give them stuff, other than SS and Medicare, roads, schools, firemen, military, that sorta thing. Is it 47-50% or more, or maybe 20-30%, I don't know. It also seems to that a lot of people on public assistance (food stamps, fuel assistance, welfare, any and all that) would rather work than get by on a minimum, have to deal with all the bureaucracy, and would much rather work an honest job. Again, is that 50% that would work if there was a job, less? idk.
  10. My original point was that the conservative media, the campaign and the candidate, to some degree, had an effect on reinforcing those stereotypes. Clearly those comments like I used as examples, just like the leftist media, weren't entirely to blame. I also didn't mean that "you didn't build that" was the sole counterbalance; just an example how context works both ways, on both sides. IMO, I don't think every supposed journalist and anchor believed the 47% was taken out of context. Romney and his campaign didn't help the situation by first saying it was "not elegantly stated", and then saying he was "completely wrong," but that's a different topic. As long as you keep talking about the welfare state mentality, why the media is the real culprit, and the like, there's no prayer that a conservative will win the White House, because you'll lose the minorities, as well as most young people and women. The social conservative purity requirement is also a huge factor. FWIW, prescreening every word isn't the answer either. Reaching out with sensible policies (e.g. pathways to citizenship for some illegal immigrants, tolerance for gay marriage, etc.) and messages make all the difference.
  11. ok, you win, that's not cool. Strike that quote. There's so many more that I didn't include. Here's one by the great Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, not really referring to politics: "face reality as it is, not as it was, or as you wish it to be"
  12. never saw that commercial, if you google "you didn't build that" and "it sounds even worse in context" there are zero hits. Every ad or conservative pundit I heard stopped at the "didn't build it" or glossed over the context. So maybe there was such an ad, but I'm betting that most took "you didn't build that" on it's own. Not that it matters all that much, but that particular speech, from the beginning of "You didn’t get there on your own" to "You’re not on your own, we’re in this together." took close to 1:45. You're saying that whole thing was put into an ad? I have trouble with that, but I don't know what you watched.
  13. I never said or inferred that we can't have a discussion about anything. My point was you can't blame it all on the media, these were actual quotes and they had an negative effect on voters. If you believe that it's all the fault of the MSM for reporting it in a biased way, you'll never be able to reach minorities, young people or women to vote your way. The message and policies (and perhaps the messengers) have to change. Don't give the biased liberal media ammo to use against you, or at least give them less of it.
  14. no, because the quote was taken out of context, and was very successful in energizing the republican base. I'm just saying just because something is taken out of context, don't discount the impact it can have on the electorate.
  15. I think you and I are talking about different contexts. In my case, Obama was talking about government-funded research, infrastructure, and education that comprise our great country. That entrepreneurship, combined with government help makes the difference, not just individual initiative.
  16. Rush Beck Romney campaign Romney about very poor Romney about hurricane Romney about dying without insurance Romney about middle class income levels Romney about Mexican heritage Romney about foreclosure I know context should matter a lot, but consider "you didn't build that" It was all about context and the Romney campaign made it their mantra for the convention. This discussion is about how stereotypes and perceptions affected the outcome of the election, not whether Rush Limbaugh was actually ranting with dripping sarcasm. People interpret that stuff, with and without the MSM commentary.
  17. I'm gonna preface this by saying, IMO, the stereotypes of conservatives are not limited to racism, but include hard stances on immigration, abortion, gay marriage, helping the poor (via gov't programs), education, etc. Rush Limbaugh, commenting on a black student beating up a white student on a school bus: “I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.” Glen Beck: “America’s border crisis. Rape, drugs, kidnapping, even murder. It is beginning to look a lot more like a border war…. Every single illegal immigrant is guilty of a crime, every single one…. Every undocumented worker is an illegal immigrant, a criminal and a drain on our dwindling resources.” The Romney Campaign after he told Dick Gregory that one of the goals of his healthcare plan is to make sure that those with preexisting conditions can get coverage: “Governor Romney will ensure that discrimination against individuals with preexisting conditions who maintain continuous coverage is prohibited.” Mitt Romney, on a host of subjects: "I'm not concerned about the very poor." "Go home and call 211." - to a Louisiana woman whose home was destroyed by Hurricane Isaac “We don't have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don't have insurance.” “Middle income is $200,000 to $250,000 and less." "My dad, as you probably know, was the governor of Michigan and was the head of a car company. But he was born in Mexico... and had he been born of, uh, Mexican parents, I'd have a better shot at winning this. … It would be helpful to be Latino” “Don’t try to stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom.” rather than pick apart these quotes, please remember it's all about perceptions...
  18. did the conservative media, the campaign, and the candidate influence those minorities, and in some cases reflect those stereotypes a wee bit?
  19. agreed that the timing is suspect, but look at it another way. How long, from the time an FBI agent looked at 1 of the emails sent to this other woman, realized it was sent from the General's account, got access to that account, and read the other emails detailing their affair? Less than an hour I'm guessing. From there, it was all about how much top secret info was compromised and that could have taken a few days. We're not talking about rocket science here. EDIT: I was wrong on the 2nd part, the investigation had been ongoing for months, due diligence no doubt This article also points out that it all came out on Election Night, and the President was told on Thursday. Yeah, it was all carefully designed to avoid embarrassing the sitting President. Maybe, maybe not.
  20. You can call it gloating, but the OC has been bloviating and wasting megabytes for years now. He knows all about this or that, and why everyone else (who has a different view) is not just wrong, but scum. It's only fitting that he was taken down hard.
  21. there's another woman, supposedly close to the General. Broadwell sent her threatening emails, the FBI got involved. Traced them to the General's personal Gmail account, saw sexual email, figured out the affair. link
  22. the 47% video aside, all of those things wouldn't have brought home the election. Romney and the GOP marginalized (and scared the living sh***t out of) every single minority, as well as many women, combined with superior campaign and GOTV strategies, the dems were successful. The hated MSM didn't win the election for Obama; the campaign and the party lost it for Romney.
  23. Politico article on ORCA, pretty much backs up the other guy...
  24. correction, the TT is a chick magnet car, trust me
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