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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. Yes, even diehard supporters of the Pegulas, and the way things are being run, need to be shocked by what transpired at today's press conference. The lack of accountability, honesty, factual presentation of what has occurred, and the completely dysfunctional nature of how decisions are being made was shocking. And, keep in mind, the Bills were clearly trying to present things in the best light. (Can you imagine what is actually happening behind the scenes?) The Bills, and it is crystal clear now, need new leadership, someone brought in with knowledge and experience, to take over the football operations. And not next year, this year, now. If not, it seems impossible for the Bills to get on track. No way can a championship team ever come from the mess that revealed itself at today's press conference. Very discouraging.
  2. Too bad EJ didn't work out, that he was not a better quarterback. Good guy, good for the area, but cannot throw the football where it needs to be thrown. Today, he looked as bad as he ever has, clearly having regressed this year, with almost no glimpse of quality play. (I was happy on the few balls that were actually in the general vicinity..) If today was any indication, he may not get another look in the NFL. But he is young, rich, and I am sure being an NFL quarterback looks good on a resume. Painful to watch today, though, thought he would show other teams something. But nothing there.
  3. But the Bills finally have a good offensive line. To get rid of a great player for an unknown, the draft pick, does not make sense. If Kujo works out then the Bills can move Glenn to right tackle possibly, or one may make a great guard. The offensive line is now the strength of the team, leading a great running attack. You don't all of the sudden roll the dice and play around with that success. The Bills will constantly experience mediocrity if they consistently diminish a strength for an unknown, a crap shoot, which, in the end, almost every draft pick is. The Bills should continue to strengthen their offensive line, not undermine it. I remember the same kinds of things being said about Marshawn Lynch when he was here, to get rid of him, get a draft pick, that we had a great running back in Jackson. I said on here at the time the trade was in the top two of the worst moves the Bills had ever made, that they got rid of their best player. This is not the well oiled machine that the Patriots are; you hold onto your best players or the Bills will constantly will be spinning their wheels, shooting craps. I felt the same way when the Bills got rid of Schwartz. Incredible hubris, stupidity too, to think your new unknown was going to do better than the top 5 defense the Bills had.
  4. Are people serious when they say this kind of thing? Trade away one of your best players for a pick that may mean nothing?? Crazy, illogical, the kind of thinking that would mean a team would almost never become championship caliber, constantly rolling the dice, taking ridiculous gambles devoid of logic. Get rid of a very high quality offensive lineman because another lineman shows some promise! Yikes.
  5. Seems like this happens sometimes. For example, Wade Phillips, former head coach of Denver, and now their offensive coordinator. (Assuming he was fired when he was the head coach there?)
  6. This guy is joking?? I would love it if I had time to see what kinds of things a person with this kind of analysis has supported and said on this board over the years. Can someone actually believe this, despite the lack of success the Bills have had since? Incomprehensible.
  7. He would bring in the best coaches, run a tight/organized/disciplined ship, and instill a winning attitude and culture into the Bills for the first time since.... Surely he would also choose a few of his former players as key position coaches. Just saying. Shoot, either one of the two presidential candidates would have been almost 80 near the end of their second term, running a country, and leading the free world. This is a just a little ol' football team, a game. I counted him as washed up when the Bills first hired him so I'll never discount what Marv can do to for a team.
  8. How so?? What he says overall seems pretty solid to me, and he often uses good facts to back himself up. But your comment lacks any back up, any support, so just appears you are shooting from the hip, flailing. Back yourself up..
  9. Hope, again. Good move to do it now and not wait.
  10. Thanks. And he also makes a clear, succinct argument as to why Taylor should be a Bill next year. I think I agree.
  11. What I said in response to another 'it's the players, not the coach' post on Monday: "But you make the point of so many who want a new coach, who want Ryan fired, in your own words that I have underlined above--that is the point, those things, over and over and over and others, again and again, a sure sign of a team that is undisciplined, unprepared, and so, week after week, and especially against well coached winning teams, are not able to win. "You can likely say the same thing about business, school, and most other 'teams'; it is the coaching, the leadership, that enables those miscues, the kind of things that you point to above, that undermine the potential." Well coached teams have players playing up to their potential on a much more consistent basis than poorly coached teams, and the players make fewer mental and physical errors. Like I said yesterday, the same is true in almost all other aspects of life: good leadership, good coaching, leads to teams moving toward their potential. Poor leadership and coaching leads to the underlined above, consistently.
  12. But you make the point of so many who want a new coach, who want Ryan fired, in your own words that I have underlined above--that is the point, those things, over and over and over and others, again and again, a sure sign of a team that is undisciplined, unprepared, and so, week after week, and especially against well coached winning teams, are not able to win. You can likely say the same thing about business, school, and most other 'teams'; it is the coaching, the leadership, that enables those miscues, the kind of things that you point to above, that undermine the potential.
  13. Done. But it should come today, and not next Monday. No hope with either Ryan brother on the coaching staff, let alone leading it. Today!
  14. Thank you, vp. And according to NFL.com as well, 19th in defense in yards per game. And ditto on The Football Database, 19th. Etcetera... Curious if this this guy is always like this? I am very longtime member but don't have the time to post a lot. Is he somehow just joking around or really that out of touch with reality? I called him out on a load of BS, inaccuracy, in his post, and then, in response, just keeps spewing out more. Pathetic.
  15. Is this guy always such a yahoo, dishonest, shmuck? Posts read like he is a 4th grade dropout in an asylum of some kind. Does he never back himself up with real facts, always lie, and always try to drag others down to his low low level? Shameful that someone like this can continue to post on this board.
  16. Is this guy always such a yahoo, dishonest, shmuck? Posts read like he is a 4th grade dropout in an asylum of some kind. Does he never back himself up with real facts, always lie, and always try to drag others down to his low low level? Shameful that someone like this can continue to post on this board.
  17. Wow, thought it was more than that. Two! Ryan is a horrible head coach, never beats the good coaches, the good teams. His (not for long) team is as undisciplined and unprepared on defense as he is. Adios, hopefully tomorrow, giving Lynn a quick shot for the last game, to see if can instill some discipline, organization, and identity in the (talented) hapless Bills defense. No suspense now; so, Monday. Please!
  18. Umm...NFL.com., Pro football Refererence, and, I assume, every other reliable source... So, that's it? That correct information was making my post "measurably false"? But I assume they fell a little further down in the rankings after yet another historic defensive collapse. Hopefully yesterday's defensive debacle erased any doubt by you, by all, at what needs to be done. Just like the #19, a huge decline from their 4th place ranking when ryan arrived, the evidence, the measurable facts, are overwhelming. It is right in front of our eyes, the reality.
  19. But all the evidence in my post was factual, to the best of my knowledge, and the analysis fits the data presented, refuting your assertions. "Measurably false" means that you have clear evidence of it being false, specific and factual things you can point to that refute my claims. What is that evidence--what was "measurably false"? Or, is that statement too just like the post I was commenting on, simply made up, based on nothing more than your own opinion, though stated as fact? If it is "measurably false", then please tell me and the others reading this what that measure is; point to the things in my post that are false and provide evidence as you explain why they are. (That is what I did as I explained the problems with your post.) Thank you.
  20. As clear, rational, and well supported as the post that I was responding to. Yikes.
  21. Let me say that I personally do not think the 2014 defense was 'great', and I was simply pointing to the faulty logic of the poster. But it is clear that Big Cat is just as illogical and that his lack of facts, and faulty analysis, is another example of those supporting Ryan not having much to back up their position. The 2014 defense was very good, consistent and, for most teams, posed significant problems on offense. They looked they were on the verge of greatness. But Big Cat bizarrely implies that that the 2014 defense was a fluke, a one year thing, and that it followed a "WAS BAD" defense the year before, 2013. But, like so much in the above post. the facts do not back up the analysis. The two years before Rex Ryan took over: The Bills were ranked 10th in defense in 2013 The Bills were ranked 4th in defense in 2014 Under Rex Ryan: In 2015, Ryan's first year they were ranked 15th This year, with two years under his belt, a fully implemented Ryan defense, and his brother as his assistant coach, the Bills are 19th So, the implications in his post are completely off--the defense has clearly declined, and clearly is worse this year than last, and dramatically less effective than in 2014, a shell of its former self. And 2014 was not a 'magical' fluke defense, but one improving on many positive things from the previous year, 2013, that was not the "BAD DEFENSE" Big Cat painted it as in order to support a failing coach. Hence, Ryan took a very good defense and has made it much worse; worse last year, and worse this year than last year. So much worse than when he arrived, a defense he said himself underperformed when it was 4th in the league. They are 19th this year, and regressing as the year progresses. Those defensive numbers are the facts. Pretty clear ones, I think, so bizarre how someone could just throw those out the window and come up with their own made up facts and the faulty analysis that almost always accompanies such bad information. I can only hope that those at One Bills Drive are using legitimate information and solid analysis of it to make this important decision. If so, Rex Ryan is done, and there is almost no gray area as to why this is needed.
  22. So, the fact that he fu***** up a "great D" is overridden, somehow, by the fact that the Bills have their own "#1 pick next year" in the draft and that other coaches were so bad that you yelled at the TV, but don't yell at Ryan? Zero, and I mean nothing at all, except the not yelling at the TV idea, to in any way back up "the team will improve with consistency". The Bills have been consistently weak, underachieving, so wouldn't we expect more of that , and more of Ryan fu***** up a "great D"? You want consistency like this? Makes no sense at all.
  23. The Bills are regressing, despite good talent, and show almost no signs of becoming a consistently solid team. They look they are in disarray, unprepared during the game as they bungle the basics in NFL team in game communication. They adjust very poorly, once again, in the second half of games, whether they are behind or in the lead. The Bills had an excellent defense just before Ryan took over, one the best in the league, and Ryan's coaching has made them a below average defense, inconsistent, with no real identity, and floundering, getting weaker and weaker, even more inconsistent, as the season progresses. That is coaching, almost always. I cannot imagine how any Bills fans would think bringing Rex Ryan back for more of the same is a viable option. The argument that 'continuity is needed"/"don't want to keep changing coaches"/"he deserves one more year, they're close" do not add up in any way. An unorganized, unprepared, inconsistent, regressing team is what we will continue to see as long as Ryan is the coach. He is lazy, likely incompetent, and the Bills defense is looking more and more like that of New Orleans the last few years, before the other Ryan was fired. Enough is enough. Ryan deserved to be fired last year, will be fired this year, no matter how the Bills finish. Happy New Year, Bills fans, as there can then be a little hope, again. There is none as long as Ryan is the head coach; crystal clear.
  24. A bunch of BS, no Bills in Syracuse! But thanks for the info.
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