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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. Where the heck do you find this info!? I don't see anything on this board about it, and don't know.
  2. To not give Edwards a chance to start at quarterback to end this season makes no sense. He looked like a pro bowl caliber quarterback early last season. And then, that's it? With the state of the line, the injuries on the team, and the instability of the coaching staff, how can anyone say, "We've seen enough"? Good quarterbacks are not easy to come by; we've been looking for well over a decade. You gotta give Edwards a chance, this year, as the line is coming around, looked better, and the defense, albeit still giving up some big runs, is playing very well. Trent Edwards deserves a chance to establish himself as the team's leader the next three weeks. Foolish if the Bills do not do this. People on this board can say what they want, but I do not think this team is that far away, but, instead, needs a few key components. But we need a quarterback now, and Edwards may be the one. Maybe not. But you have to see.
  3. Of course, the feeds will still be available. The Internet will continue to have these broadcasts, as there is a demand. Nothing much that Congress can do to stop it, so don't alarm everyone.
  4. I don't think he will bash the Bills. The fans treat him very well, and I think with some winning he would really like it here, would finish his career here. Terrell Owens has had an 'off' season, but who hasn't on this offense, with this unstable offensive line? He is one of the best players on this team, so I can't understand why people want him to go away. Probabaly the same people who wanted Losman out of her, and Edwards, and ...
  5. Am I reading this wrong? You think Campbell, Plummer, Johnson,and Vick are quarterbacks that may be good for the Bills? It's long, I read the second half, so is that sarcasm or something there, instead?
  6. It is is ridiculous that they fine him for such a harmless antic. Did you see it? No big deal, just a bit of a goofball. He isn't stealing, beating, abusing, drinking, fighting... The fines make him more legitimate, in my view, than before, and diminish the perception of the league's front office. Again, did you see the sombrero thing? It was nothing; harmed no one, diminished no one, got in no one's way, sort of like the other things he does. No big deal.
  7. !! Come on! I was a supporter of his, think he was trashed here, never had a chance, like Edwards may never have a chance. (We need an owner next time who does not listen to the masses, and does smart things with his team...) BUT, Losman was undermined, run out of town, his career almost over, his confidence eradicated. You want to bring him back for more!! While I agree with your definition of him to some degree, there is no way this guy could play here again, not with these, increasingly, Philadelphia-like fans. As Marv Levy said about Todd Collins, as he left the Bills, his "confidence is shattered" here. Wish him luck--and a good year next year in the NFL, as maybe that will stop the yahoos from doing the same thing to Edwards next year.
  8. There you go, the kind of 'logic', knee jerk bs, that I mean: "he is a coward"!! Edwards stands behind one of the worst offensive lines this team has had, the most inexperienced, stands in there time and time again, knowing he is going to be wrecked. That is the antithesis of cowardice. But the irrational fans seem to running the team, not the irrational TO, so I assume the Bills will side with them and keep playing muscal quarterbacks. It is the same kind of mentality that ran Todd Collins out of town, when we had our qb of the future right here years ago. Here we go again...
  9. We need to see if he has anything to offer the Bills. Trent Edwards has looked good at times, but has had the most inexperienced offensive line in the league, and one of the most injured, a change of offensive coordinators right before the season began, and poor coaching throughout his tenure here. Before we toss him aside, yet another quarterback, we need to see if he has anything. Some hall of fame quarterbacks, who didn't get their legs completely under them for several years, would have been disgarded if the mentality of some on this board had prevailed.
  10. I have said it before, will say it again. Getting rid of Todd Collins was the biggest mistake the Bills have made since I became a fan in 1977. He looked great his second year, in his three relief appearances, one of the most poised young quarterbacks I had seen in a long time. He never had a chance to succeeed in his first year as a starter, with Dan Henning (?) pulling the strings. Look at the long line of poor quarterbacks we have had since, almost all, in my view, without starting quarterback credentials. Todd Collins is very accurate, extremely intelligent, and an excellent leader. He should have been the Washington starter the last few years, is far superior to Campbell, in my view. In the only time that Snyder's Skins have showed a spark of greatness, Collins was the quarterback, the only time they have looked like a contender. I haven't seen any Redskins games this year, don't know much about them, but if they have decent talent, Collins may end up saving Jim Zorn's job, and the Redskins's season. Yes, he's older, but I still think he has the talent. So, it kind of worries me now when I hear the same kind of 'throw the bum' out talk about Trent Edwards. He has potential to be very good, maybe the first viable (and winning) franchise quarterback since Collins left.
  11. !!!!! Are you kidding??
  12. Yeah, makes a lot of sense..... Trade away one of the best, if not the best, player on our team! Can anyone possibly think that this is a possibility!?
  13. GREAT, thanks, as I don't feel like going to a bar.. I just checked this site and most of the games are streaming. But is this site pretty reliable usually?
  14. Any way to get this on the net?
  15. But sport bars will be showing it, right??????
  16. Just went to record it and it isn't on the schedule at 4!!! On Fox, right? Mistake??? Someone, please let me know!! I am really pissed off!
  17. This didn't pop up for a few minutes, thought it didn't take..
  18. Ridiculous comment, ultra negative, as if it is inevitable they will lose against an inferior team, and at home, tomorrow. I am not saying that a win against Tampa is a sure thing, but after seeing what this team looked like last week not being hopeful for a good season, maybe a great one, is illogical. Fans should be objective, but what the fluck were some people on this board watching last week???
  19. Reed, Hull, and Tasker SHOULD all be in the Hall of Fame and for the same reasons: --They were each consistently great players, not good ones, for an extended period of time. --All were vital components of one of the most dominant teams in NFL history that played in four consecutive Super Bowls. --Each was one of the best at his respective position in the history of the game--and that is what the Pro Football Hall of Fame is all about. I believe that only 1 will make it this year but that all three will be in within five years.
  20. Thanks, that's great news--hope we can then get the games that don't sell out in the coming years.
  21. Thanks. Time warner still has it listed on the schedule but I think you are right.
  22. I can't seem to find out this information--anyone know??
  23. It seems that they rarely throw to Parish short, usually the long, low percentage throws. He couild be a Bebe like player, or better, but they need to be more logical in how they use him. This offense could be very good this year; it would be a bad move to get rid of a potential weapon--and the best punt returner in the league.
  24. Why do you say that? I just read it and don't know what you mean.
  25. Dazed and confused, indeed! One of the funkiest 'sentences' I have ever read. Mind if I send it into one of those 'worst sentences' contests? We'll split the winnings! Smoke another one, Dazed, it's Friday. Go McCargo; if players like he and Ellis have good years, it could make for a very interesting season...
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