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Mister Defense

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Everything posted by Mister Defense

  1. Come on, people need to be able to take a joke! The OP is clearly just messing around, trying to get a reaction. No one can be that ignorant, that stupid, to consider this a viable question.
  2. Thank you! A great idea, just what I was looking for.
  3. (In Syracuse area and no game shown; have Spectrum.) What about the ability to watch the game after it has aired somehow? As usual, I would not be able to watch the game in real time today, so cannot do so at a bar, would have taped it and watched. (Always make sure that I avoid all Bills and NFL score info until I watch, so plan to do this this time.) So, how can I watch the game on Monday, or even Tuesday, after the game? I assume it is easier at that point? I would prefer to not have to join anything, of course, but would pay definitely pay something to watch.) Thanks for any direct information on this.
  4. Whatever happens tomorrow, and for the rest of the year, a priority for the Bills next year will be a fast, powerhouse running back for this offense (and several more offensive weapons and lineman, of course). Shady is over 30 and, while he may have a good year left, the Bills cannot count on that. The new backs will learn from one of the best and Shady will likely become more productive for the rest of this year, as the offense improves, and next as well, with an improved offense, more weapons, and less reps. Shady will also likely become even more important as a receiver this year and next. This will prolong his career as a dynamic threat. But a great running back in the draft (or via free agency) will be essential next year, a priority--if the Bills know what they are doing..
  5. ??????????? You are writing a post suggesting you MAY have been wrong about this guy. You clearly were. BUT then say one of the most illogical mind bending things I have ever read on this board, " I still think he was not worth a top 10 draft pick " Last year: McCaffrey had over 1,000 yards rushing and receiving This year, his second year in the league: over 800 yards rushing (4.9 yards per rush) and 600 yards receiving. With five games left in the season. Your original post and prediction was awful yes, based on what looks like very little knowledge of this guy's college career. So, ignorance of the facts clearly shown then. But forgivable maybe. This post is much worse, showing much more ignorance than the original. One would think you would have known the facts, and understood them, before writing this laughable post. I'd hate to have a guy like this poster anywhere near my football team. Stating McCaffrey is not worth a top 10 draft pick in a post where he is saying he was wrong about him pre-draft!! Will you come back again in a few weeks, or early next year, and then tell us that you MAY have been wrong about the much more ridiculous statement in this post?
  6. No, I am excitedly nervous. Like little deformed one winged butterflies are flying around inside my stomach. I can't sleep, can't eat, and have been logged into Two Bills Drive for over a week now, without sleep. I think that I am slowly becoming nervously excited, and will let you know if that happens..
  7. Wow. How incompetent and arrogant is Gruden? What a tragic (if humorous) mistake by the Raiders. It may take them years to reach DelRio's 6 wins. And they are stuck with the guy, it seems, or lose @ $100 million.
  8. Ridiculous post, idea. Without some awful special teams plays yesterday the Bills beat yet another playoff bound team, and again on the road. Derek Anderson our starting quarterback!! Yikes. This is Josh Allen's team, not that of a washed up, never has been quarterback's.
  9. Come on! Alllen is one ultra bad sub away from being 3-2, against playoff bound teams. He is leading the team to wins, making plays, and learning on the run. Yup, not a pretty offense today. But Allen didn't make the big error, gave the Bills a chance; Bills should have won. No one thought this team was going to be good this year. They are, and Allen is clearly an important part of that. The Bills just need to find their legs on offense.
  10. Sticking with my 10-6 prediction before the season, and wild card berth, with a Super Bowl caliber defense showing itself, a potentially great quarterback who will get better and better, and an organization that hopefully is savvy enough to get some more offensive weapons THIS season, such as a few competent wide receivers. For me, it is this year, with the Bills the surprise of the league. But the front office needs to be active, not complacent. The time is now.
  11. 10-6 Yes, I am counting on Peterman's preseasons stats to hold up well during the regular season. If he does well, the Bills will do well and likely get another wild card game again.
  12. On the contrary-- Tasker is a sharp, precise, straight forward, pulls no punches commentator. He doesn't suffer fools easily and does not cow tow or grandstand. The same kind of qualities that made him a superb football player.
  13. Well, not from the Bills end, except that it even more than 2 first round picks, which I knew. It was the seminal moment, to me, in the Bills success.
  14. Didn't the Bills give up two first round picks to get Cornelius Bennett? How did that trade work out?
  15. This vote shouldn't even be close. Look at the current facts and what you have seen with your own eyes. Peterman has clearly and emphatically won this job. He will start. If not, that means that McDermott's "trust the process" cannot be trusted. The processes in place have revealed the starter. Clearly.
  16. Come on! To all of those saying or implying that the only reason Allen did not look good was because of the team around him.. Watch again--he looked like a rookie quarterback, and while the bad play around him was part, his bad play was part of the reason the team looked so bad. Shoot, Josh Allen may never be a high caliber starting quarterback, although he very well may. If Allen had the kind of camp and preseason games that Peterman has had, so many would be ecstatic, talking not only about the possibilities this year, but for the decade to come. We should embrace the quality of play of Peterman, as it gives us hope both short and long term. He looks like a pro bowl quarterback, at least in preseason--and that is what we have to go with now. How many times in the last few years have we seen the unexpected quarterback become the unexpected star quarterback? Why not Peterman?
  17. Heck no. Not ready to start, clearly. But I'm not on the same page as those who say to let Peterman take the lumps of playing behind this line/and let Peterman start and Allen will take over. I know it is only preseason, so things can change in the regular season, but Peterman hasn't just sort of won this battle by default--he has looked excellent in games and has seemed to do all the right things in practice as well. Peterman had only two years as a college starter and was dramatically better in his second season. Shows his ability to learn and improve. If he continues to improve at this rate, Allen will be sitting the bench for much longer than a few games.
  18. I agree with the comment in bold: people not watching the games, not closely following what is going on in the preseason work, not really knowing much, "would not agree that is obvious to start Peterman". It is because they don't really know what they are talking about, don't know the details. Think we should listen to these people?
  19. A bunch of irrational words with no evidence at all to back any of it up. Look at the stats, no contest, and what did you see with your own eyes? You have to back up this or it is only nonsense, babble. The dramatically better statistical and observational data indicate Peterman is much more prepared to lead the Bills to victories. Peterman starts.
  20. Several similar posts as this. Your eyes don't deceive you, Peterman definitely looks like a high caliber NFL starter. Yeah, may not hold up, but certainly looks consistent. And look at his college stats, especially how much better he was in his 2nd season as starter. If Peterman looks like this when he starts the season, which seems inevitable now, and continues on this path, Allen may not play this year, or next.. Go Peterman. If he is as good as he looks this is a playoff team this year.
  21. If you had the choice of Brady, "the best there's ever been", and Peyton Manning, why would you not take the best ever?
  22. Sounds like you are having a flashback to a personal experience. A high school dance, pal?
  23. More similar? In what ways? One places balls precisely, and one throws them in the vicinity. One leads a receiver, hits him stride, and one throws it somewhere in the vicinity. Yes, generalizing and exaggerating here, but almost nothing similar in their skill sets
  24. You can't fake what Mayfield did last night, as he showed the kind of accuracy that few players do. His ball placement reminded me of some of the best quarterbacks I have seen play, such as Kurt Warner, whose passes seemed to be just where they needed to be. This doesn't mean Mayfield will be a great quarterback, but he looked really good last night, preseason or not.
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